By date:  2937  Compressed poems
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2011-12-26 Along the crenels  
All along the watchtower (Bob Dylan), 1968
2012-03-13 There's a compass rose  
Blowin' in the wind (Bob Dylan), 1963
2013-07-29 There is a boulder  
In the middle of the road (Carlos Drummond de Andrade), 1928
2013-09-28 My index finger  
The child and me (Martinus Nijhoff), 1934
2013-09-30 Clothes being blown up  
Beyond the end (Gerrit Achterberg), 1931
2013-09-30 I dream in the swing  
Letter from board (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2013-10-03 That my sweetheart walks  
The ultimate second (Simon Vestdijk), 1942
2013-10-04 No one can describe  
About the woods at the Foot of the Highlands (Gerrit Krol), 1970
2013-10-04 I see what has been  
L... ... (Rutger Kopland), 1992
2013-10-10 People cherish all  
2013-10-12 A page, a glimmer  
Landscapes and other events (Gerrit Kouwenaar), 1974
2013-12-23 Closed shutters, it rains  
Before dawn - III (Martinus Nijhoff), 1936
2013-12-25 A beast is pushing  
The dancer (Martinus Nijhoff), 1924
2013-12-25 I'm watching the clouds  
The clouds (Martinus Nijhoff), 1924
2013-12-25 Heaven allures us  
The song of the foolish bees (Martinus Nijhoff), 1934
2013-12-25 After the high flight  
The song of the foolish bees (Martinus Nijhoff), 1934
2013-12-25 The children follow  
The hour H (Martinus Nijhoff), 1937
2013-12-25 The stranger looks hard  
The hour H (Martinus Nijhoff), 1937
2014-01-17 I have felt for snow  
when I wasn't doing this alone (Hans Lodeizen), 1948
2014-01-17 Over there: the end  
this morning the wind carries (Hans Lodeizen), 1948
2014-01-17 Sunday in the park  
On Sunday in the park (Hans Lodeizen), 1948
2014-01-17 After a long night  
how often (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-01-18 Things go orderly  
all those things happen and are (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-01-18 I have learned that life  
The evening in Central Park, New York - 3 (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-01-18 To burn my last year  
For a few hours (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-01-18 I wanted to be  
he who wanted the wind (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-01-18 The sun stopped snowing  
Without feet (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-01-18 I did love you, I  
Listen (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-01-18 An elevator  
I'm a mile further (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-01-19 Run, soundgazelle  
Vera Janacopoulos (Jan Engelman), 1930
2014-01-19 I weave loneliness  
I am the purest animal on earth (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-01-26 I cannot help it  
Maraton (Cor Vaandrager), 1990
2014-01-27 I keep my skin young  
Complaint from a collector (Cor Vaandrager), 1958
2014-01-30 About green I know  
Green (Simon Vinkenoog), 1985
2014-01-31 I climb the mountain  
2014-02-04 You are gone; poorly  
I'll come back to you (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-02-04 Our love palace, now  
Love affair (Hans Lodeizen), 1948
2014-02-04 The clouds heavily  
Leda, more lively posessed than nature (Paul Éluard), 1949
2014-02-04 My daughters, laughing  
What Leda didn't think of it (Paul Éluard), 1949
2014-02-10 The road has lost us  
The road (Eva Gerlach), 1998
2014-02-10 I'm angry, I go  
Angry (Eva Gerlach), 1998
2014-02-13 A flight of wild geese  
The attic window (Ida Gerhardt), 1945
2014-02-13 New Year's Eve: we face  
The abysses (Ida Gerhardt), 1955
2014-02-20 The harbour: the quays  
The harbour (Hans Andreus), 1952
2014-02-21 To be happy is  
St. Ives (Jules Deelder), 1969
2014-02-21 It's better to be  
Serious (Jules Deelder), 1970
2014-02-22 Tea and gruntsinging  
Higher and higher (Jules Deelder), 1970
2014-02-22 The cows are mooing  
Cows moo (Jules Deelder), 1980
2014-02-22 Eight pumps Premium  
Miracle Land (Jules Deelder), 1987
2014-02-22 Just five inches of  
Memorial (Jules Deelder), 2001
2014-02-23 There is a pond in  
The pond in the lake (Hans Faverey), 1983
2014-02-24 Only silence since  
there (Bert Schierbeek), 1972
2014-02-24 I write 'you', just look  
Petite suite for solo voice (Ellen Warmond), 1961
2014-02-25 Every week he cries  
The idiot in the bathtub (M. Vasalis), 1936
2014-02-25 The little donkey  
The little donkey (M. Vasalis), 1940
2014-02-25 The bus on the dike  
Enclosure Dam (M. Vasalis), 1940
2014-02-25 In a café, I'm   
Waiting in the morning (M. Vasalis), 1947
2014-02-25 The real pain only  
Whisper (M. Vasalis), 1954
2014-02-25 The dove: in the storm  
Pigeon (M. Vasalis), 1954
2014-02-25 In the morning wind  
Carillon (M. Vasalis), 1954
2014-02-25 My mother's necklace  
Mother (M. Vasalis), 1954
2014-02-25 Caress pier blocks blue  
Fragments - 1 (M. Vasalis), 1954
2014-02-25 The sweet curve, the dune  
From head to shoulder (M. Vasalis), 1954
2014-02-27 Horse songs are softer  
Taller than the horses (Jan Baeke), 1997
2014-03-05 If you understand  
To catch fish, you use bait (Zhuang Zhou), -300
2014-03-06 Divers in the Thames  
Into the water, into the water! (Anna Enquist), 1991
2014-03-06 I sold my body  
Thin transposition in the bathroom mirror (Anna Enquist), 1991
2014-03-07 I read a letter  
In the evening (Konstantinos Kaváfis), 1917
2014-03-07 Little light: just one  
For them to come -- [To call up the shades --] (Konstantinos Kaváfis), 1920
2014-03-12 The homeless won't build  
Autumn day (Rainer Maria Rilke), 1902
2014-03-12 Darling, where are you?  
Egidius Lament, 1400
2014-03-14 The wind blows away  
The pliancy of sadness - 2 (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2014-04-06 The double row of trees  
Countryside (Anna Enquist), 1996
2014-04-06 The ashes flare up  
Habanera (Anna Enquist), 1996
2014-04-18 Would God be jealous?  
God is indeed a jealous God (Emily Dickinson), 1886
2014-05-07 He still remembers  
He doesn't have a good memory (Ellen Deckwitz), 2014
2014-05-08 His memory keeps  
He doesn't have a good memory (Ellen Deckwitz), 2014
2014-05-17 Mother is gloomy  
Ironing - IV (Lieve van Impe), 2006
2014-05-25 With tea she brings up  
Starting point (Lernert Engelberts), 1997
2014-05-25 Funerals: I am  
Shards of glass in the sun (Herman de Coninck), 1982
2014-06-28 Made of cartilage  
Ostend (Hugo Claus), 1999
2014-06-28 I point to the moon  
Interview (Hugo Claus), 1999
2014-06-28 Yes, that's what dreams do  
Dreaming dreams (Judith Herzberg), 1999
2014-08-03 You stroke me, I am  
When you read me with light (Hanny Michaelis), 1971
2014-08-20 My sadness from then  
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand), 1943
2014-09-08 Holding mama's hand  
The suppressed glow (Hanny Michaelis), 1969
2014-11-05 Something shiny there  
How I picked up a star (Taruho Inagaki), 1923
2014-11-06 Candle fish, glowing  
Candle fish (Minako Oba), 1986
2014-11-12 Be no burden, dear  
I live without living in me (Teresa Sánchez de Cepeda y Ahumada), 1582
2014-11-14 The sunlight breaks through  
The sunlight breaks through (Inge Lievaart), 1988
2014-11-16 From paper, we fold  
Party before the party (Inge Lievaart), 1994
2014-11-18 When I looked inside  
Letter 129 (Vincent van Gogh), 1877
2014-11-20 We may not be big  
Treasure fleet (Jan Pieter Heije), 1847
2014-11-20 His car, his coat, and  
Shadow child (P.F. Thomése), 2003
2014-11-27 Innumerable  
Letter 252 (Vincent van Gogh), 1882
2014-11-28 The deeper colours  
Letter 260 (Vincent van Gogh), 1882
2014-11-28 Shadows slide along  
Letter 260 (Vincent van Gogh), 1882
2014-11-29 They banished him and  
Letter 358 (Vincent van Gogh), 1883
2014-11-29 Breitner's studio  
Letter 361 (Vincent van Gogh), 1883
2014-11-29 A dark flock of mud  
Letter 402 (Theo van Gogh), 1883
2014-11-29 Watch out for that man  
Letter 413 (Theo van Gogh), 1883
2014-11-29 Between the farmlands  
Letter 507 (Theo van Gogh), 1885
2014-11-29 Nothing but canvas  
Brieven 660 en 537 (Theo van Gogh), 1888
2014-11-30 I take it easy  
Letters 760 and 764 (Vincent van Gogh), 1889
2014-11-30 I am spurting out  
Letter 801 (Vincent van Gogh), 1889
2014-12-03 If I leave I'm gone  
Mexican loneliness (Jack Kerouac), 1960
2014-12-03 I held on to my  
Hymn (Jack Kerouac), 1960
2014-12-03 Just the autumn rains  
Long Island Chinese Poem Rain (Jack Kerouac), 1960
2014-12-03 Life is a pity  
He is your friend, let him dream (Jack Kerouac), 1971
2014-12-04 We went to the moon  
Interview, 1987
2014-12-04 I am quite common  
Lucien Midnight (Jack Kerouac), 1956
2014-12-04 On my desk, she lies  
Sleeping on my desk (Jack Kerouac), 1968
2014-12-04 The star-spattered sky  
Beautiful summer night (Jack Kerouac), 1968
2014-12-04 The cat does not move  
And the quiet cat (Jack Kerouac), 1968
2014-12-04 Your sad love letters  
Tablecloths (Jack Kerouac), 1952
2014-12-04 Everything For Me  
All is I want (Jack Kerouac), 1953
2014-12-04 New York, the people  
East River (Jack Kerouac), 1953
2014-12-05 My love does not need  
My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun (William Shakespeare), 1609
2014-12-05 Hanging in the air  
Photo of September 11th (Wislawa Szymborska), 2002
2014-12-06 Skin full of scratches  
Many times we have cleared the needle (Jotie T'Hooft), 1976
2014-12-08 There is happiness  
In the poem (Jotie T'Hooft), 1978
2014-12-09 All those stupid things  
At the table (Maartje Wortel), 2014
2014-12-15 Swimming in windows  
"San Francisco" sketch (Jack Kerouac), 1954
2015-01-05 My memories rush  
Rushing around the house (Ellen Deckwitz), 2011
2015-01-05 I had to kiss him  
But he wanted it so badly so I kissed him (Ellen Deckwitz), 2011
2015-01-06 Dreams are free of charge  
Here (Wislawa Szymborska), 2009
2015-02-01 Dad makes clouds, makes them  
the cloud collector (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 1998
2015-02-03 My brewbelly full  
of the sour angel and the angel of brewbelly the tyrant (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2005
2015-02-03 The harbour bell blocks  
Northern Docks (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2004
2015-02-03 I'm just pretending  
I hope you're doing badly (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2009
2015-02-04 A day without wine  
I went for a walk today (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2008
2015-02-05 Fighting is bending  
shiho nage cuts (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2008
2015-04-07 A small hatch opens  
Mist erases everything above the grassland (Ellen Deckwitz), 2012
2015-05-01 To see a daisy  
I believe in the world as in a daisy (Alberto Caeiro), 1914
2015-05-03 I see, hear, feel, smell  
I am a herd keeper (Alberto Caeiro), 1925
2015-05-03 Moon behind branches --  
The moonlight through the high branches (Alberto Caeiro), 1925
2015-05-04 I whisper your name  
The moon is high in the sky and it's spring (Alberto Caeiro), 1914
2015-05-04 It's the road before  
Beyond the turn in the road (Alberto Caeiro), 1914
2015-05-04 I do love flowers  
Someone who heard my verses, said to me: what is new with it? (Alberto Caeiro), 1918
2015-05-04 Before the sunrise  
The green of the blue sky before the sun is being born (Alberto Caeiro), 1919
2015-05-24 Thanks, tonight there is  
Mid-May, evening (Herman de Coninck), 1997
2015-05-24 The young ginkgo  
Mid-May, evening (Herman de Coninck), 1997
2015-06-11 Shame enfolds my Soul  
Shame is de shawl of Pink (Emily Dickinson), 1877
2015-06-19 In the maze city  
La Superba (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2013
2015-06-19 Life is good because  
La Superba (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2013
2015-06-19 In the golden dress  
La Superba (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2013
2015-06-20 This is what life is  
La Superba (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2013
2015-06-20 The broiling summer  
La Superba (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2013
2015-06-20 Beware, unratting  
La Superba (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2013
2015-06-20 Life is beautiful  
La Superba (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2013
2015-06-30 This ramp leads me to  
Strange (Thé Lau), 2006
2015-06-30 Beauty is yóur trump  
Poker (Tom Lanoye), 1990
2015-07-03 A door is opened  
Maritime Ode (Álvaro de Campos), 1915
2015-07-04 Reaching for your hand  
Spring poem - III (Rutger Kopland), 1968
2015-07-04 You burn my letters  
When de night comes falling from the sky (Bob Dylan), 1985
2015-07-05 With you on the heath  
No face, no hands (Rutger Kopland), 1978
2015-07-16 Like sweet words want to  
Poetry (Herman de Coninck), 1980
2015-07-16 Father, I did not  
I did not bury you, father (Lut de Block), 1984
2015-07-18 Not wanting to be  
The sisters (Simon Vestdijk), 1933
2015-07-19 Yet there are answers  
Blowin' in the wind (Bob Dylan), 1963
2015-07-19 I shall let you in  
Talkin' World War III blues (Bob Dylan), 1963
2015-07-19 Step aside! Don't speak  
The times they are a-changin' (Bob Dylan), 1964
2015-07-19 Nobody knows where  
The times they are a-changin (Bob Dylan), 1964
2015-07-19 Do not count the dead  
With God on our side (Bob Dylan), 1964
2015-07-19 Failures, more success  
Love minus zero / No limit (Bob Dylan), 1965
2015-08-10 The statues destroyed  
Ionic (Konstantinos Kaváfis), 1911
2015-08-10 So expectant and  
Mrs. Despina sees northern lights, 2008
2015-08-12 Poems are love songs  
Firebird (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2001
2015-08-12 The girl I follow  
Queen Hatshepsut (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2001
2015-08-17 To fascinate you  
Daughter of a rusting fairground attraction and a drama queen (Delphine Lecompte), 2012
2015-08-18 In the waiting room  
Everything is jolting and nothing is as it should be (Delphine Lecompte), 2012
2015-08-18 He becomes a she  
Butter for the woman who is sentenced to death (Delphine Lecompte), 2012
2015-09-13 Horizon, a pale  
Closure Dyke (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2015-09-13 We lay happily  
Balance (Gerrit Krol), 2005
2015-09-17 Travel like a tree  
Moving landscape (Hilde Domin), 1955
2015-09-18 Wherever I stay  
Apple-tree and olive-tree (Hilde Domin), 1955
2015-09-19 With scraps of paper  
How little use I am (Hilde Domin), 1957
2015-09-20 I already was  
Macabre race (Hilde Domin), 1953
2015-09-21 I need strange hard hands  
Hard strange hands (Hilde Domin), 1953
2015-09-21 My soul searches you  
Hard strange hands (Hilde Domin), 1953
2015-09-21 I weigh pleasures, tears  
Counterweight (Hilde Domin), 1953
2015-09-21 An egg in the tree  
Don't be afraid (Hilde Domin), 1953
2015-09-21 I am dizzy high  
Only a rose as a hold (Hilde Domin), 1959
2015-09-22 On my way to you  
Beyond the mountain (Hilde Domin), 1962
2015-09-22 A black word is quick  
Unstoppable (Hilde Domin), 1962
2015-09-22 Tender is the night  
Tender night (Hilde Domin), 1962
2015-09-23 Things just float over  
Wish (Hilde Domin), 1985
2015-11-27 My Christmas present  
Second Christmas without catapult (Delphine Lecompte), 2014
2015-12-02 Never pick up gold  
#104 - Sir Bumble and the Heads of Heads (Marten Toonder), 1963
2015-12-25 Isn't two too many?  
The neighbour (Han Voskuil), 2012
2015-12-26 The rooms have a smell  
Someone is missing here (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2015
2015-12-26 I feel a longing  
Maybe they knew everything (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2015
2015-12-26 The light keeps changing  
Maybe they knew everything (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2015
2015-12-26 Mother is crying  
Hollow enough to hide an echo (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2015
2016-01-03 In the compartment  
Reflections (Hans Tentije), 1999
2016-04-06 Daddy Daddy come  
The morning chatters (Mark van Tongele), 1994
2016-04-06 We are having fun  
A day as a discalced (Mark van Tongele), 1994
2016-04-09 While withy branches  
Bristol (John Betjeman), 1945
2016-04-13 I conceive the world  
Memento (Gerrit Krol), 1976
2016-04-13 New Year’s Eve: we laugh  
Last days (Marjoleine de Vos), 2013
2016-04-27 Over all the years  
Over the years (Hanny Michaelis), 1966
2016-06-14 My poem: finished?  
Ars poetica (Herman de Coninck), 1995
2016-07-29 Farewell, nevermore  
Nevermore (Ali Serik), 2011
2016-07-29 You see a flash and  
Descartes' grave - 2 (Jules Deelder), 2013
2016-08-08 I take the world, but  
Dalmatian journey - 3 (Sonja Prins), 1963
2016-08-27 Only in the stench  
Land of grace and sadness - 9 (Antjie Krog), 2000
2016-09-20 Between two faces  
The light (Elma van Haren), 2000
2016-09-27 In a flash I saw  
Falling (Esther Gerritsen), 2016
2016-09-30 His attention, caught  
Broken (Hagar Peeters), 2008
2016-10-01 It's only a game  
Rules of the game (Hagar Peeters)
2016-10-05 Adam had taught him  
Acquittal for Cain - the mother (Hester Knibbe), 2014
2016-10-23 I'm sad from the rain  
It rains a lot, it rains excessively... (Álvaro de Campos), 1914
2016-10-23 Oh, the city rush  
Oh, the first few minutes in the cafés of new cities! (Álvaro de Campos), 1914
2016-10-23 My soul longs to leave  
Maritime Ode (Álvaro de Campos), 1915
2016-10-24 Fresh are the mornings  
Maritime Ode (Álvaro de Campos), 1915
2016-10-24 On the pier, you see  
Maritime Ode (Álvaro de Campos), 1915
2016-10-24 Should I write verses  
Greeting Walt Whitman (Álvaro de Campos), 1915
2016-10-27 I'm not alone, you  
Love is a companion (Alberto Caeiro), 1930
2016-10-27 My biography  
If, after I die (Alberto Caeiro), 1915
2016-10-28 The sun and the moon  
I'm not in a hurry (Alberto Caeiro), 1919
2016-10-31 I write what I think  
I am a stern narrator (Ricardo Reis), 1932
2016-10-31 We just are stories  
Nothing remains of nothing (Ricardo Reis), 1932
2016-11-01 The scent of flowers  
#147 - Tom Puss and the Hoppers (Marten Toonder), 1974
2016-11-01 Not one map guides you  
#147 - Tom Puss and the Hoppers (Marten Toonder), 1974
2016-11-02 I've got everything  
#148 - Tom Puss and the ghost of Bumble Castle (Marten Toonder), 1975
2016-11-02 My therapist says  
#148 - Tom Puss and the ghost of Bumble Castle (Marten Toonder), 1975
2016-11-03 The revolving suns  
#149 - Tom Puss and the Kalifurr (Marten Toonder), 1975
2016-11-03 Quayed up besomstakes!  
#149 - Tom Puss and the Kalifurr (Marten Toonder), 1975
2016-11-04 For the Heads of Heads  
#104 - Sir Bumble and the Heads of Heads (Marten Toonder), 1963
2016-11-04 The Chiefhead of Heads  
#104 - Sir Bumble and the Heads of Heads (Marten Toonder), 1963
2016-11-04 A steel thinking-frame  
#104 - Sir Bumble and the Heads of Heads (Marten Toonder), 1963
2016-11-05 Turning a blind eye  
#105 - Tom Puss and the Overdoer (Marten Toonder), 1964
2016-11-05 Out of my kindness  
#105 - Tom Puss and the Overdoer (Marten Toonder), 1964
2016-11-06 Omens are not real  
#89 - Sir Bumble and the Chow Craps (Marten Toonder), 1960
2016-11-06 People who don't have  
#89 - Sir Bumble and the Chow Craps (Marten Toonder), 1960
2016-11-07 Scientist wish to  
#90 - Tom Puss and the Bumble Legend (Marten Toonder), 1960
2016-11-07 A deep thinker goes  
#90 - Tom Puss and the Bumble Legend (Marten Toonder), 1960
2016-11-08 Singing vialets!  
#91 - Tom Puss and the angry vialets (Marten Toonder), 1960
2016-11-08 Echo vialets  
#91 - Tom Puss and the angry vialets (Marten Toonder), 1960
2016-11-09 Common Ipocrites  
#172 - Sir Bumble and the Split (Marten Toonder), 1983
2016-11-09 It's with fair sharing  
#172 - Sir Bumble and the Split (Marten Toonder), 1983
2016-11-10 Travelling in all  
#173 - Sir Oliver and a Bomble-thing (Marten Toonder), 1983
2016-11-10 I sometimes receive  
#173 - Sir Oliver and a Bomble-thing (Marten Toonder), 1983
2016-11-12 It whooshes, a scrunch  
#44 - Tom Puss and The Guise (Marten Toonder), 1951
2016-11-12 A refined facet-  
#44 - Tom Puss and The Guise (Marten Toonder), 1951
2016-11-13 My beautiful view!  
#45 - Sir Bumble and the trick of the Snipme (Marten Toonder), 1951
2016-11-14 Poets arrange words  
#160 - Sir Bumble and the breakdownings (Marten Toonder), 1978
2016-11-14 I like to be able  
#160 - Sir Bumble and the breakdownings (Marten Toonder), 1978
2016-11-14 The past, the future  
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 180
2016-11-18 My hair blown apart  
Sweet speed (Abraham van Oosten), 1932
2016-11-19 Heads with a minus  
#102 - Tom Puss and the Toppl (Marten Toonder), 1963
2016-11-19 Contented people  
#102 - Tom Puss and the Toppl (Marten Toonder), 1963
2016-11-20 The world rotates, nights  
#103 - Tom Puss and the wild wagon (Marten Toonder), 1963
2016-11-20 A travel story  
#103 - Tom Puss and the wild wagon (Marten Toonder), 1963
2016-11-21 Depicting the Now  
#124 - Tom Puss and the Viridian-thing, 1968
2016-11-21 A height is a depth  
#103 - Tom Puss and the wild wagon (Marten Toonder), 1963
2016-11-22 A worm in my head  
#125 - Sir Bumble and the cavilworm (Marten Toonder), 1968
2016-11-24 Naivety with  
#139 - Sir Bumble and the lead-reformer (Marten Toonder), 1972
2016-11-25 The professor asks  
#140 - Sir Bumble and the vanishing point (Marten Toonder), 1972
2016-11-27 There's always something  
#168 - Sir Bumble makes complete / The completion (Marten Toonder), 1981
2016-11-27 It's about childhood  
#168 - Sir Bumble makes complete / The completion (Marten Toonder), 1981
2016-11-28 You choose what you do  
#169 - Sir Bumble and the Amnac (Marten Toonder), 1982
2016-11-29 Inhale the fumegus  
#165 - Sir Bumble and the fumegus (Marten Toonder), 1980
2016-11-29 I am old, I drink  
Forgotten field (Remco Campert), 2011
2016-11-30 My heart is so soft  
#174 - Sir Bumble and the selvedge (Marten Toonder), 1984
2016-11-30 Humans are so much  
#174 - Sir Bumble and the selvedge (Marten Toonder), 1984
2016-12-01 The rock bank hangs down  
The Fountainhead (Ayn Rand), 1943
2016-12-02 Blocks on the carpet  
Out of the picture (K. Schippers), 2014
2016-12-03 Beyond the ideas  
Quatrain "Beyond Islam and unbelief" (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2016-12-04 I do enjoy it  
There is a community of the spirit (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2016-12-05 If you want to eat  
#86 - Tom Puss and the silly larvae (Marten Toonder), 1959
2016-12-06 Lords used to wobble  
#88 - "Tom Puss and the gentlemen's rebellion (Marten Toonder), 1960
2016-12-07 Free time: the standard  
#108 - Sir Bumble and the killers (Marten Toonder), 1965
2016-12-07 Leisure is free time  
#108 - Sir Bumble and the killers (Marten Toonder), 1965
2016-12-08 She's upset: I didn't  
I went strolling with my beloved (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2016-12-09 My heart is so drunk  
It is the rule with drunkards (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2016-12-10 My darling kisses  
Last night my darling came to me (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2016-12-11 I want the honour  
#73 - Tom Puss and the split pea (Marten Toonder), 1957
2016-12-13 Laws are straight and right  
#74 - Sir Bumble and the Regarder (Marten Toonder), 1957
2016-12-14 Any thought to be  
#75 - Sir Bumble and the Black Slytherin (Marten Toonder), 1957
2016-12-15 Petrification  
#76 - Tom Puss and the Petrified leg-problem (Marten Toonder), 1957
2016-12-15 Self-help calendars  
#76 - Tom Puss and the Petrified leg-problem (Marten Toonder), 1957
2016-12-16 Fear lashes the blame  
#93 - Tom Puss and the face trade/ The Transpaster (Marten Toonder), 1961
2016-12-17 Saved stuff is a nest  
#94 - Sir Bumble and the dedusting (Marten Toonder), 1961
2016-12-18 What is good, what bad  
#118 - Tom Puss and the Moonhowlers (Marten Toonder), 1967
2016-12-18 A howling uproar  
#118 - Tom Puss and the Moonhowlers (Marten Toonder), 1967
2016-12-18 The Moonpeopleman  
#118 - Tom Puss and the Moonhowlers (Marten Toonder), 1967
2016-12-19 Towns are so tiresome  
#119 - Sir Bumble and the drudges (Marten Toonder), 1967
2016-12-20 The heroic deeds  
#120 - Sir Bumble and his heroic deeds (Marten Toonder), 1967
2016-12-21 Family needs to  
Family (Else-Marie van den Eerenbeemt), 2016
2016-12-23 The débuts, oh this  
To a beginning poet (Anthony Staring), 1827
2016-12-24 There is so much good  
#137 - Tom Puss and the slayer (Marten Toonder), 1972
2016-12-24 I can tell you though  
#137 - Tom Puss and the slayer (Marten Toonder), 1972
2016-12-25 Books are enriching  
#138 - Sir Bumble and the quips (Marten Toonder), 1972
2016-12-25 True, false, weak, and firm  
#138 - Sir Bumble and the quips (Marten Toonder), 1972
2016-12-25 Ah, an accident  
#138 - Sir Bumble and the quips (Marten Toonder), 1972
2016-12-26 Crisscrossclutterclouds  
#154 - Tom Puss and the forgetbooklet (Marten Toonder), 1976
2016-12-26 There is no hush-up  
#154 - Tom Puss and the forgetbooklet (Marten Toonder), 1976
2016-12-27 Seeing the full moon  
#155 - Sir Bumble and the sunny view (Marten Toonder), 1976
2016-12-28 Why am I at this  
#157 - Sir Bumble and the Great Receiver (Marten Toonder), 1977
2016-12-28 On wrong tracks we are  
#157 - Sir Bumble and the Great Receiver (Marten Toonder), 1977
2016-12-28 Good luck is often  
#157 - Sir Bumble and the Great Receiver (Marten Toonder), 1977
2016-12-29 Dreaming to be rich  
#166 - Sir Bumble and the minions (Marten Toonder), 1980
2016-12-30 World suffering rains  
#167 - Sir Bumble and the sorrysuffering (Marten Toonder), 1981
2016-12-30 Colourexplotracts  
#167 - Sir Bumble and the sorrysuffering (Marten Toonder), 1981
2016-12-31 Regret eats my heart  
#167 - Sir Bumble and the sorrysuffering (Marten Toonder), 1981
2016-12-31 To work! A pencil  
#167 - Sir Bumble and the sorrysuffering (Marten Toonder), 1981
2016-12-31 The first smashing blows  
#167 - Sir Bumble and the sorrysuffering (Marten Toonder), 1981
2017-01-03 The baby suckles  
Party (Joke van Leeuwen), 2016
2017-01-03 The uninvited  
Party (Joke van Leeuwen), 2016
2017-01-04 As you are present  
A poem in vain (Remco Campert), 1952
2017-01-04 My hammock hangs low  
Sunday (Remco Campert), 1959
2017-01-05 Today's new writing  
#51 - Sir Bumble and friend Foe (Marten Toonder), 1953
2017-01-05 Money no object?  
#51 - Sir Bumble and friend Foe (Marten Toonder), 1953
2017-01-05 Bombs are made of gold  
#51 - Sir Bumble and friend Foe (Marten Toonder), 1953
2017-01-05 I wanna go, come  
#51 - Sir Bumble and friend Foe (Marten Toonder), 1953
2017-01-25 Schwierig und einsam  
#110 - Sir Bumble and the Klipfish (Marten Toonder), 1965
2017-01-30 With a smile you say  
Having an affair (Tim Hofman), 2016
2017-06-17 If I could gull, I  
Gull (Georgina Verbaan), 2017
2017-06-18 My adopted crow  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2017-06-24 In love with the night  
On second thoughts (Han Voskuil), 1963
2017-06-30 I hardly dare to  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-06-30 I must be alone  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-01 To want what you do  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-01 When you embrace me  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-01 I want to see him  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-01 My life is at stake  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-02 A triangle love  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-02 At the train station  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-02 Uncovered by her  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-02 It is an insult  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-02 I am a doer  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-07-02 I do not dare yet  
Inside the skin (Han Voskuil), 2009
2017-08-25 Three months I've been back  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2005
2017-08-25 Remembered, the facts  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2005
2017-08-25 I'm nowhere really  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2005
2017-08-29 The winners just wait  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2005
2017-09-17 My town, the canals  
Eve of departure (Frida Vogels), 2006
2017-09-17 People walk along  
Sunday afternoon: a clear winter day (Frida Vogels), 2006
2017-11-02 And then it is time  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2007
2017-11-03 Only write the truth  
Max Havelaar (Multatuli), 1860
2017-11-06 The memorials  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2008
2017-11-08 The almond blossoms  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2008
2017-11-08 In vain, I embrace  
What did you do (Hanny Michaelis), 1962
2017-11-08 Your eyes, so mellow  
Years later (Hanny Michaelis), 1962
2017-11-08 The cat looks at me  
With Egyptian eyes (Hanny Michaelis), 1962
2017-12-05 Please, don't ring the bell  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2010
2017-12-05 Don't dream about me  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2010
2017-12-13 I have a cold, and  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2011
2017-12-13 Quarrels with father  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2011
2017-12-14 I endure the chill  
The love that snows on those who no longer ask for it (Frida Vogels), 2011
2017-12-15 Then I'll ask for it  
Diary 1972-1973 (Frida Vogels), 2012
2017-12-23 A lot of wisdom  
Interview with Renate Dorrestein, 2017
2017-12-28 The uncertainty  
Diary (Frida Vogels), 2014
2018-01-01 A stranger passed by  
Someone came among us (Frida Vogels), 2014
2018-01-02 A good intention  
Stop New Year's resolutions (Ellen Deckwitz), 2018
2018-01-29 Flowers may remain  
The sensitive postman (Denis Thériault), 2005
2018-01-30 I have never played  
The sea, the sea (Iris Murdoch), 1978
2018-02-07 Knowing the danger  
The Bible for unbelievers - The beginning, Genesis (Guus Kuijer), 2012
2018-03-03 People just suppose  
He doesn't have a good memory (Ellen Deckwitz), 2014
2018-03-03 The old, frayed hero  
He doesn't have a good memory (Ellen Deckwitz), 2014
2018-03-04 Reader, please love me  
of the sour angel and the angel of brewbelly the tyrant (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2005
2018-04-16 The whole wide country  
60,000 hours - an autobiography (Gerrit Krol), 1998
2018-04-16 Tropical plants, boiled  
60,000 hours - an autobiography (Gerrit Krol), 1998
2018-04-17 Been kept for years, as  
60,000 hours - an autobiography (Gerrit Krol), 1998
2018-04-17 The country: flare stacks  
60,000 hours - an autobiography (Gerrit Krol), 1998
2018-05-05 It's the love of men  
The Bible for unbelievers - The story of Abiga-il (Guus Kuijer), 2015
2018-05-06 All stories are true  
The Bible for unbelievers - The story of Abiga-il (Guus Kuijer), 2015
2018-05-16 To stay, with kisses  
Six years she learned what it was to stay (Herman de Coninck), 1988
2018-05-17 The house upside down  
Memories are the worst (Herman de Coninck), 1988
2018-05-17 Dad used to tickle  
1958 - 2, Only years later, I am twenty, may I know (Herman de Coninck), 1993
2018-05-17 Today I shall do  
- What are you going to do today? - Nothing (Herman de Coninck), 1993
2018-05-17 Women seduce men  
Girl (Herman de Coninck), 1993
2018-05-18 Not using the bike  
- What are you going to do today? - Nothing (Herman de Coninck), 1993
2018-05-18 I'm melancholy  
Leaving. And coming back (Herman de Coninck), 1979
2018-05-18 Poets must be dis  
Poetry is: being more discontented with good lines (Herman de Coninck), 1983
2018-05-18 We are as the beach  
Like the beach and the sea (Herman de Coninck), 1983
2018-05-18 You'll lose your spirit  
La Provinciale, Claude Goretta (Herman de Coninck), 1984
2018-05-19 Groping, of the wind  
The eroticism of erosion. The groping wind (Herman de Coninck), 1988
2018-05-20 A poet fiercely  
Poetry is: being more discontented with good lines (Herman de Coninck), 1983
2018-05-20 You keep coming back  
Leaving. And coming back (Herman de Coninck), 1979
2018-05-27 It is a hard world  
Profecy of the seeress, 1200
2018-06-04 Do you dare to shine  
A return to love (Marianne Williamson), 1992
2018-06-10 The frogs are croaking  
Seven little frogs (Jan Pieter Heije), 1843
2018-06-18 Office is a place  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 Splashing, destroying  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 The crow: greedily  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 You find your own laws  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 At regular times  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 Well, in the army  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 With the scouts I build  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 Farewell: we don't eat  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 Most murders, of course  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 I'm a bend, bending  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 Your plan says: turn left  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 People who prefer  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 Speaking comes down to  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-18 Old memories can't  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 The dike is sloping  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 The men know what to  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 Discontent: standing  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 The sun, a white wall  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 A man opens up  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 People jump around  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 The main street crosses  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 They don't see my work  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 The job does exist  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 Dissect a bud, see  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 Looking up, I find  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 Resigned: cut off  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 I viciously break  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 Curved, following  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-19 I'm not moving straight  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-20 Sea, delicate light  
The road to Sacramento (Gerrit Krol), 1977
2018-06-21 With my diploma  
The road to Sacramento (Gerrit Krol), 1977
2018-06-21 The wasps' nest is soft  
The road to Sacramento (Gerrit Krol), 1977
2018-06-21 Nice weekend: lonely  
The road to Sacramento (Gerrit Krol), 1977
2018-06-21 Words are beautiful  
The road to Sacramento (Gerrit Krol), 1977
2018-06-21 The summary is  
The road to Sacramento (Gerrit Krol), 1977
2018-06-21 A long-term illness  
The road to Sacramento (Gerrit Krol), 1977
2018-06-21 What I think, I don't  
The road to Sacramento (Gerrit Krol), 1977
2018-06-21 Enjoyment, resigned  
To grow old, to desire nothing more (Willem Frederik Hermans), 1944
2018-06-23 Without a woman  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2018-06-25 My poetry rose  
Ghazal 981 - Fresh every day (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2018-06-25 This hour and this day  
A place to love (Toon Hermans), 1967
2018-06-26 We, humans, are arks  
Ghazal 1674 - Through the eye of the needle (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2018-09-05 It's always like this  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-06 Smoking cautiously  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-06 That's how the world turns  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-06 The brands are today's  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-06 Mixed from the low clouds  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-07 Parties mean nothing  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-08 Usually it goes  
Darker birds (Ellen Deckwitz), 2018
2018-09-15 He found the secret  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-15 The light on the plan  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-15 My line!, the man shouts  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-15 Describing facts is  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-15 I perceive the weight  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-16 The rain is icy  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-16 We're crossing the bridge  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-16 Laws must be useful  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-16 It was our promise  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-17 Thinking that thinking  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-17 A man simply wants  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-17 Luxury is fine  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-17 Power makes the laws  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-18 In sex you reveal  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-19 Do we choose to give  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-19 His eyes are shining  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-19 The dollar sign stands  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-19 He straightens his back  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-20 Why do I call it  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-20 The real special thing  
Atlas shrugged (Ayn Rand), 1957
2018-09-27 Why does it happen  
Ghazal 2760 - Water of life (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2018-09-27 My body welcomes  
A house of coming and going (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2018-09-27 Masculinity  
Ghazal 843 - Born out of love (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2018-09-27 People who want all  
Ghazal 323 - The moon smiles upon you (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2018-09-27 She is a vixen  
The red-lit Amsterdam night (Andreas Burnier), 1965
2018-09-27 My story is nice  
A happy smile (Andreas Burnier), 1965
2018-09-28 Knowledge is bounded  
A happy smile (Andreas Burnier), 1965
2018-10-02 I must be chosen  
A happy smile (Andreas Burnier), 1965
2018-10-03 The city reflects  
The city sneaks through foggy twilight (Andreas Burnier), 1965
2018-10-03 My heart, aimlessly  
The city sneaks through foggy twilight (Andreas Burnier), 1965
2018-10-03 A threethinker thinks  
A happy smile (Andreas Burnier), 1965
2018-10-05 Sometimes you have to  
How everything had to begin (Thomas Verbogt), 2017
2018-10-07 Burnt in his best suit  
Back (Eva Gerlach), 2003
2018-10-08 I'm ashamed, you can  
bride (Radna Fabias), 2018
2018-10-09 Counting down how much  
Count down (Ellen Deckwitz), 2018
2018-10-10 I want to sleep, but  
Don Juan and the last Nymph (Hubert Lampo), 1943
2018-10-10 I've achieved something  
The desire (Ellen Deckwitz), 2018
2018-10-17 The room is empty  
No Exit (Jean-Paul Sartre), 1943
2018-11-26 Read and realize  
Oh, oh, Madame, aren't you exaggerating? (Marjoleine de Vos), 2018
2019-01-01 Life, I swallow it  
Life in a plastic bag (Maria Barnas), 2018
2019-01-15 Without your hands, I  
House and hands (Rolf Jacobsen), 1985
2019-01-17 My hand waits, becomes  
My hand (Toon Tellegen), 2018
2019-01-17 I'm always contra-  
I (Toon Tellegen), 2018
2019-01-17 The very point is  
What is it about (Toon Tellegen), 2018
2019-01-17 Shall I acquiesce?  
This is it (Toon Tellegen), 2018
2019-01-22 My stray sock returned  
Socks (Thomas Langas), 2019
2019-01-24 Do I feel sadness  
The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock (Imogen Hermes Gowar), 2018
2019-01-25 Lovely after-smell  
The new canal (Gerrit Krol), 1960
2019-01-25 Our view from the train  
Couple on the train (Willem Wilmink), 1990
2019-01-28 After the downpour  
The new canal (Gerrit Krol), 1960
2019-01-28 Years later: again  
Landscape (Gerrit Krol), 1960
2019-01-29 The geese: vigilant  
Randstad (Gerrit Krol), 1967
2019-01-29 Shame is having fear  
Please, take a look at this girl (Gerrit Krol)
About shame (Gerrit Krol), 1970
2019-01-29 What colour you have  
A checkered kitchen rug (Gerrit Krol), 1975
2019-02-07 Please, Santa Claus, come  
Santa in Savanna (Jesse Sambulo Nyakurwa Mhlanga), 2019
2019-02-08 Going together  
Rebirth - 2 (Antonio Machado), 1907
2019-02-08 The sage teaches me  
Rebirth - 2 (Antonio Machado), 1907
2019-02-08 Her son disappeared  
The snow (Antonio Machado), 1912
2019-02-08 The black man reaches  
The traveler - 1 (Antonio Machado), 1912
2019-02-09 Time flies, you're learning  
Proverb - 4. Our hours are minutes (Antonio Machado), 1912
2019-02-09 Everything passes  
Proverb - 44. Everything passes and everything remains (Antonio Machado), 1912
2019-02-09 All my dreams are real  
Parables - 1. Once uipon a time there was a boy who dreamed (Antonio Machado), 1912
2019-02-09 In the evening  
To the low land - 4 (Antonio Machado), 1924
2019-02-09 In the dark night sky  
The river awakens (Antonio Machado), 1924
2019-02-09 Because I am shy  
The black Mr. Bahsetup. A mirror. (Albert Vigoleis Thelen), 1956
2019-02-09 To achieve your goal  
imaginary dictator's quotes #21 (Jon Nakapalau), 2019
2019-02-11 I like to observe  
and the ladies will be biting lips (Ivan Petryshyn), 2019
2019-02-12 Reading a novel  
Murakami's Well (Juneau), 2015
2019-02-18 What if my words were  
Spoken words on our skin (Rachel Mitchell), 2019
2019-02-20 In the dense forest  
Bambi, a life in the woods (Felix Salten), 1923
2019-02-20 Black sunflower stakes  
At eternity's gate (Julian Schnabel), 2018
2019-02-21 Carbon is keeping  
The Atlas of Elements (Michael "Justaguy"), 2018
2019-02-21 This missed chance has closed  
unsent message (Emily Pavelich), 2019
2019-02-21 It is way too cold  
some mornings remain (Merlinspielen), 2019
2019-02-21 The images float  
Frustrated (Kristine Ann Gajitos), 2019
2019-02-26 My love does know where  
Ars poetica (Maarten Inghels), 2018
2019-02-26 Writing my poems  
Boathouse (Maarten Inghels), 2016
2019-02-26 Zigzagging I walk  
The Invisible Route (Maarten Inghels), 2018
2019-02-26 World Mental Health Day  
The shadow of thinking (Maarten Inghels), 2016
2019-02-26 I can hear this man  
I follow the river, I am the river (Maarten Inghels), 2017
2019-03-07 I'm getting older  
Dissolved (Ellen Deckwitz), 2019
2019-03-07 Living more brings more  
Dissolved (Ellen Deckwitz), 2019
2019-03-09 My heart beats action  
Thoughts (Blaise Pascal), 1669
2019-03-09 If life is boring  
Thoughts (Blaise Pascal), 1669
2019-03-09 My monkey mind jumps  
Thoughts (Blaise Pascal), 1669
2019-03-24 Looking up to me  
A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol), 1980
2019-03-31 Isn't it amusing  
CV of failures (Johannes Haushofer), 2016
2019-04-10 Something small you see  
The escape of Gilles Whalecutter (M.M. Schoenmakers), 2019
2019-04-13 At long last it rains  
once when I lived with the ants (Hans Lodeizen), 1948
2019-04-14 Above my sadness  
Donna Donna (Joan Baez), 1960
2019-04-15 Waiting for good luck  
The escape of Gilles Whalecutter (M.M. Schoenmakers), 2019
2019-04-17 Lightning, dad keeps watch  
The escape of Gilles Whalecutter (M.M. Schoenmakers), 2019
2019-04-18 Sagging in the back  
Analysis (Erik ten Hag), 2019
2019-04-24 It does not exist  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-24 I'm the first to leave  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-26 Angels are not sweet  
Arthur, the once and future king - The ill-made knight (Terence White), 1940
2019-04-28 I fantasize how  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 It is religious  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 You're desirable  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 It doesn't matter what  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 The abreaction  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 Well, people die, and  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 I never go far  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 For me, the greatest  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 Episode thirteen  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 Afterwards we know  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-04-28 It's very secret  
Eric's secret (Ries Moonen), 1974
2019-05-02 I wade through the stream  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-05-02 People are order  
The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee), 2017
2019-05-04 On the hotel beds  
Ash is purest white (Zhangke Jia), 2018
2019-05-04 Nothing is purer  
Ash is purest white (Zhangke Jia), 2018
2019-05-04 Let us see the sun  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-07 Rather than your love  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-07 First, in the future  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-07 People like to think  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-07 Depressed, no feelings  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-07 I exist, I do  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-08 The choice you have made  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-08 Waiting for later  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-09 Hairdressers, scissors  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-09 Dance, relationships  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-11 I just chained my bike  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-11 Life is beautiful  
The china shop - Faxing to Ger #2 (Nicolien Mizee), 2018
2019-05-19 Writing is easy  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-19 I don't cry, I write  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-20 My second glass clinks  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-20 Toasting and drinking  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-22 I don't describe life  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 The truth in the lie  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 The writer repeats  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 Writing is being  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 Writing ruthlessly  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 I don't imitate  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 Please take the pills now  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 I need company  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 It is great to do  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 Concrete, the tunnel  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-05-26 Well, what did I know  
Letters from Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2016
2019-06-04 Reverence and love  
Peachez, a romance" (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2017
2019-06-04 The Most Merciful  
Peachez, a romance" (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2017
2019-06-04 Interrogators  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 They don't understand  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 They're always swimming  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 Whatever you say  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 Sometimes I hear bells  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 Because my story  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 If you have to choose  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 Bad things don't exist  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 Picking a flower  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 I shout: I'll help you  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 Finished, desk empty  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 Boxes in the wind  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 You should be yourself  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-04 That you possibly  
Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol), 1986
2019-06-05 After many bombs  
The General (José Gomes Ferreira), 1950
2019-06-05 Where is the shotgun  
Suddenly I thought of the shotgun (José Gomes Ferreira), 1973
2019-06-05 I say what I want  
Dialogue (Ernesto de Melo e Castro), 1971
2019-06-05 All includes Nothing  
Everything can be said in a poem (Ernesto de Melo e Castro), 1971
2019-06-06 You can't decide yet  
Make you feel my love (Bob Dylan), 1997
2019-06-06 No letters today  
The postman
(Willem van Toorn), 1963
2019-06-06 Lie down quietly  
Waking up (Willem van Toorn), 1963
2019-06-06 At one fell swoop all  
Spinning the film in reverse (Willem van Toorn), 1977
2019-06-07 Beware, check yourself  
noli me tangere (Willem van Toorn), 1995
2019-06-07 Trembling in my view  
The ferry (Willem van Toorn), 1997
2019-06-07 My hands are sculpting  
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (Jonathan Safran Foer), 2005
2019-06-09 Ay, Polonius!  
The tragicall historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (William Shakespeare), 1602
2019-06-10 One word is enough  
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (Jonathan Safran Foer), 2005
2019-06-23 The real miracle  
Clérambard (Yves Robert), 1969
2019-06-24 Here I have lived, where  
Place (Rutger Kopland), 2004
2019-06-25 Youth: it is divine  
Journey to love - The myth of the Golden Fleece, 1999
2019-06-26 The goddess of love  
The power of love - The myths of Pygmalion, Narkissos, Tereus, Orfeus en Helena, 1997
2019-06-27 Ah, Desire, the son  
The power of love - The myths of Pygmalion, Narkissos, Tereus, Orfeus en Helena (Imme Dros), 1997
2019-06-27 Moved and comforted  
The power of love - The myths of Pygmalion, Narcissus, Tereus, Orpheus and Helena (Imme Dros), 1997
2019-06-28 Being together  
Love, if it is so (Marijke Schermer), 2019
2019-06-29 I don't explore you  
Love, if it is so (Marijke Schermer), 2019
2019-06-29 Chatting up someone  
How to chat up a man?, 2019
2019-06-29 My tongue is here now,  
the tongue will yearn (Nasir Kazmi), 1960
2019-06-29 Mama, if you play  
Authority (Esther Gerritsen), 2019
2019-06-30 Who's ready to die  
Love and what passes for it - The myths of Medeia and Iason, Alkestis and Admetos, Psyche and Eros, 2000
2019-06-30 No longer with us  
Hero of the twelve tasks - The myth of Heracles, 2000
2019-06-30 He's handsome and strong  
Hero of the twelve tasks - The myth of Heracles (Imme Dros), 2000
2019-07-05 I want to forget  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-05 The square is so full  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-06 There are small states, and  
2019-07-06 Look, a dragonfly  
Utnapishtim, -1700
2019-07-06 First two pigeons groan  
The Epic of Gilgamesh, -1200
2019-07-06 Admire your child, care  
The Epic of Gilgamesh, -1700
2019-07-07 Bawling to a dog  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-07 I have made my point  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-07 A culpable hand  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-07 A poem he wants  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-08 Only uncertain  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-09 Play the waiting game  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-09 Europe grants a lot  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-10 Memories, I had  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-10 Men after the war  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-10 Since there is mankind  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-12 To believe in art  
Vincent thought his sunflowers were the best (Sandra Smets), 2019
2019-07-12 Swimming hand in hand  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-12 My man protects me  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-12 Prosperity fat  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-12 That you are smarter  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-12 Making up stories  
Grand Hotel Europa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2018
2019-07-14 The dancer has died  
We will treat life in a grand way (Hans Lodeizen), 1950
2019-07-15 If I own something  
Letters about ethics to Lucilius (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), 62
2019-07-16 You too have a friend  
Letters about ethics to Lucilius (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), 62
2019-07-17 Since anyone may  
Letters about ethics to Lucilius (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), 62
2019-07-18 Do treat your body  
Letters about ethics to Lucilius (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), 62
2019-07-19 The older I get  
Letters about ethics to Lucilius (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), 62
2019-07-20 I live healthily  
Letters about ethics to Lucilius (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), 62
2019-07-21 Body expansion  
Letters about ethics to Lucilius (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), 62
2019-07-22 Friends have the power  
Better not (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2019
2019-07-22 I cycle along  
That the animal saw you (Marjoleine de Vos), 2019
2019-08-03 The deer is close by  
That the animal saw you (Marjoleine de Vos), 2019
2019-08-04 We lock up troubled  
Summer evening conversation (Dimitri Verhulst), 2019
2019-08-05 Truth is volatile  
Detective (Jean Luc Godard), 1985
2019-08-06 My youth is over  
Fathers and children (Ivan Turgenev), 1862
2019-08-14 Oh, such a surprise  
Fathers and children (Ivan Turgenev), 1862
2019-09-01 We are unwanted  
Angel of Oblivion (Maja Haderlap), 2011
2019-09-11 I've read everything  
Minor poet (Kees Winkler), 1982
2019-09-21 After our argument  
Comet (James Salter), 2005
2019-09-24 From the Isle of Muck  
Through the water surface (Tomas Lieske), 2014
2019-09-24 Throughout the party  
Through the water surface (Tomas Lieske), 2014
2019-09-29 I'm roaming my life  
The woman - I'm roaming through my time (Liesbeth Lagemaat), 2015
2019-09-29 The child whips me up  
The woman - Like a cornette, a nun cap on my head (Liesbeth Lagemaat), 2015
2019-09-29 Every day she steals  
The man - The crystal draws it (Liesbeth Lagemaat), 2015
2019-09-29 With them you cried out  
Soldier's wife - Missing song (Liesbeth Lagemaat), 2015
2019-09-29 I cover your head  
Soldier's wife - Missing song (Liesbeth Lagemaat), 2018
2019-10-10 My life is really  
Endgame (Samuel Beckett), 1957
2019-10-10 I don't cry and smile  
Wedding (Ellen Deckwitz), 2019
2019-10-14 I finished crying  
What's in an Apple? (Amos Oz), 2018
2019-10-24 Maybe it is time  
Endgame (Samuel Beckett), 1957
2019-10-24 God never responds  
Endgame (Samuel Beckett), 1957
2019-10-25 I search in my mind  
Amen (Marcel Möring), 2019
2019-10-25 I want everything  
Amen (Marcel Möring), 2019
2019-11-02 A prairie begins  
To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee (Emily Dickinson), 1886
2019-11-11 For their family  
The unexpected wealth of Altena (Jan van Mesbergen), 2019
2019-11-12 An older fish greets  
There are these two young fish (David Foster Wallace), 2005
2019-11-14 A lie cannot walk  
Hochelaga, or England in the New World (Eliot and George Warburton), 1846
2019-11-15 I embrace daddy  
The Moss of His Skin (Anne Sexton), 1960
2019-11-16 I put on the skin  
Housewife (Anne Sexton), 1962
2019-11-16 Our bodies, swimming  
The Nude Swim (Anne Sexton), 1969
2019-11-16 Swimming at Capri  
The Nude Swim (Anne Sexton), 1969
2019-11-16 I am breathing white  
The Nude Swim (Anne Sexton), 1969
2019-11-16 It is spring again  
It is a Spring Afternoon (Anne Sexton), 1969
2019-11-16 Our heart-shaped balloons  
Now (Anne Sexton), 1969
2019-11-16 He builds a whole world  
Mr. Mine (Anne Sexton), 1969
2019-11-16 You have licked the brine  
Eighteen Days Without You - December 11th (Anne Sexton), 1969
2019-11-16 What are you thinking?  
Briar Rose (Sleeping Beauty) (Anne Sexton), 1971
2019-11-16 At three in the night  
The Ambition Bird (Anne Sexton), 1972
2019-11-16 Ambitious dark wings  
The Ambition Bird (Anne Sexton), 1972
2019-11-16 So many girls love  
The Red Shoes (Anne Sexton), 1972
2019-11-16 Daddy, mam's friend has  
The Death of the Fathers - 5. Friends (Anne Sexton), 1972
2019-11-16 Their sex, their snoring  
The Fury of Cocks (Anne Sexton), 1974
2019-11-18 Dad's whiskey spirit  
Divorce, Thy Name Is Woman (Anne Sexton), 1976
2019-11-20 Faith is a highway  
Faith - is the Pierless Bridge (Emily Dickinson), 1864
2019-11-21 Vessels of Deep Thoughts  
If wrecked upon the Shoal of Thought (Emily Dickinson), 1879
2019-11-21 We just don't know that  
That Love is all there is (Emily Dickinson), 1886
2019-11-22 I exist! he says  
Interview with Santa Claus at the North Pole (Godfried Bomans), 1951
2019-11-25 Screaming on the square  
Piling up my image (Wessel te Gussinklo), 2019
2019-11-27 Islands are drifting  
The drowned flats (Eeltsje Hettinga), 2018
2019-11-27 With the first thin ice  
Winter (Eeltsje Hettinga), 2019
2019-11-27 A waste bag bulging  
Ship Bird Land (Eeltsje Hettinga), 2019
2019-12-05 Jointly we maintain  
Interview with Freek de Jonge, 2019
2019-12-05 Children run around  
I played in ruins (Anselm Kiefer), 2019
2019-12-05 Progress films a war  
The gods must have their number (Hubert Lampo), 1969
2019-12-12 Expressing your love  
Angels (Arnon Grunberg), 2019
2019-12-12 Heading to power  
Democracy is a train, 1996
2019-12-15 You let the time seep  
Siegfried - A black idyll, 2001
2019-12-19 You are horrible  
Winter hour (Wim Helsen), 2019
2019-12-25 A myth is cut off  
Love for Father (P.F. Thomése), 2019
2019-12-26 Beauty: an angel  
The first elegy (Rainer Maria Rilke), 1912
2019-12-26 It is our last chance  
Love for Father (P.F. Thomése), 2019
2019-12-29 Might fidelity  
Love is a duty of formality (Henk Bressers), 2019
2019-12-29 My kisses ask you  
Love is a duty of formality (Henk Bressers), 2019
2019-12-29 Darling, yes, I do  
Just look away if he annoys you (Marinette Troost), 2019
2019-12-29 I do respect you  
Grant your partner what you don't want yourself (I. Klein Clauding), 2019
2020-01-02 Delusions drag me  
Deeper layers - Report of a radiotherapy (Bart Chabot), 2011
2020-01-08 Well, there is no road  
Walker without road (Antonio Machado), 1912
2020-01-12 My knowledge: worthless  
The story of Ali Baba, the forty robbers and slave girl Mardjana, 1850
2020-01-12 Be careful, because  
The story of Ali Baba and forty thieves exterminated by a female slave (Antoine Galland), 1701
2020-01-12 Sometimes, in the dark  
(Because) loving (Judith Herzberg), 1984
2020-01-13 To be made pregnant  
Everything changes (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2015
2020-01-13 A suspension is  
Everything changes (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2015
2020-01-16 Friendship is being  
Friendship (Jean Baudrillard), 2000
2020-01-16 Grandpa and grandma  
Love from later (Renee van Bavel), 2019
2020-01-17 Out! with the Muses  
(Geerten Meijsing)
2020-01-17 Relax, it's no use  
Meditations (Marcus Aurelius), 180
2020-01-18 There are dogs hunting  
Waltz with Bashir (Ari Folman), 2008
2020-01-18 Warfare is shooting  
Waltz with Bashir (Ari Folman), 2008
2020-01-18 Shooting randomly  
Waltz with Bashir (Ari Folman), 2008
2020-02-01 To keep a secret  
The Tale of One Thousand and One Nights, 900
2020-02-02 Darling, you're my sun  
The Tale of One Thousand and One Nights, 900
2020-02-03 Back in the old house  
Eviction (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2020
2020-02-09 My darling, your eyes  
Her eyes (De Romein), 2010
2020-02-09 The further I am  
Tao Te Ching
The Inner Light (George Harrison), -300
2020-02-09 Without travelling  
Tao Te Ching
The Inner Light (George Harrison), -300
2020-02-11 With the animals  
It is as if (Ellen Deckwitz), 2020
2020-02-17 I've nothing to lose  
a good start (Bernd Ebbo Visser), 2007
2020-02-21 I comfort myself  
all the sad left over valentine candy (Jon Nakapalau), 2020
2020-03-03 Her flowers, falling  
First Love (Ivan Turgenev), 1860
2020-03-03 Why do you do what  
First Love (Ivan Turgenev), 1860
2020-03-08 Bring me back my time  
Farewell to engagement - 3 (Hans van de Waarsenburg), 1975
2020-03-08 You write a poem  
Interview with Sjoerd Kuyper, 1979
2020-03-08 I'm dreaming of ships  
The West (Sjoerd Kuyper), 1979
2020-03-09 Speaking in public  
Nothing is a lie (Sacha Bronwasser), 2019
2020-03-09 Watch out, the public  
Nothing is a lie (Sacha Bronwasser), 2019
2020-03-10 A reconstruction  
Nothing is a lie (Sacha Bronwasser), 2019
2020-03-10 In slower motion  
Nothing is a lie (Sacha Bronwasser), 2019
2020-03-10 Almost dead, falling  
Nothing is a lie (Sacha Bronwasser), 2019
2020-03-13 So I fell asleep  
Ostend (K. Schippers), 2020
2020-03-13 To write a good text  
The parts that embarrass you (Irwin Allen Ginsberg), 1970
2020-03-22 Traveler's contrails  
Solle's story (Andreas Oosthoek), 2015
2020-03-22 You will learn to live  
Solle's story (Andreas Oosthoek), 2015
2020-03-23 Battles and heroes  
Solle's story (Andreas Oosthoek), 2015
2020-03-24 Nothing is hidden  
The Queen of Genoa (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2020
2020-04-01 Imagination  
Inventory of some losses (Judith Schalansky), 2018
2020-04-09 At nine seventeen  
1 the Road (Ross Goodwin), 2018
2020-04-15 I am very sure  
Time regained (Marcel Proust), 1927
2020-04-23 Other people have  
No success blues (Delphine Lecompte), 2017
2020-04-29 I write miracles  
Wounds and brutality (Delphine Lecompte), 2020
2020-05-01 They are clean, pink, smooth  
Clean (Willem Thies), 2020
2020-05-01 He has got the stick  
Circumstances (Koos van Zomeren), 2020
2020-05-02 In full light, a flag  
Flag (Willem Thies), 2020
2020-05-02 The earthworm wriggles  
Blackbirds (Willem Thies), 2020
2020-05-02 Familiar and close  
In dream a man walked (Willem Thies), 2020
2020-05-03 The Destroyed City  
2020-05-04 Only their names left  
2020-05-04 So, who do you want  
Interview with Babs Bakels, 2020
2020-05-05 He's smiling as if  
Crusoe's Daughter (Jane Gardam), 1985
2020-05-07 Don't worry, because  
Dying is dead simple (René Gude), 2014
2020-05-07 Well, to be buried  
Overhealthy (Ellen Deckwitz), 2020
2020-05-07 Since she got married  
Crusoe's Daughter (Jane Gardam), 1985
2020-05-07 Chests full of fabrics  
Crusoe's Daughter (Jane Gardam), 1985
2020-05-07 It's an ugly room  
Crusoe's Daughter (Jane Gardam), 1985
2020-05-09 Listen to yourself  
Crusoe's Daughter (Jane Gardam), 1985
2020-05-17 My mother was nice  
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (James Joyce), 1914
2020-05-17 It's for the old days  
I look up as I walk (Kyu Sakamoto), 1963
2020-05-28 What are you thinking?  
Secret poem (Ingmar Heytze), 2005
2020-05-28 My lips press the kiss  
Secret poem (Ingmar Heytze), 2005
2020-05-28 I bury one kiss  
Secret poem (Ingmar Heytze), 2005
2020-05-31 He stops my bleeding  
Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, 1748
2020-06-09 My tongue is washing  
Eat, eat exclaims Grandfather (Ellen Deckwitz), 2011
2020-06-09 Creation: spirits  
Trees surround the house (Ellen Deckwitz), 2011
2020-06-09 Looking through the peep  
Behind the fence (Ingmar Heytze), 2008
2020-06-09 I want everything  
Behind the fence (Ingmar Heytze), 2008
2020-06-11 Mind the tasty looks  
Snow (Anne Sexton), 1975
2020-06-11 Reading poems, I  
White space is there to fill with scrawls, 2020
2020-06-14 In the group photo  
Chameleon (Ingmar Heytze), 2008
2020-06-14 I almost master  
Chameleon (Ingmar Heytze), 2008
2020-06-14 We're sailing through time  
Sonnet 152 (Ingmar Heytze), 2008
2020-06-14 Forgive me, forget  
Forgive forget (Ingmar Heytze), 2008
2020-06-14 All my space travels  
Test pilot (Ingmar Heytze), 2012
2020-06-14 No more drug journeys  
Test pilot (Ingmar Heytze), 2012
2020-06-14 The house is for sale  
Costs borne by the buyer (Ingmar Heytze), 2012
2020-06-14 Walking on a leash  
The dog on a leash, 215
2020-06-19 I do love myself  
I love me (Harrie Jekkers), 1997
2020-06-19 The Palace Hotel  
The foreigner (Claudia Durastanti), 2019
2020-06-19 He is not normal  
The foreigner (Claudia Durastanti), 2019
2020-06-21 The coat becomes skin  
Under the knife -- II. Deer (Maria van Daalen), 1987
2020-06-21 From the cold I lose  
Mountain trip (Maria van Daalen), 1989
2020-06-26 Erasing drawings  
ERASED de KOONING DRAWING (Robert Rauschenberg), 1953
2020-06-26 The mountains and all  
Rhapsody on Roaming the Heavenly Terrace Mountains (Sun Chuo), 350
2020-06-26 Do pretend it is  
People (Pieter de Bruijn Kops), 2019
2020-06-26 Hit by censorship  
Portrait of the poet in front of his computer (Fouad Laroui), 2002
2020-06-27 An island, nothing  
Schiermonnikoog (Fouad Laroui), 2004
2020-06-27 Theft and deception  
Economic analysis (Fouad Laroui), 2004
2020-06-27 In my head, we are  
Tides (Herman Leenders), 2005
2020-06-28 It's true everywhere  
Performance by Wim Kan, 1970
2020-07-02 A guest: carefully  
Entering (Joke van Leeuwen), 2016
2020-07-02 Concrete is useful  
concrete lawns are doing well (Astrid Lampe), 2018
2020-07-03 I do know evil  
Confessions (Augustinus), 400
2020-07-10 A diet, sports sweat  
Temple (Ellen Deckwitz), 2020
2020-07-18 Let me do something  
Without me (Leonard Nolens), 1990
2020-08-03 They are not in love  
I Go Back to May 1937 (Sharon Olds), 1987
2020-08-12 From children, you can  
Oh, is he a pilot? (Nicolien Mizee), 2020
2020-08-15 Generosity  
generosity - bitter - sweet (Anonymous, France), 1000
2020-08-15 You can, just do it  
Interview with Andrea Voets, 2020
2020-08-19 Pencil sharpeners  
Boyhood (Richard Linklater), 2014
2020-08-19 My parents seem to  
Boyhood (Richard Linklater), 2014
2020-08-19 To live is to feel  
Boyhood (Richard Linklater), 2014
2020-08-27 It's an invasion  
The castle (Franz Kafka), 1923
2020-08-27 I came in good faith  
The castle (Franz Kafka), 1923
2020-09-05 My cat folds into  
The thigmophile - The longing for comfort (Midas Dekkers), 2015
2020-09-05 The wider the heath  
The thigmophile - The longing for comfort (Midas Dekkers), 2015
2020-09-05 It is not my size  
The thigmophile - The longing for comfort (Midas Dekkers), 2015
2020-09-05 With magic, I am  
The thigmophile - The longing for comfort (Midas Dekkers), 2015
2020-09-05 From a sperm whale's mouth  
The thigmophile - The longing for comfort (Midas Dekkers), 2015
2020-09-05 I am not awake  
The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka), 1915
2020-09-15 The small grocery  
Saint Rita (Tommy Wieringa), 2017
2020-09-15 There is no shortage  
Saint Rita (Tommy Wieringa), 2017
2020-09-18 What inheritance  
Saint Rita (Tommy Wieringa), 2017
2020-09-18 Lying on the couch  
I wandered lonely as a cloud (William Wordsworth), 1815
2020-09-24 While reading I meet  
A good neighbour (Ellen Deckwitz), 2020
2020-09-30 A peach blossom branch  
The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon), 1002
2020-09-30 The court is reserved  
The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon), 1002
2020-10-01 She is old, fidgets  
The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon), 1002
2020-10-01 A mosquito spins  
The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon), 1002
2020-10-02 A summer lover  
The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon), 1002
2020-10-02 The pond is chilly  
The pond is chilly (Minamoto no Fusaakira), 939
2020-10-02 Rain on my straw hut  
You in the blossom time (Bai Juyi), 815
2020-10-03 We are together  
The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon), 1002
2020-10-03 The moon has returned  
The moon is in time (Funtoki Sugawara), 950
2020-10-03 What is there to say?  
Who doesn't speak (Anonymous, Japan), 974
2020-10-03 Snow, there is no path  
This mountain village (Kanemori Taira), 991
2020-10-03 Whenever the clock  
The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon), 1002
2020-10-04 You don't share my love  
Even though you don't share (Nobuakira Minamoto), 942
2020-10-07 Grandpa likes to talk  
Secret Agent Grandpa (Manon Sikkel), 2020
2020-10-08 Wander herb, full moon  
Time is hard (Juyi Bai), 799
2020-10-08 The moon: I feel you  
To exist, to decay (Juyi Bai), 799
2020-10-08 I leave the lamp on  
At midnight, bed and blanket are chilly (Juyi Bai), 800
2020-10-08 Come and drink with me  
Here in the Huayang Temple (Juyi Bai), 806
2020-10-08 I read your poems  
I had read your scroll of poems by the light of the lamp (Juyi Bai), 815
2020-10-09 Oh how passionate  
How lovely are the spring blossoms (Anonymous, China), 450
2020-10-09 Are there any saints?  
Lament for Qu Yuan (Yi Jia), -177
2020-10-10 I play zither well  
She plays the zither (Duan Li), 770
2020-10-10 Silence, high water  
Alone, I love the quiet grass (Yingwu Wei), 780
2020-10-11 Darling, go ahead  
She wants to close the mosquito net to make love (Bu Lin), 1020
2020-10-11 The goshawk protects  
From my recently rented house, I see a pagoda (Yaochen Mei), 1040
2020-10-11 My eyes are blurry  
My eyes suddenly start to fail (Yaochen Mei), 1060
2020-10-11 The Capital: dust  
The Capital (Che Su), 1085
2020-10-11 We just went boating   
I still remember that night by the brook (Qingzhao Li), 1110
2020-10-11 Outside the city  
Outside the city wall, the spring light paints the distant mountains (Wanli Yang), 1160
2020-10-11 I stroll and startle  
After the rain it had become cool in the forest (Wanli Yang), 1170
2020-10-11 It is not raining  
At night I thought it was raining (Wanli Yang), 1180
2020-10-11 Village in the mist  
River and hill in the mist are indistinguishable (Wanli Yang), 1180
2020-10-11 The boys in the boat  
A fishing boat (Wanli Yang), 1200
2020-10-11 The war is over  
The corpses lie stiff along the road of prisoners of war (Haowen Yuan), 1233
2020-10-11 I'm old, I don't care  
Spring flowers bloom on Ge Hong hill (Mei Yuan), 1780
2020-10-21 My yawn breathes fresh air  
Favourite ex, 2020
2020-10-22 At home, I am safe  
Ghost (Ellen Deckwitz), 2020
2020-10-22 Is it just a game  
Jokes and little pops of excitement (Joyce Roodnat), 2020
2020-10-23 You jumped off the bridge  
Anything better (Frédérique Spigt), 2020
2020-10-23 People have feasted  
Sunday morning (Frédérique Spigt), 2020
2020-10-25 Crept into his bed  
Lancelot of Denmark (Anonymous, Netherlands), 1350
2020-10-25 My tree is fragant  
Lancelot of Denmark (Anonymous, Netherlands), 1350
2020-10-25 It is great with him  
Lancelot of Denmark (Anonymous, Netherlands), 1350
2020-10-26 Mum's dementia  
Pit with rats (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2020
2020-10-26 Dementia: rats  
Pit with rats (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2020
2020-10-28 I get to know him  
Self-defense (Marijke Schermer), 2016
2020-10-28 Flooded wine cellar  
Self-defense (Marijke Schermer), 2016
2020-10-30 My taste is smoky  
it's burning for days and days now (Marleen de Crée), 2004
2020-11-01 Throw a fishing net  
Flock (Peter Swanborn), 2018
2020-11-01 There's a little cloud  
Stubborn little cloud (Peter du Gardijn), 2007
2020-11-03 In difficult years  
About the suicide (Bertolt Brecht), 1939
2020-11-03 You get memories  
Circumstances (Koos van Zomeren), 2020
2020-11-12 Often it's: waiting  
Circumstances (Koos van Zomeren), 2020
2020-11-13 It is the orbits  
Circumstances (Koos van Zomeren), 2020
2020-11-13 We have competed  
Circumstances (Koos van Zomeren), 2020
2020-11-13 Well, I do go grey  
Circumstances (Koos van Zomeren), 2020
2020-11-13 Pressure in my chest  
Circumstances (Koos van Zomeren), 2020
2020-11-13 I still like to walk  
Circumstances (Koos van Zomeren), 2020
2020-11-13 The edge of the voice  
Ice mummy - 3 (Claude van de Berge), 2002
2020-11-14 I want to enjoy  
Report by Ellen de Bruin in, 2020
2020-11-14 In the empty streets  
Interview with Maartje Wortel, 2020
2020-11-15 I lie in the song  
Every song (Federico García Lorca), 1936
2020-11-15 Stacking the corpses  
Only the mockers speak seriously (Riekus Waskowsky), 1968
2020-11-15 I do like to talk  
Dreams of metaphysics (Riekus Waskowsky), 1966
2020-11-15 You show me about  
A woman may have (Riekus Waskowsky), 1976
2020-11-15 It hurt awhile, but  
My first girl was as lovely as a fairy (Jan Wolkers), 2005
2020-11-25 I thought I had more  
Letters about ethics to Lucilius (Lucius Annaeus Seneca), 64
2020-11-26 The trail I chose for  
The Road Not Taken (Robert Frost), 1916
2020-11-26 In his hand, he held  
Out, Out- (Robert Frost), 1916
2020-11-26 I dream of the smell  
After Apple-Picking (Robert Frost), 1914
2020-11-26 Many nights I walked  
Acquainted With The Night (Robert Frost), 1928
2020-11-26 With violence, we  
The Gift Outright (Robert Frost), 1941
2020-11-26 Swaying in the sun  
The Silken Tent (Robert Frost), 1942
2020-11-26 Desires are burning  
Fire and Ice (Robert Frost), 1920
2020-11-26 Lightly the wind waves  
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening (Robert Frost), 1923
2020-11-26 The chimney still stands  
The Need Of Being Versed In Country Things (Robert Frost), 1923
2020-11-26 There are birds nesting  
The Need Of Being Versed In Country Things (Robert Frost), 1923
2020-11-26 Before the spring green  
Nothing Gold Can Stay (Robert Frost), 1923
2020-11-26 The grindstone, rusting  
The Grind-Stone (Robert Frost), 1923
2020-11-27 He grins in the pain  
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Ernest Hemingway), 1940
2020-11-27 A lot of bombs fell  
For Whom the Bell Tolls (Ernest Hemingway), 1940
2020-11-28 You neutralise them  
Interview with Major Niels Roelen, 2020
2020-12-01 There is a corpse, so  
Leaf Storm (Gabriel García Márquez), 1955
2020-12-02 The cover closes  
Leaf Storm (Gabriel García Márquez), 1955
2020-12-03 The chair on the wall  
Leaf storm (Gabriel García Márquez), 1955
2020-12-03 Until something moves  
Leaf Storm (Gabriel García Márquez), 1955
2020-12-03 It does not matter  
Leaf storm (Gabriel García Márquez), 1955
2020-12-05 Thanks to the moth holes  
No One Writes to the Colonel (Gabriel García Márquez), 1961
2020-12-06 I feel very old  
No One Writes to the Colonel (Gabriel García Márquez), 1961
2020-12-07 Lovely is your dream  
In evil hour (Gabriel García Márquez), 1962
2020-12-08 Balancing on two  
In evil hour (Gabriel García Márquez), 1962
2020-12-09 No new week ahead  
In evil hour (Gabriel García Márquez), 1962
2020-12-10 What has happened then  
Vanishing point (Wytske Versteeg), 2020
2020-12-10 I was not present  
Vanishing point (Wytske Versteeg), 2020
2020-12-10 Not to know myself  
Vanishing point (Wytske Versteeg), 2020
2020-12-11 Ideas may not be  
Vanishing point (Wytske Versteeg), 2020
2020-12-11 A row of benches  
Vanishing point (Wytske Versteeg), 2020
2020-12-11 The mouth I moulded  
Vanishing point (Wytske Versteeg), 2020
2020-12-12 Absent, I'm busy  
Dollhouse (Esther Gerritsen), 2020
2020-12-13 With her husky voice  
The general in his labyrinth (Gabriel García Márquez), 1989
2020-12-13 Not the government  
The general in his labyrinth (Gabriel García Márquez), 1989
2020-12-13 We do move forward  
The general in his labyrinth (Gabriel García Márquez), 1989
2020-12-13 On the banks, women  
The general in his labyrinth (Gabriel García Márquez), 1989
2020-12-13 A Federation  
The general in his labyrinth (Gabriel García Márquez), 1989
2020-12-15 I have principles  
Those are my principles
2020-12-17 She sings and dances  
Camarillo Brillo (The Mothers of Invention), 1973
2020-12-17 Shows will ooze their slime  
I'm the Slime (The Mothers of Invention), 1973
2020-12-17 Dream softly and pink  
Dirty Love (The Mothers of Invention), 1973
2020-12-17 I don't look like much  
Fifty-Fifty (The Mothers of Invention), 1973
2020-12-17 Women recognise  
Zomby Woof (The Mothers of Invention), 1973
2020-12-17 My sweet dynamo  
Dinah-Moe Humm (The Mothers of Invention), 1973
2020-12-17 The plains are covered  
Montana (The Mothers of Invention), 1973
2020-12-18 The best deals for you  
Willie the Pimp (Frank Zappa), 1969
2020-12-18 The dogs are running  
Don't Eat the Yellow Snow (Frank Zappa), 1974
2020-12-18 My feelers, reaching  
Cosmik Debris (Frank Zappa), 1974
2020-12-21 I'll stay where I am  
Winter Bird / When Winter Comes (Paul McCartney), 2020
2020-12-21 A shelter is good  
Winter Bird / When Winter Comes (Paul McCartney), 2020
2020-12-23 A bolt: once again  
Thunderstorm silence (May Ayim), 1995
2020-12-23 I will not kiss me  
Nachtgesang (May Ayim), 1995
2020-12-28 Still yesterday, still  
Nog steeds gisteren (Charles Aznavour), 1964
2020-12-28 It hurts, time stands still  
Butterfly (Rowwen Hèze), 2003
2020-12-28 The mosquitoes dance  
Butterfly (Rowwen Hèze), 2003
2020-12-28 Un usual day  
Butterfly (Rowwen Hèze), 2003
2020-12-28 The dog understood  
Butterfly (Rowwen Hèze), 2003
2020-12-28 Bye, my teenage years  
Drowned butterfly (Boudewijn de Groot), 1966
2020-12-28 Sing, and sing it loud (The Isley Brothers)  
Fight the Power, 1975
2020-12-28 Together, we cross  
When they see us (José James), 2020
2020-12-29 I'm getting so cold  
Snow is falling (Salvatore Adamo), 1964
2020-12-30 The world keeps turning  
Farewell to sorrow (Jotie T'Hooft), 1977
2021-01-04 A damp of cabbage  
The staircase (Martinus Nijhoff), 1937
2021-01-04 I have a day off  
The chair (Martinus Nijhoff), 1937
2021-01-17 I have searched in vain  
The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry), 1943
2021-01-24 A great vernissage  
Journeyman in marble (Anjet Daanje), 2006
2021-01-24 Listen carefully  
Journeyman in marble (Anjet Daanje), 2006
2021-01-25 I was twenty, now  
An elegy for the January 25th dream (Mohamed Mohsen), 2020
2021-01-27 The gate has no bell  
The Pilgrimage (Paulo Coelho), 1987
2021-01-28 She is silent, I  
Journeyman in marble (Anjet Daanje), 2006
2021-01-31 Sitting together  
The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry), 1943
2021-02-04 Cursory glances  
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Pirsig), 1974
2021-02-05 21 years old  
Don't be Miss De Beauvoir, be yourself (Simone de Beauvoir), 1926
2021-02-05 An angular dance  
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Pirsig), 1974
2021-02-07 I am on my way  
No one rises so high as he who knows not whither he is going (Oliver Cromwell), 1651
2021-02-07 I am on my way  
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Pirsig), 1974
2021-02-07 Climbing a mountain  
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Pirsig), 1974
2021-02-07 Climbing a mountain  
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (Robert Pirsig), 1974
2021-02-14 A few gusts of wind  
From the life of a dog (Sander Kollaard), 2019
2021-02-15 Keeping my head back  
From the life of a dog (Sander Kollaard), 2019
2021-02-15 I'm stuff in love and  
From the life of a dog (Sander Kollaard), 2019
2021-02-17 To welcome vagrants  
Totality and Infinity (Emmanuel Levinas), 1961
2021-03-02 She has packed her things  
Shattered Ground (Nick Cave and Warren Ellis), 2021
2021-03-16 Time is the thing, come  
Where you are not (Yevgueni), 2017
2021-03-18 The very last gift  
For Mama (Charles Aznavour), 1963
2021-03-20 Frost flowers, so pale  
Winter Landscape, with Rooks (Sylvia Plath), 1956
2021-03-20 Pick the sticky pearls  
Lady Lazarus (Sylvia Plath), 1962
2021-03-20 I'm good in dying  
Lady Lazarus (Sylvia Plath), 1962
2021-03-20 Just ashes, nothing  
Lady Lazarus (Sylvia Plath), 1962
2021-03-20 A miracle: men  
Lady Lazarus (Sylvia Plath), 1962
2021-03-20 Jumping thighs and hair  
Ariel (Sylvia Plath), 1962
2021-03-20 You should recover  
Daddy (Sylvia Plath), 1962
2021-03-20 I'm virginally  
Fever 103° (Sylvia, Plath), 1962
2021-03-20 Angels? Wild roses?  
Fever 103° (Sylvia Plath), 1962
2021-03-20 The perfect woman  
Edge (Sylvia Plath), 1963
2021-03-21 Today I bury  
From today (Rob de Nijs), 2004
2021-03-22 He puts his plaything  
Old Filth (Jane Gardam), 2004
2021-03-23 The full moon enchants  
Old Filth (Jane Gardam), 2004
2021-03-24 I still have some drives  
Old Filth (Jane Gardam), 2004
2021-03-28 I can see myself  
It melts (Lize Spit), 2016
2021-03-28 From the silagehill  
It melts (Lize Spit), 2016
2021-03-28 She took her clothes off  
It melts (Lize Spit), 2016
2021-03-28 And as it happened  
It melts (Lize Spit), 2016
2021-03-28 It is summer fair  
It melts (Lize Spit), 2016
2021-03-28 Having a stare-down  
It melts (Lize Spit), 2016
2021-03-30 The woods of the woods  
It melts (Lize Spit), 2016
2021-04-01 To recognize cold  
It melts (Lize Spit)
2021-04-03 Thinkers have taught me  
Firedune (Eva Meijer), 2021
2021-04-11 I'm viewing the house  
Last Friends (Jane Gardam), 2013
2021-04-11 The coal woman bathes  
Last Friends (Jane Gardam), 2013
2021-04-12 There's nothing to say  
Last Friends (Jane Gardam), 2013
2021-04-13 Our lives go on foot  
Last Friends (Jane Gardam), 2013
2021-04-14 I'm rowing away  
Is it maybe (Wannes Cappelle)
Gitte (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2008
2021-04-14 You must leave the nest  
Gitte (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2010
2021-04-14 My poem is: I  
Gitte (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2010
2021-04-14 They already know  
Gitte (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2010
2021-04-15 My naked body  
Chroma (Buhlebezwe Simani), 2014
2021-04-15 I wipe and I swing  
Towards intersections (Buhlebezwe Simani), 2015
2021-04-18 The water bubbles  
The diver (Friedrich Schiller), 1797
2021-04-18 Where might they have gone?  
Often I think they just went out (Friedrich Rückert), 1834
2021-04-19 Between the words, I  
The story of my sexuality (Sofie Lakmaker), 2021
2021-04-21 Is it a secret  
I hate the storm, I love the storm (Lieke Marsman), 2015
2021-04-22 Humor with porror  
Porror (Ontroerend Goed), 2001
2021-04-23 It's a small photo  
Homecoming: a novel (Bernhard Schlink), 2006
2021-04-23 A new issue can  
Homecoming: a novel (Bernhard Schlink), 2006
2021-04-23 To do your duty  
Homecoming: a novel (Bernhard Schlink), 2006
2021-04-24 Is home a prison  
Wand'rin' Star (Lee Marvin), 1970
2021-04-26 Searching for the truth  
Professor T (Paul Piedfort), 2018
2021-04-29 Control, sympathy  
It's hard to define love (François de la Rochefoucauld), 1664
2021-04-29 Love is a concept  
Love (Ellen Deckwitz), 2021
2021-04-29 Thoughts are free, even  
Homecoming: a novel (Bernhard Schlink), 2006
2021-04-30 Back 'home' after years  
Homecoming: a novel (Bernhard Schlink), 2006
2021-05-04 I seclude myself  
Third laying (Ellen Deckwitz), 2021
2021-05-06 This is our good life  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-06 Beware of people  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-06 The whole endless night  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-06 Without ambition  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-06 He saw through Satan  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-07 Beauty fits closely  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-07 Grandma is doing  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-07 This recurring dream  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-07 Empty streets after  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-07 It is a long wait  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-07 He comes to bathe me  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-07 It rains all the time  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-08 The tears of her heart  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-08 Above us, the rust  
One Hundred Years of Solitude (Gabriel García Márquez), 1967
2021-05-12 I didn't take the best  
Champagne (Esther Gerritsen), 2021
2021-05-15 Headwind slows me down  
mental delusion (Jan Hanlo), 1959
2021-05-16 Love is pliable  
The Lonely Life: An Autobiography" (Bette Davis), 1962
2021-05-16 Enjoy the highest  
By Myself (Lauren Bacall), 1978
2021-05-16 If you don't take risks  
Fear of flying (Erica Jong), 1973
2021-05-16 Troubles belong to  
Trouble is part of your life (Dinah Shore), 1980
2021-05-16 Don't constantly strive  
The Last Asset (Edith Wharton), 1904
2021-05-18 Later nights with him  
Le Grand Meaulnes (Alain-Fournier), 1913
2021-05-19 I waited a year  
Last Year at Marienbad (Alain Resnais & Alain Robbe-Grillet), 1961
2021-05-19 Sorry for last year  
Last Year at Marienbad (Alain Resnais & Alain Robbe-Grillet), 1961
2021-05-19 Knowing, not really  
Last Year at Marienbad (Alain Resnais & Alain Robbe-Grillet), 1961
2021-05-19 Hand in hand we cling  
Last Year at Marienbad (Alain Resnais & Alain Robbe-Grillet), 1961
2021-05-24 The tomcat returns,  
Falling is like flying (Manon Uphoff), 2019
2021-05-24 The fish requests for  
Falling is like flying (Manon Uphoff), 2019
2021-05-24 My sisters and Mum  
Falling is like flying (Manon Uphoff), 2019
2021-05-28 Tear open a bag  
Binman (Nyk de Vries), 2020
2021-05-28 Be cross, be angry  
Much rather (Nyk de Vries), 2020
2021-05-29 Things you throw away  
Binman (Nyk de Vries)
2021-05-29 How much winter dull  
Spring (Nyk de Vries), 2021
2021-05-29 Words are only words  
Spring (Nyk de Vries), 2021
2021-06-06 We are tirelessly  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-06 He is leaving me  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-06 Well, people know me  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-06 Although you like me  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-06 You have to pay: be  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-06 Mum wants me happy  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-06 Accustoming makes  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-07 Looking into the  
City Cocoon, 2021
2021-06-07 Deep into the night  
A man read deep into the night (Peter Greenaway), 2017
2021-06-09 I don't tolerate  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-09 Being there, content  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-17 A deliberate  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-17 I wear anything  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-18 God is a nuisance  
God among people (Toon Tellegen), 2021
2021-06-18 Great Estate Party  
All-crushing - Faxing to Ger #3 (Nicolien Mizee), 2019
2021-06-19 When he concentrates  
The father of Artenio (Frida Vogels), 2020
2021-06-26 You can lean your head  
What you have to do if your mother cries (Edward van de Vendel), 2019
2021-06-29 I enjoy telling  
If you throw a stone (Baruch Spinoza), 1677
2021-06-30 People become sick  
A Doll's House / Nora (Henrik Ibsen), 1879
2021-07-02 The past constantly  
Ghosts (Henrik Ibsen), 1881
2021-07-04 I like to travel  
Interview with Sevdaliza
2021-07-04 Always with measure  
An Enemy of the people (Henrik Ibsen), 1882
2021-07-06 Be wise, do your best  
The Tenth Commandment (Kent M. Keith), 1968
2021-07-06 Words do sometimes fit  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-06 Live in the present  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-06 A friend, familiar  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-07 Trembling on horseback  
Night (Remco Campert), 2018
2021-07-07 There's no beginning  
For sure (Remco Campert), 2018
2021-07-07 He is dying, yet  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-08 The longer you live  
Bang (Ellen Deckwitz), 2021
2021-07-11 Dead is dead, too bad  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-11 All virtues are bright  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-11 The purgatory  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-11 I'm decent, I am  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-15 Twilight is filling  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-16 Dancing in the grass  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-18 The secret lovers  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-22 Have I been playing  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-22 Once you are married  
Nuns and Soldiers (Iris Murdoch), 1980
2021-07-25 Being unhappy  
The Dinner (Herman Koch), 2009
2021-07-25 Small rings in her ears  
The Dinner (Herman Koch), 2009
2021-07-29 Something is changing  
The Dinner (Herman Koch), 2009
2021-07-30 A man, shaking out  
(Peter Verhelst), 2021
2021-08-01 Alarm, already  
The Dinner (Herman Koch), 2009
2021-08-01 Am I just in love  
Getting Older (Billie Eilish), 2021
2021-08-01 I am so in love  
my future (Billie Eilish), 2021
2021-08-01 So you think something  
Not My Responsibility (Billie Eilish), 2020
2021-08-01 I will develop  
Fundamentals - Ten Keys To Reality (Frank Wilczek), 2021
2021-08-02 The Black Unicorn  
The Black Unicorn (Audre Lorde), 1978
2021-08-03 Memories lie down  
Rituals (Cees Nooteboom), 1980
2021-08-04 My flowering lips  
I am my sex (Sasja Janssen), 2014
2021-08-06 The dog is running  
The Nice and the Good (Iris Murdoch), 1968
2021-08-06 Whatever happens  
The Nice and the Good (Iris Murdoch), 1968
2021-08-08 With their little heart  
Desolation Row (Bob Dylan), 1965
2021-08-08 Yet his pessimism  
The Scandals (Simon Vestdijk), 1953
2021-08-11 She opened herself  
The immaculate (Erwin Mortier), 2020
2021-08-11 Skinny on His cross  
The immaculate (Erwin Mortier), 2020
2021-08-11 Well, I learned a lot  
The immaculate (Erwin Mortier), 2020
2021-08-11 At school I learned all  
The immaculate (Erwin Mortier), 2020
2021-08-11 The tough boys were true  
The immaculate (Erwin Mortier), 2020
2021-08-11 Plissé skirt: spotless  
The immaculate (Erwin Mortier), 2020
2021-08-15 Arrange everything  
The Red and the Green (Iris Murdoch)), 1965
2021-08-17 Oh, I'm really old  
The Red and the Green (Iris Murdoch), 1965
2021-08-22 Roaring, the sea god  
The Red and the Green (Iris Murdoch)), 1965
2021-08-25 Strange, to be able  
The Bell (Iris Murdoch), 1958
2021-09-03 There is a sports hall  
A good job (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2021
2021-09-04 Being bored, dreaming  
The Italian Girl (Iris Murdoch), 1964
2021-09-04 Away with woodcuts  
The Italian Girl (Iris Murdoch), 1964
2021-09-04 She gathers a hand-  
The Italian Girl (Iris Murdoch), 1964
2021-09-04 Ethics is the will  
The Italian Girl (Iris Murdoch), 1964
2021-09-04 She still remembers  
The Italian Girl (Iris Murdoch), 1964
2021-09-05 The pain is gone, now  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-06 Beginnings are small  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-06 At night I'm looking  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-06 I lived happily,  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-06 My beloved friend  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-06 I'm roving about  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-06 He doesn't want to die  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-06 Heavenly verses  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-06 Confusion, just vague  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-07 Love raises a lot  
Bruno's Dream (Iris Murdoch), 1969
2021-09-09 You have to know this  
Pillars of Society (Henrik Ibsen), 1877
2021-09-09 I like to leave, here  
Pillars of Society (Henrik Ibsen), 1877
2021-09-09 The moneylenders  
Pillars of Society (Henrik Ibsen), 1877
2021-09-10 He looks tired, a bit  
The ice bearers (Anna Enquist), 2002
2021-09-11 Tomorrow you'll come  
you left me alone (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2021-09-12 Trimming trees, apply  
The ice bearers (Anna Enquist), 2002
2021-09-12 It happened to us  
The ice bearers (Anna Enquist), 2002
2021-09-12 There are long garlands  
The ice bearers (Anna Enquist), 2002
2021-09-12 The ejector seat  
Clear sky (Tom Lanoye), 2012
2021-09-19 Beware of the hope  
Memories (Ellen Deckwitz), 2021
2021-09-19 Fragments of people  
The power of enthusiasm (Joyce Roodnat), 2021
2021-10-03 Silent night, pale-black  
Normal people (Sally Rooney), 2018
2021-10-05 Holed up in a chair  
The hunger (W.J. Peter Brouwer), 2016
2021-10-08 A lot has happened  
Artis (Spinvis), 2017
2021-10-09 They roamed the mountains  
The Crow (Kader Abdolah), 2011
2021-10-09 It was a long week  
The Crow (Kader Abdolah), 2011
2021-10-10 I have a gun and  
In the fog of the Underworld (Willem Frederik Hermans), 1993
2021-10-10 Autumn, it's raining  
November (Jacques Bloem), 1931
2021-10-11 By looking we tame  
The Little Prince (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry), 1943
2021-10-11 That man over there  
Maintenance of the senses (Franco Faggiani), 2018
2021-10-12 Snow White's shrubery  
Snow White (Hester Knibbe), 1994
2021-10-12 On the mountain road  
Maintenance of the senses (Franco Faggiani), 2018
2021-10-14 A war is concrete  
The virtuoso (Margriet de Moor), 1993
2021-10-18 Being impatient  
The virtuoso (Margriet de Moor), 1993
2021-10-18 He gives a concert  
The virtuoso (Margriet de Moor), 1993
2021-10-19 Once I was a boy  
The virtuoso (Margriet de Moor), 1993
2021-10-21 I furnish my house  
Not crazy (Ellen Deckwitz), 2021
2021-10-23 The monk goes about  
There are no distant places (Franco Faggiani), 2020
2021-10-23 Life always comes down  
There are no distant places (Franco Faggiani), 2020
2021-10-23 When I think of her  
There are no distant places (Franco Faggiani), 2020
2021-10-24 The Olympiade  
The guardian of the hill of cherry trees (Franco Faggiani), 2019
2021-10-24 Gents enjoy themselves  
The guardian of the hill of cherry trees (Franco Faggiani), 2019
2021-10-24 Music everywhere  
The guardian of the hill of cherry trees (Franco Faggiani), 2019
2021-10-24 Vista of a roof  
The guardian of the hill of cherry trees (Franco Faggiani), 2019
2021-10-24 After tea he walks  
The guardian of the hill of cherry trees (Franco Faggiani), 2019
2021-10-24 The vixen pops up  
The guardian of the hill of cherry trees (Franco Faggiani), 2019
2021-10-25 Don't go anywhere  
The Book and the Brotherhood (Iris Murdoch), 1987
2021-10-25 I want to be good  
The Book and the Brotherhood (Iris Murdoch), 1987
2021-10-26 I could have married  
The Book and the Brotherhood (Iris Murdoch), 1987
2021-10-27 I may take this train  
The Book and the Brotherhood (Iris Murdoch), 1987
2021-10-27 He was the sweetest  
The Book and the Brotherhood (Iris Murdoch), 1987
2021-10-27 The crows are cawing  
The Book and the Brotherhood (Iris Murdoch), 1987
2021-10-27 It has rained a lot  
The Book and the Brotherhood (Iris Murdoch), 1987
2021-10-27 He once chose this stone  
The Book and the Brotherhood (Iris Murdoch), 1987
2021-10-29 I shouted, silence  
The virtuoso (Margriet de Moor), 1993
2021-10-31 She enjoys smoking  
Under the Net (Iris Murdoch), 1954
2021-11-01 Fireworks-shows are art  
Under the Net (Iris Murdoch), 1954
2021-11-04 He rips up my dress  
Metamorphoses (Ovidius), 1
2021-11-05 Whenever I lie  
Jimenez (Maarten van Roozendaal), 2012
2021-11-07 I must travel light  
Under the Net (Iris Murdoch), 1954
2021-11-07 I feel my muscles  
Under the Net (Iris Murdoch), 1954
2021-11-08 People in love will  
the flight from the enchanter (Iris Murdoch), 1956
2021-11-10 As long as we live  
the flight from the enchanter (Iris Murdoch), 1956
2021-11-10 Girls dream maidenly  
the flight from the enchanter (Iris Murdoch), 1956
2021-11-11 Too bad, halfway through  
the flight from the enchanter (Iris Murdoch), 1956
2021-11-15 Love is vain, wishing  
A Fairly Honourable Defeat (Iris Murdoch), 1970
2021-11-17 Just half-heartedly  
A Fairly Honourable Defeat (Iris Murdoch), 1970
2021-11-18 Our children are not  
The Prophet (Khalil Gibran), 1923
2021-11-19 Juliet sends me  
Always never (Jordi Lafebre), 2020
2021-11-26 I waved back to him  
Maybe a beginning of something big. 29 poets at work, 2021
2021-11-27 If for sale, and nice  
HERE (Joke van Leeuwen), 2018
2021-11-30 You know the feeling  
Twice a Woman (Harry Mulisch), 1975
2021-12-01 From the compost-heap  
J.R.R. Tolkien: a biography (Humphrey Carpenter), 1977
2021-12-02 No more privacy  
No Exit (Jean-Paul Sartre), 1943
2021-12-02 These rotting pieces  
The secret (Ellen Deckwitz), 2021
2021-12-10 Will this be goodbye  
Photo of a beautiful day (Frank Boeijen), 1985
2021-12-10 Stay, no promises  
Golden mountains (Frank Boeijen), 1986
2021-12-10 Music connects us  
Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey (Paul McCartney), 1971
2021-12-12 Squat down, knees to chin  
pull back (Sylvie Marie), 2018
2021-12-16 The tuba stays here  
Emigrants (Carmien Michels), 2018
2021-12-16 What I meant to say  
Silence is (Ellen Deckwitz), 2021
2021-12-17 I am exploring  
Diving into the wreck (1973, Adrienne Rich), 1973
2021-12-17 I go outside, then  
The man in the hat (Meity Völke), 2018
2021-12-17 I know what fear is  
Air route (Meity Völke), 2020
2021-12-17 Before departure  
Air route (Meity Völke), 2020
2021-12-18 The side of a train  
& we ride (Bernard Wesseling), 2016
2021-12-21 Most people are but  
On the way to The Hartz (Wessel te Gussinklo), 2020
2021-12-23 Photo's of people  
On the way to The Hartz (Wessel te Gussinklo), 2020
2021-12-23 Look at a hero  
On the way to The Hartz (Wessel te Gussinklo), 2020
2021-12-25 Great talents hang on  
The Development of Personality (Carl Gustav Jung), 1954
2021-12-28 If there's a nothing  
On nature (Parmenides), -455
2021-12-28 My dog's happiness  
The Wall (Marlen Haushofer), 1963
2021-12-29 Love affair: he walks  
On the way to The Hartz (Wessel te Gussinklo), 2020
2022-01-02 At the airport, I  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-02 The officials in  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-02 My uncle is huge  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-02 See the Olympus  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-02 I want to kiss her  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-02 Like a question mark  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-02 We eat on the train  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-02 A glimpse of grandad  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-04 It's best to marry  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-04 On the times they had  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-04 I am not hiding  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-04 I found my twin self  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-05 That's what I've achieved  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-05 Don't infect yourself  
Beside Myself (Sasha Marianna Salzmann), 2017
2022-01-07 I like to nestle  
An accidental man (Iris Murdoch), 1971
2022-01-08 I take mama's hand  
An accidental man (Iris Murdoch), 1971
2022-01-09 She digested him  
An accidental man (Iris Murdoch), 1971
2022-01-10 The monk sews, he pulls  
An accidental man (Iris Murdoch), 1971
2022-01-12 Who really wants to  
An accidental man (Iris Murdoch), 1971
2022-01-14 Again, another  
An accidental man (Iris Murdoch), 1971
2022-01-16 The fire is blazing  
Higher physics #1 (Ellen Deckwitz), 2019
2022-01-16 Upon street boxes  
Higher physics (Ellen #3 Deckwitz), 2019
2022-01-16 As if my body  
Higher physics #12 (Ellen Deckwitz), 2019
2022-01-23 Large mirrors, lackeys  
Poubelle (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2016
2022-01-24 Her hand pinches mine  
Poubelle (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2016
2022-01-25 Massages with wine  
Poubelle (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2016
2022-01-26 I penetrate her  
Genk love (Mustafa Kör), 2017
2022-01-27 It's smelling homely  
On weekdays (Mustafa Kör), 2017
2022-01-27 I'm fine, I clean up  
On weekdays (Mustafa Kör), 2017
2022-01-27 The war of those days  
Poubelle (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2016
2022-01-28 Bring our friend home  
Ghazal 163 "Go, my friends" (Mohamed Rumi), 1247
2022-01-28 Yet your desires too  
Quatrains "When I see your face" (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2022-01-28 Don't go to sleep, you  
Quatrains "The breeze at dawn" (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2022-01-28 Like dust particles  
Quatrain "Daylight, full of small dancing particles" (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2022-01-28 Happiness: beware  
The comfort seekers (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2020
2022-01-28 Here I hurt myself  
The comfort seekers (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2020
2022-01-29 Between some remains  
Cross-section (Marjolijn van Heemstra), 2020
2022-01-30 Dad never writes me  
Findling (Vonne van der Meer), 2019
2022-01-30 If only love was  
Findling (Vonne van der Meer), 2019
2022-01-31 Torn from the photo  
Findling (Vonne van der Meer), 2019
2022-01-31 Again no message  
Findling (Vonne van der Meer), 2019
2022-02-07 We then learned to hold  
The rat of Amsterdam (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2020
2022-02-07 I am a small fish  
The rat of Amsterdam (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2020
2022-02-08 The boat deflates: air  
Évian (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2017
2022-02-08 We are helplessly  
Évian (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2017
2022-02-08 The news-reports flush  
Évian (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2017
2022-02-08 Our nature to keep  
Évian (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2017
2022-02-08 People are shrinking  
About growing downward (Rolf Jacobsen), 1979
2022-02-08 People are party  
The rat of Amsterdam (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2020
2022-02-08 I was full of pus  
The rat of Amsterdam (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2020
2022-02-09 My sister hit me  
The rat of Amsterdam (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2020
2022-02-10 My energy sinks  
The rat of Amsterdam (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2020
2022-02-13 The cows float about  
Sea of the cows (Rodaan al Galidi), 2000
2022-02-13 No indications  
In the universe - 10. (Rodaan al Galidi), 2016
2022-02-13 Paint a grey layer  
Paint me (Rodaan al Galidi), 2016
2022-02-15 Train, car, and air-plane  
O.K. - O.K. (Rolf Jacobsen), 1985
2022-02-15 Happiness drugs you  
The rat of Amsterdam (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2020
2022-02-15 All in due time please  
The rat of Amsterdam (Pieter Waterdrinker), 2020
2022-02-15 Finally the snow  
Suddenly. In december. (Rolf Jacobsen), 1985
2022-02-19 If you don't forgive  
Interview with Mpho Andrea Tutu, 2022
2022-02-19 Finally alone  
2022-02-19 People are poets  
Interview with Erik Bindervoet, 2022
2022-02-19 Most people I see  
Interview with Erik Bindervoet, 2022
2022-02-21 The bullets hit holes  
Details (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2014
2022-02-21 Please give my corpse back  
Details (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2014
2022-02-21 When my sorrow broke  
How I became a poet (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2014
2022-02-22 I wrap myself up  
Schizophrenia (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2016
2022-02-22 The war means dying  
The capital (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2016
2022-02-22 The boat refugees  
The capital (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2016
2022-02-22 Listen to my voice  
The capital (Ghayath Almadhoun), 2016
2022-02-22 Is peace to be free  
warraps (Anne Vegter), 2017
2022-02-22 Parties everywhere  
meanwhile in the netherlands (Anne Vegter), 2017
2022-02-23 We're drinking black milk  
Death Fugue (Paul Celan), 1948
2022-02-27 I'll do everything  
Otmar's sons (Peter Buwalda), 2019
2022-02-27 The rich people share  
Otmar's sons (Peter Buwalda), 2019
2022-03-01 I bite in the fur  
Otmar's sons (Peter Buwalda), 2019
2022-03-02 I was a fan, sweet  
Valeri Ojf (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2022
2022-03-02 My very best friends  
Otmar's sons (Peter Buwalda), 2019
2022-03-06 The poor little girl  
Otmar's sons (Peter Buwalda), 2019
2022-03-08 He mocks her, does not  
All the blue (Peter Terrin), 2021
2022-03-09 In this place I would  
All the blue (Peter Terrin), 2021
2022-03-15 Let us sing of life  
The drinking song of earth's sorrow (Hans Bethge), 1907
2022-03-15 I am tired, I long  
The solitary one in autumn (Hans Bethge), 1907
2022-03-15 Glimmering beauty  
Of youth (Hans Bethge), 1907
2022-03-15 Girls tease each other  
Of beauty (Hans Bethge), 1907
2022-03-15 Let us just enjoy  
The farewell (Hans Bethge), 1907
2022-03-16 I can't go ahead  
Stage IV (Sander Kollaard), 2015
2022-03-17 It is natural  
My true story (Karin Bloemen), 2019
2022-03-17 I was never there  
My true story (Karin Bloemen), 2019
2022-03-19 The piano, skew  
My true story (Karin Bloemen), 2019
2022-03-19 Oops, I'm home alone  
My true story (Karin Bloemen), 2019
2022-03-20 The customer leaves  
My true story (Karin Bloemen), 2019
2022-03-20 In how many beds  
My true story (Karin Bloemen), 2019
2022-03-20 Death stands before me  
Death before the door (Ali Serik), 2015
2022-03-20 War: I run away  
Only you will hear me blond girl (Ali Serik), 2015
2022-03-21 Men can just walk out  
When a man goes (Ali Serik), 2015
2022-03-21 With the blood-red stains  
Red stained my friend (Ali Serik), 2015
2022-03-21 I watched secretly  
The gold teeth (Ali Serik), 2015
2022-03-21 You must analyse  
A word rarely comes alone (Ali Serik), 2015
2022-03-21 What a strange feeling  
Strange happiness (Ali Serik), 2015
2022-03-21 I create the earth  
Not again (Ali Serik), 2018
2022-03-22 The war is a thief  
Only you will hear me blond girl (Ali Serik), 2015
2022-03-22 I never played Hamlet  
The theatre, the letter and the truth (Harry Mulisch), 2000
2022-03-22 God is a tv-  
The theatre, the letter and the truth (Harry Mulisch), 2000
2022-03-22 As if God sees us  
The theatre, the letter and the truth (Harry Mulisch), 2000
2022-03-23 Sorry, I don't know  
Hold-up in Shoresite (Hubert Lampo), 1992
2022-03-24 I'm wearing flowers  
Flowers (Amina Belôrf), 2020
2022-03-25 The buzz of the guests  
Fish-soup (Mustafa Kör), 2016
2022-03-27 Spring seizes my eye  
sweet spring laughs (Rozalie Hirs), 2012
2022-03-28 I'm out of the bath  
motion lines - 9 (Rozalie Hirs), 2017
2022-03-28 God is almighty  
A birthday as another (Hubert Lampo), 1990
2022-03-29 It wasn't meant like that  
Did I say that? (Froukje Veenstra), 2021
2022-04-01 In me and in you  
Black Square (Tijs Nuyts), 2022
2022-04-02 Modern cars don't stink  
Vilvoorde (Tijs Nuyts), 2022
2022-04-02 When we refuel  
Refuel (Tijs Nuyts), 2022
2022-04-06 The dying man looks  
Major Decoster's film archive (Hubert Lampo), 1992
2022-04-06 Magic requires that  
Major Decoster's film archive (Hubert Lampo), 1992
2022-04-08 The news, every day  
Trouble Every Day (The Mothers of Invention), 1965
2022-04-08 We're ready for you  
Crew Slut (Frank Zappa), 1979
2022-04-08 I like to do it  
Crew Slut (Frank Zappa), 1979
2022-04-10 I do read a lot  
Monterosso mon amour (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2022
2022-04-10 Novels are derived  
Life imitates art (Oscar Wilde), 1891
2022-04-11 My love spell on you  
I put a spell on you (Jay Hawkins), 1956
2022-04-11 Mothers are happy  
Monterosso mon amour (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2022
2022-04-14 Swimming, I'm sinking  
Groundwater (Piet Gerbrandy), 2017
2022-04-14 The continents are  
Groundwater (Piet Gerbrandy), 2017
2022-04-14 As a swimmer, I  
Groundwater (Piet Gerbrandy), 2017
2022-04-14 There are knocks, no ring  
Monterosso mon amour (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2022
2022-04-14 It's normal to wish  
Monterosso mon amour (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2022
2022-04-14 I grew up right here  
1944 (Susana Jamala[dinova]), 2016
2022-04-18 Just make excuses  
Circe (Madeline Miller), 2018
2022-04-18 But why is there war?  
2022-04-18 I hear stone on stone  
Circe (Madeline Miller), 2018
2022-04-19 Your child, it reflects  
Circe (Madeline Miller), 2018
2022-04-19 A boss claims to be  
2022-04-19 All my magic spells  
Circe (Madeline Miller), 2018
2022-04-19 Gods, eternally  
Circe (Madeline Miller), 2018
2022-04-26 Our beloved king  
Interview with Rodaan Al Galidi, 2022
2022-05-06 Be careful, my love  
Not her (HoneyLove), 2021
2022-05-09 Through long avenues  
The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Milan Kundera), 1984
2022-05-18 Her head torn to shreds  
Girl (Edna O'Brien), 2019
2022-05-21 Anyway we live  
The Netherlands reads (Ronald Giphart), 2019
2022-05-21 Authorities, act!  
Accomplice (Aaf Brandt Corstius), 2019
2022-05-22 The nest with swallows  
Letter (Jan Wolkers), 1969
2022-05-22 I'm scared by a foot  
Greetings from Rottumerplaat (Jan Wolkers), 1971
2022-05-22 The spinal column  
Greetings from Rottumerplaat (Jan Wolkers), 1971
2022-05-22 In the forests live  
Daphne, a fairytale (Jan Wolkers), 1985
2022-05-22 The town has thick walls  
The skimmer of time (Jan Wolkers), 1994
2022-05-22 With a trailing sound  
Long-tailed tits (Jac. P. Thijsse), 1903
2022-05-23 In a tangle are  
Winter mosquitoes (Guido Gezelle), 1896
2022-05-23 There's enough spring green  
Spring green (Guido Gezelle), 1901
2022-06-01 I love religions  
I love religion (Renate Rubinstein), 1990
2022-06-01 Well, tell me, how much  
A Thousand Ships (Natalie Haynes), 2019
2022-06-04 Blood runs down the legs  
Peace Frog (The Doors), 1970
2022-06-06 I know the future  
A Thousand Ships (Natalie Haynes), 2019
2022-06-07 My private statements  
Get a feel please (Christiaan Weijts), 2022
2022-06-07 Happiness: beware  
The comfort seekers (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2020
2022-06-08 Seducing someone  
A diplomat is a person (Anonymous, USA), 1937
2022-06-08 Coincidences  
Cumin-splinters (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2022
2022-06-08 You cannot escape  
Rook's pawns (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2022
2022-06-08 Don't be sad, let go  
The widest life (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2021
2022-06-08 The thundersea foams  
With foam at the mouth, so willingly seen (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2019
2022-06-08 I want it all, and  
Breastwork (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2022
2022-06-08 War, being cautious  
War-weary (Marieke Lucas Rijneveld), 2019
2022-06-09 She puts on make-up  
The other woman (Jessie Mae Robinson), 1955
2022-06-09 Being in your arms  
The winner takes it all (ABBA), 1980
2022-06-09 Life is offering  
In your body (Cédric Klapisch), 2022
2022-06-10 I feel so lonely  
All the heaven you need (Franco Faggiani), 2022
2022-06-11 A grand scenery  
All the heaven you need (Franco Faggiani), 2022
2022-06-11 What really matters  
All the heaven you need (Franco Faggiani), 2022
2022-06-12 Mountains around me  
All the heaven you need (Franco Faggiani), 2022
2022-06-12 High in the mountains  
All the heaven you need (Franco Faggiani), 2022
2022-06-12 Goose bumps all around  
Tree N (Peter Verhelst), 1994
2022-06-14 The walnut tree falls  
Tree N (Peter Verhelst), 1994
2022-06-14 Then, at the abyss  
Do you remember? (Peter Verhelst), 2014
2022-06-16 Casting fishing lines  
The Ritualists (William Carlos Williams), 1940
2022-06-16 Wind and rain at night  
Spring morning (Chen Wang and William Carlos Williams), 740
2022-06-16 Yet I look away  
Thoughts in the Silent Night (Chen Wang and William Carlos Williams), 750
2022-06-16 From now on I cook  
The Newlywed's Cuisine (Chen Wangand William Carlos Williams), 800
2022-06-16 The peonies have  
The stolen peonies (William Carlos Williams), 1962
2022-06-16 All things break down, and  
Matter of ratio (Ellen Deckwitz), 2022
2022-06-21 Bump, bump, with those blows  
Winnie-the-Pooh (Alan Milne), 1926
2022-06-21 They showed us the rock  
Lessons for Luca (Salvador Gieling), 2021
2022-06-22 Do I know myself  
Never (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2009
2022-06-22 I don't know you yet  
I still have to learn (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2009
2022-06-22 I really love you  
Testament (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2009
2022-06-22 Watch out, love wants all  
Idylls #12 (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2015
2022-06-22 I love exactly  
Giro Giro Tondo. An obsession (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2015
2022-06-22 It's a fact, you can  
New idylls #54 (Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer), 2022
2022-06-23 Your leg on my thigh  
Francisca Porto (Paul Janssen), 2004
2022-06-23 Even if I don't  
Suriname. Holland. Sranan (Astrid Roemer), 1985
2022-06-23 Daffodils in spring  
Afternoon nap (Astrid Roemer), 2008
2022-06-23 He flaunts the flowers  
Child of five (Astrid Roemer), 2008
2022-06-23 When you're not at home  
On a summer hit #3 (Astrid Roemer), 2015
2022-06-23 Poverty teaches  
Calculating (Ellen Deckwitz), 2022
2022-06-24 In the meadow lies  
Vernacular Animal Sheds (Servaas van Belle), 2022
2022-06-25 Someone unknown calls  
The message (Jan van Nijlen), 1947
2022-06-27 Yes, mwaw hwale re hwoot  
Toilet training (Tom Lanoye), 1990
2022-06-27 Your panties of foam  
0 - 0 (Paul Claes), 1994
2022-06-30 So it happened there  
The tower (Luc Huybrechts), 2004
2022-06-30 Keeping your head back  
Exercise in loss of control (Mark van Tongele), 2004
2022-07-02 The dancer, sliding  
we never get it (Peter Verhelst), 2003
2022-07-02 In this land I was  
Place and date (Leonard Nolens), 1986
2022-07-03 I certainly would  
I'd do anything for love (but I won't do that) (Jim Steinman), 1993
2022-07-03 Are journeys searches  
Hunter (Björk), 1997
2022-07-04 Help, I'm made of stone  
Help, I'm a Rock! (The Mothers of Invention), 1966
2022-07-04 Well, do I matter?  
I'm Not Satisfied (The Mothers of Invention), 1966
2022-07-04 Reason is suspect  
Who Are the Brain Police? (The Mothers of Invention), 1966
2022-07-04 Oh, Odorono  
Odorono (The Who), 1967
2022-07-05 Am I unworldly?  
Commitment (Leonard Nolens), 2001
2022-07-05 Am I unworldly?  
Commitment (Leonard Nolens), 2001
2022-07-05 Maybe I shall die  
Being alone (Leonard Nolens), 2001
2022-07-05 You say 'Here it is'  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-05 I unravel us  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-05 I am not able  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-05 To disappoint me  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-06 A nice canoe trip  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-06 The emotions are  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-06 My cynical life  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-06 Always wishing to  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-06 I don't join in, I  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-07 Company is nice  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-07 I'm depressed, mainly  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-07 I'm living my life  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-08 How weird, your trousers!  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-08 Don't ask 'How are you?'  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-08 The Oracle knows  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-08 In the little shop  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-08 Being objective  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-09 Do you also make  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-09 New Year, I would like  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-09 Her question is quite  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-09 Oh, my dear darling  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-09 The presenter doubts  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-09 You didn't wear that much  
The way you came and and said hi (Herman de Coninck), 1969
2022-07-09 You put on some thin  
The way you came and and said hi (Herman de Coninck), 1969
2022-07-09 Problems. But right now  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-09 Uncle touches me  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-09 Children should remain  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-09 People just believe  
History of Russian literature (Karel van het Reve), 1985
2022-07-11 I loathe standing out  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-11 I loathe standing out  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-11 It's in vain, my book  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-11 I'm trying so hard  
Like it or not - Faxing to Ger #4 (Nicolien Mizee), 2021
2022-07-12 The revolution  
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (Gil Scott-Heron), 1970
2022-07-12 She sweeps up the shards  
Pieces of a Man (Gil Scott-Heron), 1971
2022-07-12 At the road junctions  
A Sign of the Ages (Gil Scott-Heron), 1971
2022-07-12 Forests burned away  
Winter in America (Gil Scott-Heron en Brian Jackson), 1974
2022-07-13 In the dead of night  
Sleepless in the middle (Hanny Michaelis), 1957
2022-07-13 I then thought I knew  
To love somebody (Hanny Michaelis), 1969
2022-07-13 My wondrous loves me  
Wondrous is waiting in a remote corner of my soul (Toon Tellegen), 2016
2022-07-13 My wondrous, I love  
Wondrous is the meaning of my existence (Toon Tellegen), 2016
2022-07-13 My wondrous may be  
Wondrous is close and very far away (Toon Tellegen), 2016
2022-07-13 My thoughts constitute  
Wondrous studied me (Toon Tellegen), 2016
2022-07-13 My wondrous, she is  
Wondrous likes silence (Toon Tellegen), 2016
2022-07-15 Walk into the night  
Personal peculiarities (Elly de Waard), 2022
2022-07-15 I do get the cup  
You're not singing very long - 3 (Mustafa Stitou), 2003
2022-07-15 The civil servant  
The civil servant received me (Mustafa Stitou), 2003
2022-07-15 The survey presents  
The seven faces (Mustafa Stitou), 2003
2022-07-15 They are old, they laugh  
Equals (Mustafa Stitou), 2003
2022-07-15 The things my heart drives  
Not together we separate light and dark - 4 (Mustafa Stitou), 2003
2022-07-16 To maintain something  
The leopard (Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa), 1958
2022-07-16 Writers do not write  
The albatross (Simona Lo Iacono), 2019
2022-07-22 I am my angel  
Jimenez (Maarten van Roozendaal), 2012
2022-07-22 She is without man  
Judith (Maarten van Roozendaal), 2000
2022-07-25 Any memory  
The desire for what you already know is the strongest (Marjoleine de Vos), 2022
2022-07-27 My neighbours make love  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-07-27 It's not serious  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-07-27 Sanatorium  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-07-29 Hear, I am praying  
God, Allow Me (Please) to Play Music (Voice of Baceprot), 2021
2022-07-29 The children have learnt  
The street and the shrubs (Armando), 1988
2022-07-31 If love cannot be  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-08-01 I am sick, foggy  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-08-01 I'm sick, my visit  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-08-01 Snoozing, a quarter  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-08-04 The hall lights go on  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-08-05 To be dutiful  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-08-06 Opinions create  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-08-07 The hairdresser cuts  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-08-08 You're in love with me  
The Magic Mountain (Thomas Mann), 1924
2022-08-09 The angel attacked  
The colours of Anna (Sander Kollaard), 2021
2022-08-09 My abraded knee  
The colours of Anna (Sander Kollaard), 2021
2022-08-10 I will not tell you  
The colours of Anna (Sander Kollaard), 2021
2022-08-10 Powerless people  
The colours of Anna (Sander Kollaard), 2021
2022-08-10 When I'm furious  
The colours of Anna (Sander Kollaard), 2021
2022-08-11 It's blue that I like  
The colours of Anna (Sander Kollaard), 2021
2022-08-11 You don't understand  
The colours of Anna (Sander Kollaard), 2021
2022-08-12 I quiesce the storm  
The tempest (William Shakespeare), 1611
2022-08-13 Step by step I walk  
A philosophy of walking (Frédéric Gros), 2010
2022-08-13 People only change  
The next story (Cees Nooteboom), 1991
2022-08-13 And now? Again this  
The next story (Cees Nooteboom), 1991
2022-08-13 As a priest one serves  
The next story (Cees Nooteboom), 1991
2022-08-13 The believers can  
The next story (Cees Nooteboom), 1991
2022-08-14 His farewell wishes  
Crito (Plato), -399
2022-09-02 People keep thinking  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1966
2022-09-02 Alas, making love  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1966
2022-09-02 Well, you better hide  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1967
2022-09-02 Mama is lonely  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1980
2022-09-03 Rumours often do  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1982
2022-09-03 As the love poet  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1985
2022-09-03 Well, men have to swing  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1987
2022-09-03 With their girl, tough men  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1987
2022-09-04 My father is dead  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1987
2022-09-04 Let us discuss it  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1992
2022-09-04 Oh really? Do you  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1993
2022-09-05 My ex is a friend  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1995
2022-09-05 Stay, make an effort  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1996
2022-09-05 The car is broken  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1996
2022-09-07 It's two lives in one  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1994
2022-09-07 Too bad! Poems fall  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1996
2022-09-07 I just forget her  
A pleasant postumity: letters 1965-1997 (Herman de Coninck), 1996
2022-09-07 Verbatim, God is  
Lullaby for Laura in Gigaro (Herman de Coninck), 1997
2022-09-07 Today was a draft  
Three Sisters (Anton Chechov), 1901
2022-09-13 I don't want to be  
Stone (Charles Simic), 1971
2022-09-13 Crawl into a stone  
Stone (Charles Simic), 1971
2022-09-13 It looks like a bird's  
Fork (Charles Simic), 1971
2022-09-13 The ants hear little  
Solitude (Charles Simic), 1974
2022-09-13 Then, the world stands still  
Drawn to Perspective (Charles Simic), 1982
2022-09-13 The low branches swing  
Evening walk (Charles Simic), 1992
2022-09-13 I live my portion  
Nearest Nameless (Charles Simic), 2003
2022-09-14 When I'm writing, you  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-16 I see what is gone  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-16 I saw Les amants  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-17 Let me be with you  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-17 Life is far too short  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-17 I go, you remain  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-17 I don't ask Do you  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-17 We broke up and now  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-17 Never dare to do  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-18 Yes, the evil eye  
The carbonised alphabet (Paul de Wispelaere), 1992
2022-09-18 Memory, yours too  
Less Than One: Selected Essays (Joseph Brodsky), 1986
2022-09-19 Your words are lovely!  
Show me (Alan Jay Lerner), 1956
2022-09-19 Let me die lonely  
Language without me (Kristien Hemmerechts), 1998
2022-09-20 It is printed now  
The Sorrow of Belgium (Hugo Claus), 1983
2022-09-21 Travelling isn't fun  
The cowboy pants of Maria Magdalena (Herman de Coninck), 1996
2022-09-21 It's well-intentioned  
The cowboy pants of Maria Magdalena (Herman de Coninck), 1996
2022-09-21 The heating remains  
The cowboy pants of Maria Magdalena (Herman de Coninck), 1996
2022-09-22 I sweep up the shards  
44 (Herman de Coninck), 1991
2022-09-22 I finally have  
Philip and the others (Cees Nooteboom), 1954
2022-09-22 You have two arms, so  
Choose me. Choose me from the whole (Herman de Coninck), 1992
2022-09-22 Well, what do I need?  
Deck-chair - 1 (Herman de Coninck), 1997
2022-09-23 Like a lonely tree  
It must be with winter. A tree on the horizon (Herman de Coninck), 1991
2022-09-23 Hygiene costs smooth rooms  
Turned on (Kristien Hemmerechts), 1991
2022-09-23 Am I that body  
Fairy tale (Kristien Hemmerechts), 1992
2022-09-24 The pain, the pleasure  
Fairy tale (Kristien Hemmerechts), 1992
2022-09-24 Way too much sadness  
Fairy tale (Kristien Hemmerechts), 1992
2022-09-25 Whatever I think  
A year like (no) other (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2003
2022-09-25 No, I cannot speak  
A year like (no) other (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2003
2022-09-26 In cities, country-  
A year like (no) other (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2003
2022-09-26 We like each other  
A year like (no) other (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2003
2022-09-26 Making love, they teach  
A year like (no) other (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2003
2022-09-27 I'm looking around  
Death made me a proposal - About death, life, and love (Kristien Hemmerechts), 2010
2022-09-28 Cradle great sadness  
In between wailing (interview with Anna Enquist), 2002
2022-10-02 I never say this  
Someone else (Arnon Grunberg), 2005
2022-10-02 I am excited  
Desire (Manon Uphoff), 1995
2022-10-03 Do you long for me?  
How the affair of Sabine and Enrico ended (Ronald Giphart), 2016
2022-10-03 After making love  
A time outside time (Susan Smit), 2016
2022-10-04 She shows me the bed  
The dream of the fisherman's wife (Manon Uphoff), 2017
2022-10-04 I sniff up the sea  
The dream of the fisherman's wife (Manon Uphoff), 2017
2022-10-04 It's excitingly  
The dream of the fisherman's wife (Manon Uphoff), 2017
2022-10-04 I pulsate shock waves  
The dream of the fisherman's wife (Manon Uphoff), 2017
2022-10-04 She doesn't want to smell  
Farah Mills (Ivo Victoria), 2017
2022-10-04 She visits my house  
Farah Mills (Ivo Victoria), 2017
2022-10-04 Nude in my nightie  
Farah Mills (Ivo Victoria), 2017
2022-10-04 I don't have a view  
Fermata (Stella Bergsma), 2016
2022-10-05 Just a little note  
God among the people (Toon Tellegen), 2020
2022-10-05 People are praying  
God among the people (Toon Tellegen), 2020
2022-10-05 God disappoints us  
God among the people (Toon Tellegen), 2020
2022-10-05 Unanimously  
God among the people (Toon Tellegen), 2020
2022-10-05 Enough evidence!  
God among the people (Toon Tellegen), 2020
2022-10-05 A man prays. God asks  
God among the people (Toon Tellegen), 2020
2022-10-05 The waterfall pours  
Tokio's Midsummer Night's Dream 7 (Peter Verhelst), 2020
2022-10-06 A full moon tonight  
the masterpiece: light-pink moon, full (Gerrit Kouwenaar), 1978
2022-10-08 The old goat just stares  
Old goat (Rutger Kopland), 2008
2022-10-08 Like a precious stone  
Cow - III (Rutger Kopland), 2008
2022-10-08 The cow looks beyond  
Cow - IV (Rutger Kopland), 2008
2022-10-08 I suspect a cow  
Cow - VI (Rutger Kopland), 2008
2022-10-08 The doctor wavers  
The doctor (Rutger Kopland), 2008
2022-10-12 He sniffs and he sucks  
You seemed with every (Michel Bartosik), 1990
2022-10-12 There are no treasures  
#112 - Tom Puss and the the switcher treasure (Marten Toonder), 1965
2022-10-13 Salt in the coolant  
#113 - Tom Puss and the Mighty Barribal (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-13 Don't think of yourself!  
#113 - Tom Puss and the Mighty Barribal (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-13 Is he that mighty?  
#113 - Tom Puss and the Mighty Barribal (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-13 A giggle echoes  
#113 - Tom Puss and the Mighty Barribal (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-13 People are longing  
#114 - Sir Bumble and the new thinking (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-13 You can't stay. Who wants  
#114 - Sir Bumble and the new thinking (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-13 Someone who is stuck  
#114 - Sir Bumble and the new thinking (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-13 Live an eternal  
#114 - Sir Bumble and the new thinking (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-16 On a parachute  
I. Preludium (Tomas Tranströmer), 1954
2022-10-16 Storm, I am awake  
II. Archipelago in the autumn - Storm (Tomas Tranströmer), 1954
2022-10-16 I skid and slowed down  
Loneliness - I (Tomas Tranströmer), 1966
2022-10-17 Behind me: rulers  
Nightbook-page (Tomas Tranströmer), 1996
2022-10-17 The sun takes a stand  
Landscape with suns (Tomas Tranströmer), 1996
2022-10-17 More and more signposts  
Snow falls (Tomas Tranströmer), 2002
2022-10-19 Stop it! Stop your talks!  
#114 - Sir Bumble and the new thinking (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-19 The Adjustery  
#114 - Sir Bumble and the new thinking (Marten Toonder), 1966
2022-10-21 Hips are everything  
The House on Mango Street (Sandra Cisneros), 1984
2022-10-21 Who is a brain boss?  
#171 - Sir Bumble and the antiliar (Marten Toonder), 1982
2022-10-21 I am a Thinker  
#171 - Sir Bumble and the antiliar (Marten Toonder), 1982
2022-10-21 Am I... deceiving  
#171 - Sir Bumble and the antiliar (Marten Toonder), 1982
2022-10-21 The laws are founded  
#171 - Sir Bumble and the antiliar (Marten Toonder), 1982
2022-10-21 It is dangerous  
#171 - Sir Bumble and the antiliar (Marten Toonder), 1982
2022-10-21 Don't people have to  
#171 - Sir Bumble and the antiliar (Marten Toonder), 1982
2022-10-21 Blabla translator  
#171 - Sir Bumble and the antiliar (Marten Toonder), 1982
2022-10-23 Blind soldiers want to  
On the way here (Jila Mossaed), 1997
2022-10-23 I am all desert  
My country & My own language (Jila Mossaed), 1997
2022-10-24 I dream of forest  
Every night (Jila Mossaed), 2000
2022-10-24 I'm whirling, whirling  
Love (Jila Mossaed), 2005
2022-10-25 Springtime, yet the birds  
Spring's little poem (Jila Mossaed), 2005
2022-10-25 After my last word  
Daydreaming without date (Jila Mossaed), 2009
2022-10-25 Over here, the soil  
Know nothing about mushrooms (Jila Mossaed), 2009
2022-10-25 There's a lot of sun  
Know nothing about mushrooms (Jila Mossaed), 2009
2022-10-25 Come and sit with us  
Today the whole sky is grey (Jila Mossaed), 2009
2022-10-25 In the new country  
Walk behind a friend (Jila Mossaed), 2009
2022-10-26 The cruel soldiers  
The soldiers who got lost in the desert (Jila Mossaed), 2009
2022-10-26 Telephone: Mama  
In the evening the phone rings (Jila Mossaed), 2009
2022-10-26 You're alive, traces  
You dispersed yourself (Jila Mossaed), 2012
2022-10-26 Saturday: bags-day  
Leisure (Ellen Deckwitz), 2022
2022-10-26 I'm lonely, only  
It might be lonelier (Emily Dickinson), 1862
2022-10-26 Maybe I rather  
It might be lonelier (Emily Dickinson), 1862
2022-10-27 I cannot hear you  
Louder! So I can hear you (Laura Bokhoven), 2022
2022-11-04 Watch out, everyone  
You've got to hide your love away (The Beatles), 1965
2022-11-04 Unconditional  
Not her (HoneyLove), 2021
2022-11-04 I am that sick girl  
I dont know my name (Honey Love), 2021
2022-11-04 Thanks to all the pills  
Some Version of Me (Honey Love), 2021
2022-11-15 He is angry, she  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-15 The baby, quiet  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-15 Power is: never  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-15 They work very hard  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-16 Their will controlled him  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-16 She could not look: did  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-16 I pity old friends  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-17 Living in exile  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-17 He is so holy!  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-17 Whoever wakes up  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-20 If knowledge is off  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-20 Before they can speak  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-21 Long-term collisions  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-22 Above the pilgrims  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-23 The world does exist  
The Satanic Verses (Salman Rushdie), 1988
2022-11-24 Quiet as a child  
Psalm 131:2
2022-11-28 The dog runs in, slips  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-11-28 Do I hate my job?  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-11-28 A sound woke me up  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-11-28 After her reproach  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-11-28 Prying loose a wire  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-11-28 I'm looking for words  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-11-29 Come and visit us  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-11-29 They are racing past  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-11-29 A downpour, open  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-01 It is just broken  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-01 Visitors are briefed  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-01 I know father well  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-01 They are ponderous  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-01 I'll resign, I will  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-01 I chose not to vote  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-01 I hesitate to  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-01 He waits, just watching  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-02 Will you stay with me?  
Abide with me, then I'll go gladly to death (Gottfried Heinrich Stölzel), 1718
2022-12-02 Of course they are right  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-02 I feel pitiful  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-02 Left and right, voters  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-02 Think of the office  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-02 A department head  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-02 A scientist fears  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-02 Father, now waddling  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-02 Father's small suitcase  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-02 Just become little  
The Shrinking Man (Richard Matheson), 1956
2022-12-02 Unexpected things  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-03 Rather say it now  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-03 The civil servants  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-03 In the hospital  
The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil), 1997
2022-12-04 You are beautiful  
about you (Rozalie Hirs), 2002
2022-12-04 A little flower  
bottlenose dolphin (Rozalie Hirs), 2008
2022-12-04 Walking the asphalt  
the day rolls onto the street (Rozalie Hirs), 2012
2022-12-07 While we eat our fill  
(Luigi Pirandello)
2022-12-09 In stories about  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta-Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2022-12-12 I sometimes miss it  
Masterpiece (Jan Emmens), 1963
2022-12-14 In the sitting room  
Black shawl (Luigi Pirandello), 1904
2022-12-15 Well, the usurer  
The lucky ones (Luigi Pirandello), 1911
2022-12-15 A plunge in the night  
And another one! (Luigi Pirandello), 1901
2022-12-16 Mother shakes her head  
If... (Luigi Pirandello), 1898
2022-12-16 The universe holds  
Thoughts (Blaise Pascal), 1662
2022-12-16 The melancholy  
Solution: geography (Luigi Pirandello), 1920
2022-12-17 I don't spend money  
The hand of the poor sick man (Luigi Pirandello), 1917
2022-12-17 At night, the houses  
The hand of the poor sick man (Luigi Pirandello), 1917
2022-12-17 I studied the sick  
The hand of the poor sick man (Luigi Pirandello), 1917
2022-12-17 The dying man gets  
The hand of the poor sick man (Luigi Pirandello), 1917
2022-12-19 Feel sorry for me  
The royal banner (Luigi Pirandello), 1897
2022-12-19 I pace up and down  
The royal banner (Luigi Pirandello), 1897
2022-12-19 Facts are like bags, they  
The royal banner (Luigi Pirandello), 1897
2022-12-19 I keep to myself  
The light from the other house (Luigi Pirandello), 1909
2022-12-20 Fiery is his  
The Cathar heresy (Luigi Pirandello), 1905
2022-12-20 At parties I try  
The return of the new year (Eva Meijer), 2022
2022-12-21 So you do love him  
Far away (Luigi Pirandello), 1902
2022-12-22 Too late I'm ashamed  
The old man's sleep (Luigi Pirandello), 1905
2022-12-22 The elderly man  
The old man's sleep (Luigi Pirandello), 1905
2022-12-22 You'll find pointlessness  
The destruction of man (Luigi Pirandello), 1912
2022-12-23 The year-end question  
We are cows (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2022
2022-12-27 He caresses her  
The wave (Luigi Pirandello), 1894
2022-12-28 The birds sing for me  
Three Little Birds (Bob Marley), 1977
2022-12-28 For far too much world  
Indifference (Gilbert Bécaud and Maurice Vidalin), 1977
2022-12-28 Calm before the storm  
The Gay Science (Friedrich Nietzsche), 1882
2022-12-28 Being bored deeply  
What is metaphysics? (Martin Heidegger), 1929
2022-12-28 My self, the snowball  
The Laugh (Henri Bergson), 1899
2022-12-29 People are vessels  
Time Regained (Marcel Proust), 1927
2022-12-29 Write creatively  
Quiet the time. Plea for a slow future (Joke Hermsen), 2009
2022-12-29 Go push your way through  
The forest and the citadel. Memoires of a composer (Simeon ten Holt), 2009
2022-12-29 Our unconscious mind  
Foreword (Friedrich Nietzsche), 1881
2022-12-30 Who of the great saints  
The Large Catechism (Martin Luther), 1529
2022-12-30 Don't chain a woman  
Chained people (Friedrich Nietzsche), 1881
2022-12-30 Praises magnify  
Praising (Friedrich Nietzsche), 1881
2022-12-31 Open your third eye  
The third eye (Friedrich Nietzsche), 1881
2022-12-31 Forgetting, maybe  
Forgetting (Friedrich Nietzsche), 1881
2022-12-31 A thought is super-  
On the 'Realm of freedom' (Friedrich Nietzsche), 1881
2022-12-31 His proposal jumps  
The nest (Luigi Pirandello), 1895
2022-12-31 Shame on me, I thought  
The twelve letters (Luigi Pirandello), 1897
2023-01-01 Resigned he stands firm  
The twelve letters (Luigi Pirandello), 1897
2023-01-01 Love is everything  
Gallant creditor (Luigi Pirandello), 1897
2023-01-01 Right now I'll marry  
Mrs. Hope (Luigi Pirandello), 1903
2023-01-01 I am not myself  
Waiting (Roland Barthes), 1977
2023-01-03 I wish to begin  
may i be gay (Edward Cummings), 1954
2023-01-03 He's very jealous  
Stefano Giogli, one and two (Luigi Pirandello), 1909
2023-01-03 Away! you people  
Conversations with characters (Luigi Pirandello), 1915
2023-01-04 I know, people laugh  
Fragment of a chronicle of Marco Leccio and his war on the map in the time of the Great War in Europe, II (Luigi Pirandello), 1919
2023-01-04 The veteran fights  
Fragment of a chronicle of Marco Leccio and his war on the map in the time of the Great War in Europe, III, IV, V (Luigi Pirandello), 1919
2023-01-04 The row of medals  
Fragment of a chronicle of Marco Leccio and his war on the map in the time of the Great War in Europe, V (Luigi Pirandello), 1919
2023-01-04 Brave from drinking, care-  
Fragment of a chronicle of Marco Leccio and his war on the map in the time of the Great War in Europe, V (Luigi Pirandello), 1919
2023-01-05 It has been raining  
Fragment of a chronicle of Marco Leccio and his war on the map in the time of the Great War in Europe, VIII (Luigi Pirandello), 1919
2023-01-05 The white butterfly  
Fragment of a chronicle of Marco Leccio and his war on the map in the time of the Great War in Europe, VIII (Luigi Pirandello), 1919
2023-01-05 Look at the hippo  
Get away (Luigi Pirandello), 1933
2023-01-05 We all look away  
The illustrious deceased person (Luigi Pirandello), 1909
2023-01-05 Really every lie  
The wardrobe of eloquence (Luigi Pirandello), 1908
2023-01-06 The vanity and  
Two twin beds (Luigi Pirandello), 1909
2023-01-06 The night darkness is  
Ode to the night (Jotie T'Hooft), 1977
2023-01-06 Even if you give  
ALL (or nothing) (Jotie T'Hooft), 1977
2023-01-06 Only faint shadows  
Ode to the neighbours (Jotie T'Hooft), 1977
2023-01-07 For children's sorrows  
I wanted to cry, but handkerchiefs don't cry, so I sat quietly on the floor (Sarah Sluimer), 2023
2023-01-07 Relax your thinking  
crushed crumple zones (Henk van der Waal), 2003
2023-01-07 Do you think, I don't  
first, sweeten your hatred (Henk van der Waal), 2003
2023-01-07 Take off my armour  
just by taking off your armour (Henk van der Waal), 2003
2023-01-07 Beyond the future  
That's how she is - 1 (Henk van der Waal), 2003
2023-01-07 I must be somewhere  
That's how she is - 7 (Henk van der Waal), 2003
2023-01-08 My mate is ashamed  
Green with shame (Toon Tellegen), 2018
2023-01-08 Someone calls and gives  
Missing (Toon Tellegen), 2018
2023-01-08 The conclusion is  
Fire - 3 (Toon Tellegen), 2018
2023-01-08 Over there, the crows  
The wall (Toon Tellegen), 2018
2023-01-11 We were once ashamed  
A Woman's Battles and Transformations (Édouard Louis), 2021
2023-01-13 In insomnia  
The absence of place - I (Edmond Jabès), 1965
2023-01-16 Scissors for cutting  
A little girl was sleeping in the sand (Edmond Jabès), 1959
2023-01-16 Together we can  
A confession is a knot (Edmond Jabès), 1959
2023-01-16 The dancer, amazed  
Secrets are doors (Edmond Jabès), 1959
2023-01-17 Living in water  
Undine goes (Ingeborg Bachmann), 1961
2023-01-18 It is threatening  
The smile of the sphinx (Ingeborg Bachmann), 1949
2023-01-26 After a few years  
Expectations (Thomas Heerma van Voss), 2022
2023-01-26 I feel too little  
Expectations (Thomas Heerma van Voss), 2022
2023-01-26 Yet what does it mean  
Expectations (Thomas Heerma van Voss), 2022
2023-01-27 Can people be smart  
Days like grass (Jens Christian Grøndahl), 2020
2023-01-28 We can indeed laugh  
Letter (Karel V), 1550
2023-01-29 The rector, rigid  
The smoke offer (Tessa de Loo), 1987
2023-01-29 I have accepted  
The smoke offer (Tessa de Loo), 1987
2023-01-31 Love you too, you say  
Villa Ada (Jens Christian Grøndahl), 2020
2023-01-31 You'll have to leave, but  
Exclamation I (Publius Vergilius Maro), -38
2023-01-31 Don't ask for the sense  
Villa Ada (Jens Christian Grøndahl), 2020
2023-01-31 People are questions  
Elegy about a dead labrador (Lars Gustafsson), 1982
2023-02-01 You only need to  
Edith Wengler (Jens Christian Grøndahl), 2020
2023-02-01 High in the mountains  
Edith Wengler (Jens Christian Grøndahl), 2020
2023-02-01 Where I take a rest  
Walking in Ice (Werner Herzog), 1978
2023-02-02 And another day  
Shaft (Hans Groenewegen), 2005
2023-02-03 The girl just watches  
Summer sleep (Jens Christian Grøndahl), 2020
2023-02-03 You're getting older  
Farewell (Jens Christian Grøndahl), 2020
2023-02-03 The sexton enjoys  
Farewell (Jens Christian Grøndahl), 2020
2023-02-03 It's not about God  
Farewell (Jens Christian Grøndahl), 2020
2023-02-04 Father is buried  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-05 Vacation, it's safe  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-05 As a child I roamed  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-05 Some people blame me  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-05 I can't handle him  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-05 Vacation, sorting  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-06 The waves climb on each  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-06 It's way too crowded  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-06 I am the victim  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-06 I'm not myself, I  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-06 In my vacation  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-06 Another empty  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-07 There are still places  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-07 He is paralysed  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-07 That's also something  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-07 After my report  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-08 The director was  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-08 He is unsure, so  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-08 He is trying so hard  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-08 Do the silent gain  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-08 How much power do  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-09 The policy is  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-09 I am first and take  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-09 Until the Spring Ball  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-09 The old farmers re-  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-09 The past moves along  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-10 Writing about the  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-10 He brings in a lot  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-10 You should not do it  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-12 In hindsight you see  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-13 An unburdening  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-13 Well, I have wished for  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-13 The speech is followed  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta-Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-13 From the isle we sail  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta-Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-13 Mist, with some shadows  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-14 Duties fascinate  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta-Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-14 The plants will show you  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta-Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-14 The famous writer  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta-Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-14 Less manual work  
The Office - The A.P. Beerta Institute (Han Voskuil), 1998
2023-02-15 Are dissertations  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-02-15 From now on, dare to  
She (Maaike Neuville), 2023
2023-02-16 Voting: politics  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-02-16 Between a problem  
Don't be a loaf (Ellen Deckwitz), 2023
2023-02-16 Isn't it beautiful  
The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon), 1002
2023-02-17 What keeps me awake  
The leftist is the saddest (Lies Van Gasse), 2008
2023-02-17 I like to think I'm  
The leftist is the saddest (Lies Van Gasse), 2008
2023-02-17 Finally the sun  
A Sunday, in the middle of winter - I (Lies Van Gasse), 2008
2023-02-18 In morning twilight  
opposite worlds II, 22/10/- 11:55 (Hans Groenewegen), 2013
2023-02-18 We'll talk again soon  
opposite worlds II, 22/10/- 11:55 (Hans Groenewegen), 2013
2023-02-20 The old threshold is  
van rompuytjes (22/11/- 8:00 37.1) - II (Hans Groenewegen), 2013
2023-02-20 He makes no contact  
8/12/- 10:30 (Hans Groenewegen), 2013
2023-02-20 Order in the bowl  
11/3/- 16:26 (Hans Groenewegen), 2013
2023-02-20 They take off my clothes  
In this blind alley (Ahmad Shamlou), 1979
2023-02-22 It did not happen  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-02-22 It is code language  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-02-23 The fancy glassware  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-02-23 I like discussions  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-02-24 The front wheel drags, grr  
In my bicycle (Lies Van Gasse), 2013
2023-02-28 Next to the dead sluice  
The house at the sluice - I (Hester Knibbe), 2002
2023-02-28 The road makes a loop  
The house at the sluice - II (Hester Knibbe), 2002
2023-02-28 I know what she needs  
The son - I (Hester Knibbe), 2002
2023-03-01 We are the winners  
A manual for my successor (Erik Solvanger), 2008
2023-03-02 Quietly she looks  
Wild crops (Bruno van Imschoot), 2014
2023-03-03 Other people seem  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-03 The midwinter horns  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-03 In the Silent Night  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-03 His hand trembles when  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-03 I have to go out  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-04 Just let me die, if  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-04 Behind those windows  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-04 If you wait to speak  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-05 Right, nothing happened  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-05 Beach walk in winter  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-07 An orator can  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-11 The bustle around  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-11 The hustle passes  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-11 The murmuring sounds  
The Office - And melancholy, too (Han Voskuil), 1999
2023-03-13 No one has warned him  
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Gabriel García Márquez), 1981
2023-03-13 The perfect daughters  
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Gabriel García Márquez), 1981
2023-03-13 The blind man answers  
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Gabriel García Márquez), 1981
2023-03-13 Or am I misled?  
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Gabriel García Márquez), 1981
2023-03-14 High fashion is more  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-14 Everyone expects  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-14 Still to be set up  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-14 It is night, I walk  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-14 Corpses in the street  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-14 I'm walking my dog  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-15 Stamps on the pages  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-15 She is a goddess  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-15 With their victory  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-15 Tall- and slim-doctors  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-15 With a clean duster  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-16 Rights never will be  
Fury (Salman Rushdie), 2001
2023-03-16 Oh dear, my best friends  
Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters (Jerome Salinger), 1955
2023-03-21 Through her we became  
A multitude (Anna Enquist), 2004
2023-03-21 I am that woman  
A multitude (Anna Enquist), 2004
2023-03-21 I fall, now my loss  
Agreement (Anna Enquist), 2004
2023-03-21 We are shocked to see  
Not (Anna Enquist), 2004
2023-03-21 I walk all day long  
Walking (Anna Enquist), 2004
2023-03-21 Anyway, let's sing  
About burrying daughters (Anna Enquist), 2004
2023-03-21 I see her back, there  
Inside (Anna Enquist), 2004
2023-03-22 Next spring I'll go back  
On Mount Yoshino (Saigyo), 1190
2023-03-22 I do not know why  
Whatever it is (Saigyo), 1190
2023-03-23 She's looking outside  
The birds under the sky (Karl Ove Knausgard), 2019
2023-03-23 The sky is silver  
The birds under the sky (Karl Ove Knausgard), 2019
2023-03-23 The bird-watcher hit  
The birds under the sky (Karl Ove Knausgard), 2019
2023-03-24 The orchids stay fresh  
Memories of My Melancholy Whores (Gabriel García Márquez), 2004
2023-03-24 I speak carefully  
Memories of My Melancholy Whores (Gabriel García Márquez), 2004
2023-03-25 A social country  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-26 Oh, these good old days  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-26 FOLK is meaningless  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-26 Looking to the past  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-26 Be responsible  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-27 What a strange office  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-27 Getting old, no time  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-27 I saw him lying  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-27 Spring, time to go out  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-28 All he could do was  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-28 If It works, it can  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-28 Everything changes  
The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-31 Two taps on the door  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-03-31 The cows run away  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-01 The Director stands  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-01 The café is full  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-01 Death penalty: could  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-01 The majority  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-01 The clouds chasing grey  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-01 Never any change  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-02 Then it is autumn  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-02 I am as the phrase  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-02 Being so concerned  
The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil), 2000
2023-04-08 That dark light over there  
An uncomfortable pair (Armando and Cherry Duyns), 1995
2023-04-08 Am I elitist  
I'll call you when I'm dead - Conversations with Armando (Cherry Duyns), 2023
2023-04-12 Twilight of the Gods  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-12 It is attention  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-12 No one really cares  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-12 Yet, it can't be right  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-13 The Spartan women  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-13 Ballet music up-  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-13 The prelate opens  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-13 She kisses me and  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-13 Nothing is beyond  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-13 An identity  
2023-04-14 Reality flows  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-14 There is need for priests  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-14 In helping people  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-15 Chance and the power  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-15 Nowhere can it be  
The time of the angels (Iris Murdoch), 1966
2023-04-16 Who misses the chance  
The Quiet Girl (Claire Keegan), 2022
2023-04-18 Before I can take  
Happy Days (Samuel Beckett), 1961
2023-04-25 It's a social game  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-25 She quickly locks - click -  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-26 It makes me lonely  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-26 Sadness disappears  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-26 He's lying there weird  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-27 The sand wants to be  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-27 So what are the facts  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-27 Everything goes slow  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-27 Shall I still caress  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-27 Slow lava creeps up  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-28 There's no other way  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-04-28 I must placate mum  
I'm not there (Lize Spit), 2020
2023-05-05 First I got the last  
My Adventures by V.Swchwrm (Toon Tellegen), 1998
2023-05-05 "Not today", they shout  
My Adventures by V.Swchwrm (Toon Tellegen), 1998
2023-05-05 What's ordinary  
My Adventures by V.Swchwrm (Toon Tellegen), 1998
2023-05-05 Numbers: Eight times eight  
My Adventures by V.Swchwrm (Toon Tellegen), 1998
2023-05-05 As a reader I  
Appendices and Omissions - Aphorisms on the Wisdom of Life (Arthur Schopenhauer), 1851
2023-05-07 Protest slogans plus  
2023-05-07 The drummer crushes  
Rebonds A (Iannis Xenakis), 1989
2023-05-07 Playing a canon  
Rebonds B (Iannis Xenakis), 1989
2023-05-09 He is poor, sucking  
Saint Sebastian - The history of a talent (Simon Vestdijk), 1939
2023-05-10 Grandpa is so strict  
Saint Sebastian - The history of a talent (Simon Vestdijk), 1939
2023-05-10 The smooth arrows, there  
Saint Sebastian - The history of a talent (Simon Vestdijk), 1939
2023-05-10 He is dangerous  
Saint Sebastian - The history of a talent (Simon Vestdijk), 1939
2023-05-12 He really can't be  
Surrogates for Murk Tuinstra - The history of a friendship (Simon Vestdijk), 1948
2023-05-12 I promised again  
Surrogates for Murk Tuinstra - The history of a friendship (Simon Vestdijk), 1948
2023-05-15 Children just want to  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-15 I prefer brooding  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-16 In my letters, I  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-17 In heaven, I wouldn't  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-17 Your prejudices  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-17 It educates you  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-17 The world your parents  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-18 Since everyone is  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-18 He holds himself as  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-18 My dear reluctant,  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-18 Everyone listens  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-18 She sits dreamily  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-19 Riots in cities  
The Tragedie of King Lear (William Shakespeare), 1606
2023-05-19 Oh, those latecomers  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-19 Children know there is  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-19 Nobody really  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-19 You're tolerated  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-19 Heat: I want to be  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-20 Forgive all vices  
The Tragedie of King Lear (William Shakespeare), 1606
2023-05-21 The prayer service  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-22 An absent reply  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-22 A beautiful film  
A lightly inhabited island - Faxing to Ger #5 (Nicolien Mizee), 2022
2023-05-23 Here too, policemen  
That afternoon (Nafiss Nia), 2023
2023-05-23 Crochet, blended yarn  
That afternoon (Nafiss Nia), 2023
2023-05-23 For years, refugees  
That afternoon (Nafiss Nia), 2023
2023-05-23 Your despair against  
That afternoon (Nafiss Nia), 2023
2023-05-23 I just sit and wait  
That afternoon (Nafiss Nia), 2023
2023-05-24 He confesses it  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-05-24 My diligent half  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-05-24 She is reticent  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-05-24 I'm afraid of her  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-05-25 Home is: where you live  
I remember all your dreams (René Frégni), 2016
2023-05-25 Our home is: the earth  
I remember all your dreams (René Frégni), 2016
2023-05-25 There's something I should  
Back to Ina Damman - The history of an adolescent love (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-05-25 My first love poem  
Back to Ina Damman - The history of an adolescent love (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-05-25 Popular detours  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-05-25 The most exciting  
Back to Ina Damman - The history of an adolescent love (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-05-25 He is a true friend  
Back to Ina Damman - The history of an adolescent love (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-05-25 For their decency  
Back to Ina Damman - The history of an adolescent love (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-05-25 From behind she hits  
Back to Ina Damman - The history of an adolescent love (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-05-25 I'm busy thinking  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-05-25 I let her go, but  
(Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-05-26 Teens in the school yard  
Back to Ina Damman - The history of an adolescent love (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-05-27 Perhaps God exists  
The Red Hand Files #11 (Nick Cave), 2018
2023-05-29 Anyone who knows  
The Story of Your Life (Ted Chiang), 1998
2023-05-29 Anyone who knows  
The Story of Your Life (Ted Chiang), 1998
2023-05-30 They suddenly leave  
Personal injury (Vonne van der Meer), 2022
2023-05-30 I wanted to start  
Personal injury (Vonne van der Meer), 2022
2023-05-30 My lawyer comes in  
Personal injury (Vonne van der Meer), 2022
2023-06-03 The long beginning  
Outline of a Whisper (Amarante Nat), 2023
2023-06-03 A song of life, late  
Raga of the three chakras (Nirantar Yakthumba), 2023
2023-06-03 The lament draws me  
Raga of the three chakras (Nirantar Yakthumba), 2023
2023-06-06 It stands out: I've grown  
The other school - The history of a betrayal (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-06-06 Since I'm old enough  
The other school - The history of a betrayal (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-06-06 She looks at the child  
The other school - The history of a betrayal (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-06-06 I just can't help it  
The other school - The history of a betrayal (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-06-07 Going for a walk  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-10 Animals that talk  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-10 I think about it  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-10 Back in Amsterdam  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-13 The little ticket  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-13 Unavoidable  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-13 Exactly the same  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-13 Dad doesn't say who is  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-13 Father chases me  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-14 I despise myself  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-15 Well, I think a lot  
Not annoying (Ellen Deckwitz), 2023
2023-06-15 Then, what is my life  
The Road (Cormac McCarthy), 2006
2023-06-17 Girls are different  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-17 My eyes keep slipping  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-17 I feel no worship  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-18 Very puzzling is  
Child between four women (Simon Vestdijk), 1972
2023-06-19 Suddenly a swamp  
Ballad about the trails in Vastmanland (Lars Gustafsson), 1980
2023-06-19 The path is stubborn  
Ballad about the trails in Vastmanland (Lars Gustafsson), 1980
2023-06-20 Come in, look at me  
The inner wallpaper (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2023-06-20 What is left to write  
An empty postman drowns in the country road (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2023-06-20 Life passes quickly  
but think no longer, think - 2 (Hans Lodeizen), 1949
2023-06-20 I sleep, my eyes are  
Leda in her first sleep (Paul Éluard), 1949
2023-06-21 Every day again  
the cup of love - The history of a first year (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-06-21 The sitting room makes  
The cup of love - The history of a first year (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-06-21 I hear, see or speak  
the cup of love - The history of a first year (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-06-21 This music is so  
The cup of love - The history of a first year (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-06-21 The study takes years  
The cup of love - The history of a first year (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-06-22 I'm very faithful  
The cup of love - The history of a first year (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-06-22 You can only sin  
The cup of love - The history of a first year (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-06-22 I don't control her  
The cup of love - The history of a first year (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-06-22 He contradicts him-  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a domicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-22 Doing nothing, just  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a domicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-23 Since each of them spoke  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a domicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-23 A tyrant is great  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a domicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-23 Anything can be  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a domicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-23 I imitate him  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a domicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-24 She herself, my muse  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a domicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-24 In His confusion  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a donicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-24 He talks about her  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a donicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-24 Visitors give me  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a domicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-24 How busy she is  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a donicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-24 The second time was  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a donicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-25 The warrior maid  
The free bird and its cages - The history of a domicile (Simon Vestdijk), 1957
2023-06-25 Don't stay there alone  
True Colors (Billy Steinberg), 1986
2023-06-25 Give your hand and kiss  
Eternal Flame (Billy Steinberg and Susanna Hoffs), 1988
2023-06-26 To be able to  
The bridges in Koningsbergen (Lars Gustafsson), 1966
2023-06-26 For hours they're chasing  
The meteorologist (Lars Gustafsson), 1966
2023-06-26 The years fly by fast  
The meteorologist (Lars Gustafsson), 1966
2023-06-27 Under ice you must  
Sonnet XXVII (Lars Gustafsson), 1977
2023-06-27 Suddenly I catch  
Ballad before the rain (Lars Gustafsson), 1980
2023-06-27 So different, still  
Stillness of the World Before Bach (Lars Gustafsson), 1982
2023-06-27 Not our statements are  
What we call 'I' (Lars Gustafsson), 1982
2023-06-27 The underworld is  
Visit to the nearest underworld (Lars Gustafsson), 1982
2023-06-27 Space stared at itself  
Starry sky, the gazing of the galaxies (Lars Gustafsson), 1982
2023-06-27 Science blows around  
In the old physics textbooks (Lars Gustafsson), 1982
2023-06-28 Please come with your Skin  
House (Johanna Pas), 2023
2023-06-28 From the beginning  
The dogs (Lars Gustafsson), 1980
2023-06-28 My first brand-new shoes  
Aunt Svea (Lars Gustafsson), 2002
2023-06-28 Who am I? These hands  
House (Johanna Pas), 2023
2023-06-28 In my work I can  
The Profession (Lars Gustafsson), 2002
2023-06-28 I feel so at home  
Sleeping in bed with a cat (Lars Gustafsson), 2002
2023-06-28 Enthralling people  
The girl in the supermarket (Lars Gustafsson), 2002
2023-06-29 I get up and feel  
Morning Roundup (Gilbert Sorrentino), 1971
2023-06-29 The war in those days  
The filling station on the route - 1 (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-29 None of those present  
The filling station on the route - 1 (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-29 I remember one  
The filling station on the route - 1 (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-29 We didn't dare, but could  
The filling station on the route - 2 (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-29 The songs of that time  
The filling station on the route - 2 (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-30 Life used to revolve  
The filling station on the route - 2 (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-30 Never a meeting  
The filling station on the route - 2 (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-30 I drive up and down  
The filling station on the route - 2 (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-30 We are home, we will  
The filling station on the route - 2 (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-30 Great alternatives  
The good start (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-30 He opens the door  
How he thinks that role fits (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-30 There is your laundry  
No objection, not a sound either (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-06-30 Everything is there  
No objection, not a sound either (Jan Baeke), 2013
2023-07-01 It cannot, should not  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-01 Everyone knows him  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-01 He could have gotten  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 Old love: smouldering  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 Sex since the helminths  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 How would it feel like  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 I caress your face  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 The things I suspect  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 I'm awake all night  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 You really love me  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 Even if it hurts  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 The wedding vow seals  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 Love: forgetting you  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-02 Heavenly beauty  
The wrinkles of Esther Ornstein - The history of a neglect (Simon Vestdijk), 1959
2023-07-03 The actor knows what  
Out of my mind (Alan Arkin), 2018
2023-07-03 A living statue  
Moving statues (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2023
2023-07-03 You're going to work  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-03 She likes me, so she  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-03 Is it delusion  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-03 To keep her and me  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-04 A romantic kiss  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-04 So I'm a poet  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-04 On expectations  
Just sit it out (Ellen Deckwitz), 2023
2023-07-04 He proposes that  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-04 But in retrospect  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-04 She broke up with me  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-05 In order to love  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-05 My love must not seem  
The last chance - The history of a love (Simon Vestdijk), 1960
2023-07-07 Taking a deep breath  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-07 Wait for a new age  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-08 Everything changes  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-08 We carry sorrows  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-08 He who doesn't hide from  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-08 Day to day I live  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-09 The words are there, and  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-09 They seem well-known, yet  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-09 What a nice couple  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-09 I need to dream it  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-09 It is late, bedtime  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-09 Disabled people  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-11 But what good is God  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-11 The psychiatrist  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-12 To calm myself down  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-12 I put on the ring  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-12 I'll make up stories  
The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch), 1985
2023-07-13 Two teenage girls sit  
Finder's keepers (Lize Spit)
2023-07-13 First you slurp water  
Finder's keepers (Lize Spit)
2023-07-16 Aloud the poet  
Poet in the flowers (Simon Vestdijk), 1932
2023-07-16 As a parasite  
The parasite - 6 (Simon Vestdijk), 1933
2023-07-16 The bookkeeper counts  
The poet's drawer (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-07-16 Next to this forest  
Towers around Brookfleet (Simon Vestdijk), 1942
2023-07-17 With you, I want to  
Sunset (Simon Vestdijk), 1940
2023-07-17 The clouds float over  
Ditch (Simon Vestdijk), 1940
2023-07-17 There are just no ways  
Aphorism II,4 #26: There is a goal (Franz Kafka), 1918
2023-07-17 Still, twisted people  
Cocoon (Zhang Yueran), 2022
2023-07-21 I was seventeen  
Letter to Antonio Cervi (Antonia Pozzi), 1935
2023-07-21 With all their long toes  
The eucalyptus trees (Antonia Pozzi), 1933
2023-07-21 Silvery glaucous  
The eucalyptus trees (Antonia Pozzi), 1933
2023-07-21 It's raining tonight  
Death of a season (Antonia Pozzi), 1937
2023-07-21 Do I prefer to  
The seven moons of Maali Almeida (Shehan Karunatilaka), 2022
2023-07-22 The red sun burns in  
A thousand meters (Antonia Pozzi), 1937
2023-07-22 The icy climbing  
A thousand meters (Antonia Pozzi), 1937
2023-07-24 Would the alehoof and  
Like in a mirror (Cor Jellema), 2000
2023-07-25 Satan and sex, in  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-25 Mama watches me  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-25 Mama knows a lot  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-25 The dice are sacred  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-25 People like to hear  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-25 Hell is terrible  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-25 Listen, what are those  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 Everything is Weight  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 You must come with me  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 The minister has  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 The past is a rope  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 Walls can both protect  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 The magic sword can't  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 Wizards stand for years  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 Well, with my future  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 Priests keep repeating  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-26 Not all dark places  
Oranges are not the only fruit (Jeanette Winterson), 1985
2023-07-27 One day you will learn  
For Sheridan (Robert Lowell), 1977
2023-07-27 I know I'm alive  
The Gap of Time (Jeanette Winterson), 2015
2023-07-27 It is just like then  
The Gap of Time (Jeanette Winterson), 2015
2023-07-28 I keep staring at  
The Stone Gods (Jeanette Winterson), 2007
2023-07-28 Sometimes civilised  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-28 We're barbarians  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-28 Will life be like that  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-28 Strangers are safer  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-29 I prefer open  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-29 Such oppressive love  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-29 Body and mind are  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-29 I prepare myself  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-29 People read stories  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-29 A kiss, naked I  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-29 You're asleep, I know  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-29 False starts are not bad  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 In the scrap workshop  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 The heart and dagger  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 She explains the world  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 I ring the door with  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 At my door, someone  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 Together we pick  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 When will I be young  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 On the high mountain  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 Just ask anyone  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-30 I rake the ashes  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-31 Happiness: the joy  
Fifth walk (Jean-Jacques Rousseau), 1776
2023-07-31 With you in this bed  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-31 Darling, I don't want  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-31 Can love heal my heart  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-31 I've been here before  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-31 The Promised Land does  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-31 A door may open  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-07-31 My story and me  
The PowerBook (Jeanette Winterson), 2000
2023-08-01 I trust in God's will  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-01 We look like marble  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-01 You left us behind  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-01 The rich, exhausted  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-01 Angels come flying  
A Song for St. Cecilia's Day (John Dryden), 1687
2023-08-01 Am I vindictive  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-02 They smell sweet and warm  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-02 Forever new books  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-02 I just kept going  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-02 The perfect parents  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-02 Educational  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-02 The famous writer  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-02 He's dull, everyone  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-02 It's a quiet day  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-02 How should I console  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-03 Her head in her hands  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-03 Her curly hair sings  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-03 My prettiest dress  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-03 Could it be a sign  
The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam), 1991
2023-08-04 Mama keeps chasing  
Mother (Ester Naomi Perquin), 2022
2023-08-04 Every time I think  
Mother (Ester Naomi Perquin), 2022
2023-08-04 Where is the truth? It's  
Relief (Ester Naomi Perquin), 2022
2023-08-04 A stranger falls, and  
I remember (Ester Naomi Perquin), 2022
2023-08-04 A poem: tail tip  
Collected definitions of poetry (Ester Naomi Perquin), 2022
2023-08-05 Talking isn't easy  
Shark's teeth (Anna Woltz), 2019
2023-08-10 My expectations  
it doesn't come to me anymore (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-10 What I no longer  
it doesn't come to me anymore (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-10 The trees in winter  
it doesn't come to me anymore (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-10 Poems shun my stiff  
it doesn't come to me anymore (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-11 I wait and jot down  
writing retreat (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-11 A tunnel of drops  
writing retreat (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-11 I think of us and  
writing retreat (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-11 Your heart, being soft  
that's when I'm away from you (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-11 I have need of you  
that's when I'm away from you (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-12 You and I, over  
that's when I'm with you (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-12 I feel your shirt, feel  
that's when everything seems to fall apart (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-12 Approaching our house  
that's when everything seems to fall apart (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-12 Old loves scrape sharply  
that's when everything seems to fall apart (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-12 Bunch of radishes  
that's when everything seems to fall apart (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-12 There's still smelly air  
that's when everything seems to fall apart (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-13 I feel illnesses  
that's when we notice (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-13 It makes me dizzy  
that's when we notice (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-13 I repeated it  
that's when we notice (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-14 We do this, do that  
An empty head (Frank Huiskamp), 2023
2023-08-14 I choose the wrong cake  
An empty head (Frank Huiskamp), 2023
2023-08-14 Our sex, enticing  
that's when I remember us (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-14 Days of street protests  
#FeesMustFall - October 2015 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-14 Young people riot  
#FeesMustFall - October 2015 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-14 For hours I sail past  
#FeesMustFall - October 2015 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-15 Rock, sun, animals  
#FeesMustFall - October 2015 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-16 They have braced themselves  
the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-16 We're waiting, sadly  
the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-16 The field is open  
the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-16 As new colonists  
the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-16 I write what I read  
the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-16 The smell of wrinkles  
the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-16 Seventy: omens  
the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-16 Growing old in peace  
the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-17 I want to escape  
argueing - 1 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-17 Writers are freaks with  
argueing - 3 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-17 They steal her beauty  
the earth is full of it (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-17 Assault, resistance  
the earth is full of it (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-17 Raped, dare to put down  
the earth is full of it (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-18 A landscape like this  
train journey from Groningen to Amsterdam (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-18 The frowns on the neck  
the dare of 8 songs - 7. still life with faces (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-18 To my arms rushes  
a disordered feeling of happiness (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-18 His first day of school  
little child - 1. first schoolday (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-18 Her first day of school  
little child - 1. first schoolday (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-18 She wants to die, locks  
suicide watch (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-19 It is just cardboard  
your first night in jail (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-19 My children meeting  
thoughts (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-19 The white prison guards  
Black Bodies, White Gazes: the Continuing Significance of Race (George Yancy), 2008
2023-08-19 Souls are colourless  
(work in progress) a part-text: attempts to explain the white stare to myself - attempt 2 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-19 I do help, I give  
(work in progress) a part-text: attempts to explain the white stare to myself - attempt 3 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-19 You think I'm greedy  
(work in progress) a part-text: attempts to explain the white stare to myself - attempt 3 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-19 We shout many views  
(work in progress) a part-text: attempts to explain the white stare to myself - attempt 3 (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-20 Plagiarism is  
the vulgarity of verses (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-20 I write about you  
the vulgarity of verses (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-20 Each poem again  
the vulgarity of verses (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-20 Writing begins with  
the vulgarity of verses (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-20 Make your mouth bigger  
the vulgarity of verses (Antjie Krog), 2022
2023-08-21 Answer my kiss, look  
Treacherous (Taylor Swift), 2012
2023-08-21 My scarf is with you  
All Too Well (Taylor Swift), 2012
2023-08-21 We were on our way  
All Too Well (Taylor Swift), 2012
2023-08-21 You saw it happen  
All Too Well (Taylor Swift), 2012
2023-08-21 Birthday, big party  
22 (Taylor Swift), 2012
2023-08-21 If I'm not coming  
I Almost Do (Taylor Swift), 2012
2023-08-21 You talk to your friends  
We are never ever getting back together (Taylor Swift), 2012
2023-08-21 Let us talk, I said  
Stay Stay Stay (Taylor Swift), 2012
2023-08-21 I almost fell then  
Come Back... Be Here (Taylor Swift), 2012
2023-08-21 I loved you madly  
Better Man (Taylor Swift), 2021
2023-08-21 My key does not fit  
New way (Ellen Deckwitz), 2023
2023-08-22 She is taking care  
First grey then white then blue (Margriet de Moor), 1991
2023-08-22 At twilight, there is  
the daylight gate (Jeanette Winterson), 2012
2023-08-23 Poor lives revolve  
O fragile earth – a mass for the new covenant (Antjie Krog), 2020
2023-08-23 The poor form a crowd  
O fragile earth – a mass for the new covenant (Antjie Krog), 2020
2023-08-24 The stream separates  
In America - 2 (Marc Tritsmans), 2021
2023-08-24 The cow, chunk of heat  
Everything flows (Marc Tritsmans), 2021
2023-08-24 You're invisible  
Below the waterline - I. Sunken land (Marc Tritsmans), 2020
2023-08-25 Liz doesn't want to play  
Liz (Freek de Jonge), 1970
2023-08-25 In the silent night  
The star of Bethlehem (Freek de Jonge), 1971
2023-08-25 The roads are rounds, watch  
Who knows the way out (Freek de Jonge), 1971
2023-08-25 The children go play  
Grandpa (Freek de Jonge), 1972
2023-08-26 Demonstrating is  
The Comedian (Freek de Jonge), 1980
2023-08-26 You love me, you do  
You (Freek de Jonge), 1981
2023-08-26 Of course I'm the cook  
Straw man & Hendymen (Freek de Jonge), 1983
2023-08-26 Ah, no more fuel  
The Pilgrimage (Freek de Jonge), 1985
2023-08-26 Our village: a hole  
The Women's Handbag (Freek de Jonge), 1986
2023-08-27 It was pleasant there  
The spectacles case (Freek de Jonge), 1990
2023-08-27 My mother exclaimed  
The spectacles case (Freek de Jonge), 1990
2023-08-27 Freedom is: you may  
Dutch blood (Freek de Jonge), 1991
2023-08-27 Oh I was dying  
Individual acts (Freek de Jonge), 1992
2023-08-27 That basic question  
Individual acts (Freek de Jonge), 1992
2023-08-27 A new measuring  
The Relay (Freek de Jonge), 1992
2023-08-27 People are watching  
The Relay (Freek de Jonge), 1992
2023-08-28 The child from the sea  
The foundling of Ameland (Freek de Jonge), 2002
2023-08-28 As a marauder  
Jonas / The dog of Jonas (Freek de Jonge), 2004
2023-08-28 Where do I end up  
The Ageing (Freek de Jonge), 2004
2023-08-28 My son says his name  
The Ageing (Freek de Jonge), 2004
2023-08-28 Fast elevator  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-28 Well, heaven or thirst  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-29 Upset we await  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-29 The fat man, rubbing  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-29 I can't change places  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-30 All vices and crimes  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-30 Shy, he grabs his glass  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-30 God is different  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-30 Moving floor of mouths  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-30 God has fled, somewhere  
The waiter and the living (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-08-31 I remember well  
Not nursing (Ellen Deckwitz), 2023
2023-08-31 The narrow single  
Chronicle of a Death Foretold (Gabriel García Márquez), 1981
2023-08-31 Describing someone  
The shining armour (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-08-31 Waiting, staring out  
The shining armour (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-09-01 Assemblies will be  
The shining armour (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-09-01 The disgusting straws  
The shining armour (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-09-01 My decision is  
The shining armour (Simon Vestdijk), 1956
2023-09-02 Flat pillar of salt  
Ivory guardians (Simon Vestdijk), 1951
2023-09-02 I reach for the glass  
Ivory guardians (Simon Vestdijk), 1951
2023-09-02 Textbooks in a heap  
Ivory guardians (Simon Vestdijk), 1951
2023-09-03 Coming off the tram  
Ivory guardians (Simon Vestdijk), 1951
2023-09-04 Lying at her feet  
Ideas. The Book of Le Grand (Heinrich Heine), 1827
2023-09-05 Women on the beach  
It is true (Antjie Krog), 2006
2023-09-05 More and more I am  
It is true (Antjie Krog), 2006
2023-09-05 Where the thrush sings, there  
it rumbles softly (Antjie Krog), 2006
2023-09-05 Farewell, I just wave  
Departing (Antjie Krog), 2006
2023-09-05 I feel it tickling  
Morning tea (Antjie Krog), 2006
2023-09-05 We don't say much, that's  
Wedding song 3 - 1 (Antjie Krog), 2006
2023-09-06 The rich people feed  
(Bertolt Brecht), 1930
2023-09-06 Holes in the fence, poop  
the yard - 12 (Antjie Krog), 2014
2023-09-06 Blindfolded she lies  
Lady Justice blindfolded - 1 (Antjie Krog), 2014
2023-09-06 Lady Justice just  
Lady Justice blindfolded - 7 (Antjie Krog), 2014
2023-09-06 The laws are asleep  
Lady Justice blindfolded - 7 (Antjie Krog), 2014
2023-09-06 On the passengers  
(attempt 1: the bus) (Antjie Krog), 2014
2023-09-07 He groans: What are you  
Where is the emergency button? (Lucette ter Borg), 2023
2023-09-07 Still, the colonists  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-07 Spelling: the d's and l's  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-08 Cruel potentates  
On the life and character of Julius Agricola (Publius Cornelius Tacitus), 98
2023-09-08 The torch shining in  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-08 Unfortunately  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-08 I prefer a god  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-08 In the garden pond  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-08 Grandma's funeral  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-08 I am not letting  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-09 Waiting for the train  
Neither a wise man (Dwight Eisenhower), 1952
2023-09-09 Child's play can smell of  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-09 I'm ashamed, for me  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-09 A fool isn't a fool  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-09 It's our secret bed  
Communion (Breyten Breytenbach), 1979
2023-09-09 He gives the rubber  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-09 Still, when I see you  
A Young Wife (David Lawrence), 1917
2023-09-09 Mama shows how to  
Mama (Antjie Krog), 1970
2023-09-09 We did homework, I  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-09 I mould a country  
my beautiful country (Antjie Krog), 1970
2023-09-09 I lie in the yard  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-09 I'm one with the earth  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-10 Loafers try to flee  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-10 Get to know yourself  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-10 Elections again  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-10 In the mists, the king  
Elf king (Johann W. von Goethe), 1782
2023-09-10 No full stop (no end)  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-11 Translate each other  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-11 Create enemies  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-11 Apartheid means that  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-11 God is like a sound  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-11 Goats bleat on the roofs  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-11 Two full suitcases  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-11 The poets return  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-11 Cotton wool, moulded  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-11 Participating  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 Timbuktu, the moon  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 Poets are masters  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 Countless frogs climb up  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 Poets laureate  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 Desert blue, a ghost  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 The goats bleat among  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 Ceiling with a hole  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 Potholes in the streets  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 I wrap the towel  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-12 A poem opens  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-13 Toilets overflow  
A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog), 2003
2023-09-13 I like to run with  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-13 Is there laziness  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-13 I'm about leaving  
Love Poems - End of another home-holiday" - 1 (David Lawrence), 1913
2023-09-14 I fill my patients  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-14 Maybe she still is  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-14 People who bet think  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-14 The future: unknown  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-15 Lasting love: to be  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-15 Loving each other  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-15 She flows out, her sea  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-15 A simple life, just  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-15 I live quietly  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-15 From Venus and Mars  
The GP and the light girl (Simon Vestdijk), 1952
2023-09-16 When dad comes home, he  
Blood in my blood (Wende Snijders), 2023
2023-09-16 The empty chair may  
Empty chairs (Wende Snijders), 2023
2023-09-16 It is nice to dream  
Starwalking (Wende Snijders), 2023
2023-09-16 The birds, the wind and  
Dream a little dream of me (Gus Kahn), 1931
2023-09-16 Low, the cello weeps  
Praise to the eternity of Jesus (Olivier Messiaen), 1941
2023-09-16 I cry a complaint  
Praise to the eternity of Jesus (Olivier Messiaen), 1941
2023-09-17 The soldiers avoid  
The cloud inventory (Franco Faggiani), 2023
2023-09-17 In the empty jute  
The cloud inventory (Franco Faggiani), 2023
2023-09-17 It is by waiting  
The cloud inventory (Franco Faggiani), 2023
2023-09-17 There's little time for  
The cloud inventory (Franco Faggiani), 2023
2023-09-18 The priest is too old  
The cloud inventory (Franco Faggiani), 2023
2023-09-18 In the trenches they  
The cloud inventory (Franco Faggiani), 2023
2023-09-19 Stop believing in  
He who fears suffering already suffers because of what he fears (Michel de Montaigne), 1595
2023-09-20 In the commotion  
Mr. Fisher's harrowing of hell (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-09-20 Don't trust him! He's nuts  
Mr. Fisher's harrowing of hell (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-09-20 Better hang him first  
Mr. Fisher's harrowing of hell (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-09-20 It has to be done  
Mr. Fisher's harrowing of hell (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-09-21 I fly in the blue  
In the blue painted blue (Domenico Modugno), 1958
2023-09-22 Inhospitable  
The Land is Inhospitable and So Are We (Mitski), 2023
2023-09-22 Father is the black  
The rescue of Fré Bolderhey (Simon Vestdijk), 1946
2023-09-22 The little blue hat  
The rescue of Fré Bolderhey (Simon Vestdijk), 1946
2023-09-22 Neurotic people  
The rescue of Fré Bolderhey (Simon Vestdijk), 1946
2023-09-22 Our souls are not whole  
The rescue of Fré Bolderhey (Simon Vestdijk), 1946
2023-09-26 We are old enough  
Else Böhler, German maid (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-09-26 I want to be strong  
Else Böhler, German maid (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-09-26 I tirelessly write  
Else Böhler, German maid (Simon Vestdijk), 1934
2023-09-30 Boys thinking to be  
The happy hunting grounds (Nanne Tepper), 1995
2023-09-30 Sometimes she answers  
The happy hunting grounds (Nanne Tepper), 1995
2023-09-30 A person who boasts  
The happy hunting grounds (Nanne Tepper), 1995
2023-09-30 Once you falter, you  
The happy hunting grounds (Nanne Tepper), 1995
2023-09-30 I crawled, I stood up  
The happy hunting grounds (Nanne Tepper), 1995
2023-09-30 The future eats me  
The happy hunting grounds (Nanne Tepper), 1995
2023-09-30 I like the attic  
The happy hunting grounds (Nanne Tepper), 1995
2023-10-02 In bed I listen  
The garden where the brass band played (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-10-03 Helping people with  
Being a god (Ellen Deckwitz), 2023
2023-10-03 Vaguely I see him  
The garden where the brass band played (Simon Vestdijk), 1949
2023-10-04 The poets throw words  
View (Anna Enquist), 2020
2023-10-04 Left behind, I shout  
View (Anna Enquist), 2020
2023-10-04 I miss my daughter  
Respect (Anna Enquist), 2019
2023-10-05 Once white, always white  
6. narrative of the park farmer (Antjie Krog), 2000
2023-10-05 The evening comes with  
6. narrative of the park farmer (Antjie Krog), 2000
2023-10-06 From the violence  
Swahili proverb
2023-10-08 I play the gora  
The thunderstorm (Diäkwain), 1873
2023-10-08 I offer myself  
Jephthah's Daughter (Antjie Krog), 1970
2023-10-08 Black, white, brotherhood  
Gnome (Antjie Krog), 1989
2023-10-08 I have found lodgings  
Three Moravian brothers host us (Antjie Krog), 1989
2023-10-08 Your body beading  
we are alone in the sauna (Antjie Krog), 1995
2023-10-09 How healthy are you  
Commentaries on Living - Series 3 (Jiddu Krishnamurti), 1960
2023-10-09 Be gloomy, a while  
hold on (Ronelda Kamfer), 2021
2023-10-10 Of course my life has  
Wateragain (Renate Dorrestein), 2015
2023-10-10 I whisper courage  
Wateragain (Renate Dorrestein), 2015
2023-10-10 A sledgehammer kills  
Wateragain (Renate Dorrestein), 2015
2023-10-10 You don't care about  
Fred Astaire (Dayna Kurtz), 2002
2023-10-10 For me, freedom is  
Love gets in the way (Dayna Kurtz), 2002
2023-10-10 Give me a welcome  
Somebody leave a light on (Dayna Kurtz), 2002
2023-10-10 I send sepia  
Postcards from downtown (Dayna Kurtz), 2002
2023-10-11 It was so right, but  
Last good taste (Dayna Kurtz), 2002
2023-10-11 Your ships burnt behind  
Monroe (Dayna Kurtz), 2002
2023-10-11 The city bleeds dry  
Paterson (Dayna Kurtz), 2002
2023-10-11 You are a dreamer  
Just like Jack (Dayna Kurtz), 2002
2023-10-11 So what, the grand prize  
Satisfied (Dayna Kurtz), 2002
2023-10-11 When terror is far  
Empty (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2023
2023-10-11 There's the nagging pain  
Empty (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2023
2023-10-12 Only if you know  
Only he who knows yearning (Johann W. von Goethe), 1796
2023-10-12 My wish is that they  
Country of My Skull (Antjie Krog), 1998
2023-10-12 The house has new sounds  
Begging to Be Black (Antjie Krog), 2009
2023-10-12 Envious people  
Begging to Be Black (Antjie Krog), 2009
2023-10-12 There's a thunderstorm  
Begging to Be Black (Antjie Krog), 2009
2023-10-13 Sometimes the sunlight  
The Once and Future King (Terence White)
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1958
2023-10-13 I was a stranger  
Goodnight (Wilhelm Müller), 1826
2023-10-13 Please mourn with us thrice  
All vows (Anon. [Palestina]), -550
2023-10-14 I'm alone for weeks  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-14 On the peak I dream  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-14 Bright flashes of light  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-14 The lightning dances  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-14 The Empty Forms of  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-15 Downstream, three buckets  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-15 In the neon light  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-16 Infinity: we  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-16 My friend yells: Frisco!  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-17 Inconceivable  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-17 Then, on all the walls  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-17 Everything that we  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-17 Renaissance Hippies  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-18 Well, I used to cry  
Past Lives (Celine Song), 2023
2023-10-18 My poet friends sleep  
Desolation Angels (Jack Kerouac), 1965
2023-10-19 In my mind she says  
Aboriginal Landscape (Louise Glück), 2013
2023-10-19 I slept like a bean  
The Egg - 1 (Louise Glück), 1967
2023-10-19 His hands hovering  
The Egg - 2 (Louise Glück), 1967
2023-10-19 In the summer we  
Midsummer (Louise Glück), 2008
2023-10-19 Dishes and laundry  
Nocturne (Louise Glück), 2013
2023-10-19 It is May, and yet  
Nocturne (Louise Glück), 2013
2023-10-20 I'm awake, thinking  
Visitors from Abroad - 3 (Louise Glück), 2013
2023-10-20 All this night, I lie  
Visitors from Abroad - 4 (Louise Glück), 2013
2023-10-20 My suffering ends  
The Wild Iris (Louise Glück), 1992
2023-10-22 Street noise, the cities  
Cities (Arthur Rimbaud), 1875
2023-10-22 Garlands in the streets  
Sentenses (Arthur Rimbaud), 1875
2023-10-22 Come as a man and  
Ancient (Arthur Rimbaud), 1875
2023-10-22 Come all through the gate  
Royal power (Arthur Rimbaud), 1875
2023-10-22 The sea and the ships  
Sea view (Arthur Rimbaud), 1875
2023-10-22 Around your presence  
Being Beauteous (Arthur Rimbaud), 1875
2023-10-22 I act silly, like  
Parade (Arthur Rimbaud), 1875
2023-10-22 Here too: forbidden  
Departure (Arthur Rimbaud), 1875
2023-10-23 The truth, everything  
Love Anecdote (Joyce Carol Oates), 1983
2023-10-24 Nothing goes to hell  
owner's response (Ronelda Kamfer), 2011
2023-10-24 Father's green leather  
Pretty Mitchy and his father's green leather bag or not (Ronelda Kamfer), 2011
2023-10-24 The cupboard, crammed full  
retell 5 - May 2010 (Ronelda Kamfer), 2011
2023-10-25 The poem opens  
engineer (Emilie Dewitte), 2022
2023-10-25 A sleepy village  
escape route (Emilie Dewitte), 2022
2023-10-25 I had to do it  
choices (Emilie Dewitte), 2022
2023-10-25 It didn't count for much  
On the Road (Jack Kerouac), 1951
2023-10-27 We are on the way  
On the Road (Jack Kerouac), 1951
2023-10-27 I want to create  
Denver Doldrums (Allen Ginsberg), 1947
2023-10-27 You did, you said: you  
Citizen: An American Lyric - VII (Claudia Rankine), 2014
2023-10-27 You did, you said: I  
Citizen: An American Lyric - VII (Claudia Rankine), 2014
2023-10-28 The down comforter  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 There is no light in  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 In the dark I can  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 Over there: the Ocean  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 Just tell who you are  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 Well, ultimately  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 I learn the stories  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 Believing, living  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 You can vaguely see  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 Stories that end well  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 Out of my nightmare  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 True Love! Be happy  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 Miss Pinch holds the word  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-28 That's just how life is  
Lighthousekeeping (Jeanette Winterson), 2004
2023-10-30 You jump the queue, but  
Asterix and the White Iris (Fabcaro), 2023
2023-10-30 Why are you afraid  
Asterix and the White Iris (Fabcaro), 2023
2023-10-31 I know decency  
Lady in progress (Ronelda Kamfer), 2008
2023-10-31 I said what I thought  
dust (Ronelda Kamfer), 2008
2023-10-31 A photo, I'm six  
death in the family (Ronelda Kamfer), 2008
2023-10-31 I tell everything  
and when i have finished telling you my story (Ronelda Kamfer), 2008
2023-11-03 When I am with you  
to become you - 4 (Antjie Krog), 2009
2023-11-03 The circus! Led by  
Sexing the cherry (Jeanette Winterson), 1989
2023-11-03 The priest is blessing  
Sexing the cherry (Jeanette Winterson), 1989
2023-11-03 Man as Creator  
Sexing the cherry (Jeanette Winterson), 1989
2023-11-08 I am an island  
Sexing the cherry (Jeanette Winterson), 1989
2023-11-08 When do people still  
Sexing the cherry (Jeanette Winterson), 1989
2023-11-09 My alibi is  
Irish Nights (Simon Vestdijk), 1942
2023-11-10 Back from the city  
Irish Nights (Simon Vestdijk), 1942
2023-11-10 The wobbling chair has  
Irish Nights (Simon Vestdijk), 1942
2023-11-10 With power one has  
Irish Nights (Simon Vestdijk), 1942
2023-11-10 Beware, your body  
Irish Nights (Simon Vestdijk), 1942
2023-11-12 The wind blows, the trees  
Look, the moon shines through the trees (Jan Pieter Heije), 1861
2023-11-14 Now I steer myself  
Bicycle (Bart Moeyaert), 2021
2023-11-15 Death is put away  
That's what death does (Ronelda Kamfer), 2016
2023-11-15 We check on mum, if  
Seymour (Ronelda Kamfer), 2016
2023-11-15 When she died, mother  
Seymour (Ronelda Kamfer), 2016
2023-11-15 Sadness is within  
Minesweeper (Ronelda Kamfer), 2016
2023-11-15 Her pious father  
Testimony (Ronelda Kamfer), 2016
2023-11-15 Mother just lies there  
aunt Gerty, sister Kamfer, aunt Trui - 1 (Ronelda Kamfer), 2016
2023-11-15 But I didn't listen  
aunt Gerty, sister Kamfer, aunt Trui - 2 (Ronelda Kamfer), 2016
2023-11-15 I left her behind  
aunt Gerty, sister Kamfer, aunt Trui - 2 (Ronelda Kamfer), 2016
2023-11-16 It stopped working  
Promise (Ellen Deckwitz), 2023
2023-11-16 Don't fear disaster  
The Book of Premonitions, 2023
2023-11-17 Back in the Garden  
The Garden of Love (William Blake), 1789
2023-11-18 Sand lays a ribbon  
In the Great Storm of / Sand is a shape (Wendela de Vos), 2017
2023-11-18 Tower in the bed  
In the Great Storm of / When all is lost (Wendela de Vos), 2017
2023-11-21 Your world is inside  
The Future of Poetry (Paul Éluard), 1937
2023-11-21 Just you, all of you  
Just (After Song of Songs) (David Lang), 2014
2023-11-22 Being in love, blind  
Munya (Abdelkader Benali), 2008
2023-11-22 I'm ashamed, I eat  
Munya (Abdelkader Benali), 2008
2023-11-22 When I can't handle  
Munya (Abdelkader Benali), 2008
2023-11-22 Drowning refugees  
Munya (Abdelkader Benali), 2008
2023-11-23 When I hear seagulls  
Oarsman on the Drowning of Nisus’s Daughter Scylla (Fiona Benson), 2021
2023-11-23 Teardrop diamonds  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-23 I wasn't there, but my  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-24 No one is themselves  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-24 She is unswerving  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-24 1000 years old, still  
The Living Statue. A Legend (Günter Grass), 2006
2023-11-25 If I ever find  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-25 Teaching religion  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-25 The squatting men place  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-25 The Queen of Nothing  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-25 You hear the echoes  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-25 Not at home, not there  
Where is my beloved? (Alibabaei Behrang)
2023-11-25 High into the void  
Where is my beloved? (Alibabaei Behrang)
2023-11-25 Like a dancer she  
[That's how] She came to me (Ali Al Gaeth), 2023
2023-11-26 Watch my three black holes  
Gaze Units (Yannis Kyriakides), 2023
2023-11-26 A convulsing mask  
Gaze Units (Yannis Kyriakides), 2023
2023-11-26 Betrayal lurking  
Walls have ears (Yannis Kyriakides), 2013
2023-11-26 The words keep whining  
Walls have ears (Yannis Kyriakides), 2013
2023-11-27 You eat of the past  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-27 She submerges us  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-27 He has been hiding  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-27 Your skin is not black  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-28 The eerie room is  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-28 The questions, the doubts  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-28 He eats well, just look  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-28 God must be sky blue  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-28 I just see fragments  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-28 Look at the people  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-11-30 Dying means little  
Journey to the End of the Night (Louis-Ferdinand Céline), 1932
2023-11-30 My light will go out  
You want it darker (Leonard Cohen), 2016
2023-11-30 No supermoon nor  
Darling (André Manuel), 1996
2023-11-30 Forget I'm dying  
Poor (Koenraad Goudeseune), 2022
2023-11-30 My work is simple  
Poor (Koenraad Goudeseune), 2022
2023-12-01 The moon shines sorrow  
Poem by Saigyo, 1190
2023-12-01 Gloomy the autumn  
Poem by Egyo, 1100
2023-12-01 Autumn leaves floating  
Poem by Noin, 950
2023-12-01 Evening, I'm alone  
Poem by Ryosen, 828
2023-12-01 I can't sleep, I look  
Poem by Shun'e, 1150
2023-12-01 The autumn wind is  
Poem by Fujiwara no Ietaka, 1237
2023-12-01 My house is getting  
Poem by Juntoku, 1242
2023-12-02 The audience chose  
Boxmeer / Lecture (Abdelkader Benali), 2017
2023-12-03 Fate and the moon both  
Oh Fortune (Carmina Burana), 1200
2023-12-03 Spring, this is the time  
The joyous face of Spring (Carmina Burana), 1200
2023-12-03 A serious life  
Seething inside (Carmina Burana), 1200
2023-12-03 The graceful white swan  
Once I swam in lakes (Carmina Burana), 1200
2023-12-03 I drink to the host  
When we are in the tavern (Carmina Burana), 1200
2023-12-04 Just come into my  
there is another sky (Emily Dickinson), 1851
2023-12-04 We've been together  
He was weak, and I was strong - then - (Emily Dickinson), 1860
2023-12-04 I felt it deeply  
He touched me, so I live to know (Emily Dickinson), 1862
2023-12-04 You called me Great, right  
You said that I 'was Great' - one Day - (Emily Dickinson), 1863
2023-12-04 I was well prepared  
I thought the Train would never come (Emily Dickinson), 1878
2023-12-05 The corner café  
Goodbye café (Willem Wilmink), 1969
2023-12-05 A stone on a stone  
Construction Workers Song (Willem Wilmink), 1979
2023-12-05 The Sex Ed booklet  
At the River (Louise Glück), 2009
2023-12-05 Dad drinks Mama's wine  
At the River (Louise Glück), 2009
2023-12-06 The ecstatic heart-  
The Balcony (Louise Glück), 2000
2023-12-06 I do as I like  
Telemachus' Guilt (Louise Glück), 1996
2023-12-06 On the windowsill  
Penelope's Stubbornness (Louise Glück), 1996
2023-12-06 Hitch-hike is okay  
Okaybyethankyou – Seeyoutwasfun (Annelotte Coster, Wilko Sterke and Tess van der Velde), 2022
2023-12-07 While they wait around  
Labor Day (Louise Glück), 1990
2023-12-07 They can be loving  
Children Coming Home From School - 2 (Louise Glück), 1990
2023-12-07 Love me, so leave me  
Animals (Louise Glück), 1990
2023-12-07 When we say goodbye  
Terminal Resemblance (Louise Glück), 1990
2023-12-07 Upon your death, friends  
Lament (Louise Glück), 1990
2023-12-09 There are dangers on  
(The Gardener and Death), 600
2023-12-10 A storm is rising  
The Cemetery By the Sea (Paul Valéry), 1922
2023-12-10 We pile up power  
Slow Train (Bob Dylan), 1979
2023-12-11 I don't want to be  
I was one of those boys (Gerrit Krol), 1977
2023-12-11 I really need to  
Your lace may be loose (Marcel van Roosmalen), 2023
2023-12-11 My big brother is  
The event (Peter Terrin), 2022
2023-12-12 It's never about  
The event (Peter Terrin), 2022
2023-12-12 My nose in the cat  
The event (Peter Terrin), 2022
2023-12-12 The wind blows, nothing  
The event (Peter Terrin), 2022
2023-12-13 Something different  
The event (Peter Terrin), 2022
2023-12-13 Love does prove itself  
The event (Peter Terrin), 2022
2023-12-13 I just stopped writing  
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman), 2005
2023-12-14 Our conversations  
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman), 2005
2023-12-14 What does my father  
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman), 2005
2023-12-14 Dad cheerfully asks  
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman), 2005
2023-12-14 It is hard to talk  
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman), 2005
2023-12-15 He kisses me, it's  
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman), 2005
2023-12-15 Let us caress, not  
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman), 2005
2023-12-15 I've a busy head  
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman), 2005
2023-12-15 It may be decent  
Big Eight (Vrouwkje Tuinman), 2005
2023-12-17 You don't live to get  
Perfect silence (Thomas Verbogt), 2011
2023-12-17 Barefoot, my mother  
Perfect silence (Thomas Verbogt), 2011
2023-12-17 We are united  
This is what happened (Sayed Darwish)
2023-12-18 Without a sound I  
Perfect silence (Thomas Verbogt), 2011
2023-12-18 Should I continue  
Perfect silence (Thomas Verbogt), 2011
2023-12-18 I half-hold her hand  
Perfect silence (Thomas Verbogt), 2011
2023-12-18 The tension is gone  
Perfect silence (Thomas Verbogt), 2011
2023-12-18 We sit together  
Perfect silence (Thomas Verbogt), 2011
2023-12-18 I live alone, I  
Perfect silence (Thomas Verbogt), 2011
2023-12-19 The pointing finger  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-19 Leave liquor bottles  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-20 The dear family  
Photo (Herman de Coninck), 1980
2023-12-21 I fall, blood drips and  
Aurora (Björk), 2001
2023-12-22 Climb up the ladder  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-22 My punishment was  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-22 The soup is spicy  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-22 My flower necklace  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-23 Nine knife cuts across  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-23 I am a writer  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-23 Mum keeps coming home  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-23 Unfortunately  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-24 Our talents will be  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-24 I know I'm destined  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-24 Everything happens  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-24 For 5,000 years  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-25 He's vulnerable  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-25 Heavily breathing  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-25 The minaret sticks  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-25 I know many smells  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-25 Plastered with the post-  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-25 Her hatred sits there  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-26 The words she spits out  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-26 Would a soldier fight  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-27 Don't mourn for the dead  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-27 He cries for three hours  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-27 Huge leeches explode  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-27 Our soldiers wouldn't do  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-27 The soldiers scurry  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-27 Artists alongside  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-28 Ghosts see everything  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-28 What a cheek you have  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-28 Here, our fatherland  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-28 I am a buddha  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-28 What truth is expressed  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-28 As a hero still  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-28 The calls for prayer  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-29 They torture us with  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-29 The country greeted  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-29 Praise The Lord, and God  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-29 In the private club  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-29 An imperfection  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-29 There's a dynamic  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-29 A person must learn  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-29 It's illogical  
Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie), 1981
2023-12-30 I press your shadow  
To the mysterious (Robert Desnos), 1926
2023-12-30 Humans like to warm  
The Jungle Book (Rudyard Kipling), 1894
2023-12-30 If only I could  
Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening (Robert Frost), 1923
2023-12-31 Doctor, please help me  
The Cold Eye (Nits - Michiel Peters), 1983
2023-12-31 The cars are coming  
In the Dutch mountains (Nits), 1987
2023-12-31 He was on the team  
Y.O.S. Days (Nits), 1987
2023-12-31 Dripping shirts, back then  
In a play (The girl in the fur) (Nits), 1987
2023-12-31 The older I get  
Giant Normal Dwarf (Nits), 1990
2023-12-31 Sometimes you're afraid  
Day & the Night (Nits), 1994
2023-12-31 Without a warning  
Sorrow (Nits), 1994
2024-01-02 We wear white plastic  
Account of a murder (Antjie Krog), 1995
2024-01-03 Mama told me things  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-04 No one's listening  
Your voice won't protect you (Ellen Deckwitz), 2024
2024-01-04 People celebrate  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-04 I do remember  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-05 Will I then remain  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-05 Knowing someone well  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-06 Phone conversation  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-06 We don't talk about  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-06 My body may seem  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-06 Suddenly it's gone  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-06 We don't do any-  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-07 I love her so much  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-07 There is a shot hole  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-07 My great happiness  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-07 She planned it and said  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-08 Conforming myself  
The Transformation of Silence into Language and Action (Audre Lorde), 1977
2024-01-08 We had a good time  
The dead leaves (Jacques Prévert), 1946
2024-01-08 Please just let me be  
An empty place to stay - XIV (Rutger Kopland), 1974
2024-01-08 Escaped from the cage  
Wish you were here (Roger Waters), 1975
2024-01-09 There's a museum  
Bolivia (political) (Gerrit Krol), 1970
2024-01-09 Reluctance wants to  
About reluctance (Gerrit Krol), 1970
2024-01-10 Wouldn't you feel sorry  
The upper world (Arthur Japin), 2006
2024-01-10 In the dwarf village  
The upper world (Arthur Japin), 2006
2024-01-10 The fairy tales are  
The upper world (Arthur Japin), 2006
2024-01-10 Doing a trick, well  
The upper world (Arthur Japin), 2006
2024-01-10 To make people laugh  
The upper world (Arthur Japin), 2006
2024-01-10 Making people laugh  
The upper world (Arthur Japin), 2006
2024-01-10 Incite each other  
The upper world (Arthur Japin), 2006
2024-01-11 End of the story  
The upper world (Arthur Japin), 2006
2024-01-11 The feeling you are  
The upper world (Arthur Japin), 2006
2024-01-12 People like to talk  
No one follows the signposts anymore (Stine Jensen), 2024
2024-01-12 I've an aversion  
Martyrdom: diaries 1965-1974 (Han Voskuil), 2023
2024-01-15 Stiff they hang under  
The Storm / The drowned (Margriet de Moor), 2005
2024-01-15 We talk searchingly  
The Storm / The drowned (Margriet de Moor), 2005
2024-01-16 Don't keep building dams  
Listen to the girls (Eva Meijer), 2024
2024-01-16 I'm going to die  
The Storm / The drowned (Margriet de Moor), 2005
2024-01-16 After our wedding  
The Storm / The drowned (Margriet de Moor), 2005
2024-01-16 The menses: crushes  
The Storm / The drowned (Margriet de Moor), 2005
2024-01-16 The storm sweeps away  
Again from the start (Jan Slauerhoff), 1947
2024-01-16 Yawn, being sleepy  
The Storm / The drowned (Margriet de Moor), 2005
2024-01-17 Dressed up, my story  
Aftermath: On Marriage and Separation (Rachel Cusk), 2012
2024-01-17 My life story is  
Aftermath: On Marriage and Separation (Rachel Cusk), 2012
2024-01-19 We say goodbye, short  
recently (Anjet Daanje), 2016
2024-01-20 There's so much to do  
Aphorisms. Thoughts and Opinions (Emanuel Wertheimer), 1895
2024-01-22 I always get short  
Outsiders (Renate Dorrestein), 1983
2024-01-22 I'm a kind of half-  
Outsiders (Renate Dorrestein), 1983
2024-01-22 At most I myself  
Outsiders (Renate Dorrestein), 1983
2024-01-23 She performs her show  
Outsiders (Renate Dorrestein), 1983
2024-01-23 Today, too much is  
Outsiders (Renate Dorrestein), 1983
2024-01-23 Too bad, he only  
Outsiders (Renate Dorrestein), 1983
2024-01-24 Come on, wave your love  
I love you... me neither (Serge Gainsbourg), 1969
2024-01-24 Between star and night  
Fire is Burning (Alice Eather), 2015
2024-01-25 From the mirror she  
State portrait (Anton Corbijn), 2023
2024-01-25 I meet my neighbours  
Beautiful people (Melanie), 1969
2024-01-25 All of us can live  
Lay Down (Melanie), 1970
2024-01-25 That song's no longer  
What Have They Done to My Song (Melanie), 1970
2024-01-25 You change every day  
Ruby Tuesday (Keith Richards, The Rolling Stones), 1967
2024-01-26 People prefer light  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef)
2024-01-26 Please be sensible  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef)
2024-01-26 The holiday guests  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef)
2024-01-26 At the junk dealer  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef)
2024-01-26 The empty vest sleeves  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef)
2024-01-26 The thin diary  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef)
2024-01-29 A cow is a cow  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef), 2003
2024-01-29 The evening twilight  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef), 2003
2024-01-29 The black hole in time  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef), 2003
2024-01-29 Interiors are  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef), 2003
2024-01-29 It has made me sad  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef), 2003
2024-01-30 A country without  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef), 2003
2024-01-30 Afterwards it is  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef), 2003
2024-01-30 Sex is a species  
Outside, it's Monday (J. Bernlef), 2003
2024-02-04 Next to what was once  
Starlings - 4 (Hans Tentije), 2023
2024-02-05 When she goes to sleep  
Narratives from the Crib (Katherine Nelson), 2006
2024-02-05 Daddy, can we leave  
Living with Lidewij (Bert Natter), 2022
2024-02-05 What makes us happy  
The scorned child (Guus Kuijer), 1980
2024-02-06 I don't write for or  
Penguins - 1 / A green linen closet - 1 (Ed Leeflang), 1979
2024-02-06 We're lucky living  
The child - 1 (Ed Leeflang), 1979
2024-02-06 The vague liquid pain  
A green linen closet - 16 (Ed Leeflang), 1981
2024-02-08 That's sheep John, Rita's  
Living with Lidewij (Bert Natter), 2022
2024-02-08 Outside the village  
Speedy J - Bus stop (Ine Boermans), 2024
2024-02-08 You still live in your  
Nurse (Ed Leeflang), 1981
2024-02-08 She calls a street street  
A green linen closet - 15 (Ed Leeflang), 1981
2024-02-09 I don't want it yet  
Why the wind is so angry (Ed Leeflang), 1982
2024-02-09 Princes, princesses  
He is a prince, he wants no subjects (Ed Leeflang), 1982
2024-02-09 People are laughing  
All around him they are (Ed Leeflang), 1982
2024-02-09 I explore the ship  
Visit to the freighter (Ed Leeflang), 1984
2024-02-09 The photo, you don't  
The photo (Ed Leeflang), 1985
2024-02-09 The citizens talk  
The conditions (Ed Leeflang), 1991
2024-02-12 I'm losing myself  
Going back, going back (Fernando Maldonado), 1972
2024-02-13 Life always goes on  
Lady Chatterley's lover (David Lawrence), 1928
2024-02-13 The Golden House, all  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-14 Sell your cleverness  
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment (Mohamed Rumi), 1250
2024-02-14 The gold is shining  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-14 A golden story  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-14 The palace houses  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-15 We humans write down  
Death walking the sidewalk (Don Juan) (Henry de Montherlant), 1956
2024-02-15 You cry in your sleep  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-16 Human intellect  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-16 In the big city  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-20 I'm thinking aloud  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-20 Please forget the facts  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-20 On left, there's chaos  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-20 Such a great evening  
No More Ladies, 1935
2024-02-20 The single greatest  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-21 The grand Golden Queen  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-21 Contractors follow  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-21 The many muzzles  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-21 Our fantasy way  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie), 2017
2024-02-22 To reconcile us  
The Golden House (Salman Rushdie)
Bird on the Wire (Leonard Cohen), 1968
2024-02-22 Forgive me, I won't  
Bird on the Wire (Leonard Cohen), 1968
2024-02-22 At the big party  
The Exterminating Angel (Luis Buñuel), 1962
2024-02-22 The ground beneath her  
The wish (Salman Rushdie), 1999
2024-02-23 The world is too tight  
The wish (Bart Moeyaert), 2019
2024-02-23 Progress is the storm  
On the concept of history (Walter Benjamin), 1940
2024-02-23 Keep carrying me  
Carry me (Meskerem Mees), 2023
2024-02-24 Grandpa is bony  
Grandfather (Bart Moeyaert), 2019
2024-02-24 I flounder, hanging  
Grandfather (Bart Moeyaert), 2019
2024-02-24 Flowers wilt, even  
Enough (Bart Moeyaert), 2019
2024-02-24 I count all my friends  
A hand (Bart Moeyaert), 2003
2024-02-25 Another new birth  
The surprise (Belcampo), 1968
2024-02-25 She looks at me, puts  
The surprise (Belcampo), 1968
2024-02-25 So many coffins  
The surprise (Belcampo), 1968
2024-02-25 I step into the  
The surprise (Belcampo), 1968
2024-02-26 Knowledge of human  
The character's helplessness (Marjoleine de Vos), 2024
2024-02-26 Every day we are  
Easthouse's story (Belcampo), 1946
2024-02-26 Then I realise  
Easthouse's story (Belcampo), 1946
2024-02-26 I can't separate  
Easthouse's story (Belcampo), 1946
2024-02-27 Ordinary men  
The things are the boss (Belcampo), 1950
2024-02-27 Dignified people  
The things are the boss (Belcampo), 1950
2024-02-28 Discussing who did  
The big event (Belcampo), 1946
2024-02-28 That party a cliff  
The roller-coaster (Belcampo), 1953
2024-02-29 That party: a cliff  
The last testimony (Belcampo), 1946
2024-02-29 As we know, people  
The last testimony (Belcampo), 1946
2024-03-06 Politics revolves  
Vladiwostok! (P.F. Thomése), 2007
2024-03-06 Finding the greater  
Vladiwostok! (P.F. Thomése), 2007
2024-03-06 Power is itself  
Vladiwostok! (P.F. Thomése), 2007
2024-03-09 Gee, where exactly  
Vladiwostok! (P.F. Thomése), 2007
2024-03-10 The grand parade is  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-10 The tempest tears roofs  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-10 Better not to count  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-10 I never dare to  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-11 A tangled patchwork  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-12 Owners own the land  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-12 So strange, wealth offers  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-12 Behind her: a man  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-13 Then, Adam and Eve  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-13 The jinns: a cloud cuts  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-13 The jinns: a man falls  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-13 The jinns: a man looks  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-18 Human babies are  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-18 She never shuts up  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-19 Within every  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-19 Tourists are mining  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-19 The animals, we  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-19 My foe shows no light  
Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights (Salman Rushdie), 2015
2024-03-19 Communication  
Vladiwostok! (P.F. Thomése), 2007
2024-03-20 Girls are looking so  
The Mission (Wessel te Gussinklo), 1995
2024-03-20 He is also there  
The Mission (Wessel te Gussinklo), 1995
2024-03-20 Girls giggle and they  
The Mission (Wessel te Gussinklo), 1995
2024-03-21 They're laughing at me  
The Mission (Wessel te Gussinklo), 1995
2024-03-21 The way he behaves  
The Mission (Wessel te Gussinklo), 1995
2024-03-21 He looks around, so  
The Mission (Wessel te Gussinklo), 1995
2024-03-22 I don't give in, but  
The Mission (Wessel te Gussinklo), 1995
2024-03-22 Dilated pupils  
The Mission (Wessel te Gussinklo), 1995
2024-03-23 A new appointment  
My first grey hair appeared (Juyi Bai), 806
2024-03-23 The lunar orbit  
The full moon climbs slowly, slowly higher (Hongdao Yuan), 1610
2024-03-23 Children are dying  
Lamentations 4:10, -587
2024-03-23 The cities destroyed  
Lessons of darkness (François Couperin), 1714
2024-03-24 The many years lived  
Deadline (Elsa Joubert), 2017
2024-03-24 Characteristic  
Deadline (Elsa Joubert), 2017
2024-03-25 The shadows are long  
Not Dark Yet (Bob Dylan), 1997
2024-03-25 Long robes turn people  
2024-03-25 What other can I  
Vladiwostok! (P.F. Thomése), 2007
2024-03-26 The neighbours have left  
Area 19 (Esther Gerritsen), 2023
2024-03-27 I'm dreaming my life  
Area 19 (Esther Gerritsen), 2023
2024-03-27 On the internet  
Area 19 (Esther Gerritsen), 2023
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