Something's happening,

more and more people pass on --

what they do not know.

Er is iets gaande,Drüben ist was los,
steeds meer mensen vertellen --die Leute reden -- über
wat ze niet weten.was sie nicht wissen.

Poem H0031
Amsterdam, 2011-11-26

Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Curiosity: new / news 

Spotlights, reflected

off the gold celebrity:

image on image.

Schijnwerpers, weerkaatstFlutlicht, reflektiert
op de gouden beroemdheid:vom goldenen Ansehen:
een schijn op de schijn.ein Schein über Schein.

Poem H0181
Amsterdam, 2012-01-16

Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Appearances 
Keyword: Honour / Fame 

I am a thinker:

although, can I think away --

sedimented thoughts?

Ik ben een denker:Ich bin ein Denker:
aangeslibde gedachten --die verschlammten Gedanken --
kan ik wegdenken?kann ich wegdenken?

Poem H0439
Amsterdam, 2013-04-22

Sunyata = absence of mental disturbances (and absence of an illusory self)
Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Reason: critical 

Zywa Blue pale green yellow pink and red

Old self-knowledge, the old fear
of blood loss, watch out
for predators

and dream of vampires
dream of witches
who drink the blood

of the unborn
who drink the blood
of their mothers

the sweet blood
which also nourishes mosquito eggs
the blood that gives life

to all animals, a body
is a trunk full of blood
blue pale green yellow pink and red

to catch or for sale at farms
breeding stations and speciality stores

the leeches with caeca
at the pharmacy, without a prescription

oh, ticks will wait a year
five years if it's only then that you come

Poem 1685
Amsterdam, 2018-02-18

Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Body: functioning 

Zywa Skirmishes

It doesn't make any sense
the men do not wage war
They are too old and too wise
they remain sensible
Nothing changes

The danger is pending
Where is the passion
the fierce infatuation
with each other's fading eyes
while the blood gushes?

They cannot even see each other
only in clear weather, the towers
of the city and the plumes of smoke
above the camp of the enemy
who sets off with bravado

to rob fishermen and shepherds
Everything valuable from the villages
furniture and healthy girls
are they shipping to dealers
in neutral ports

The trade makes them rich
The siege can wait, the need
to break through is after all the last
hope and fear
of gaining or losing fame

Poem 1919
Amsterdam, 2018-11-12

Guerilla since Troy
Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: War: repose 

Zywa Freeblood is my name

There is a sound of sex in my name -
at school, I often had a blush
I was ashamed of the giggles

At parties I stood in the quiet places
and in the parade I walked
on long wooden legs

The wind blew, tugged and
tore my trouser legs
There were shouts and calls

for more, Hellooo helloohoo
where are you, what are you
thinking about,
my friend asked

Everyone sees only the veils
under which you hide, are you aware
that none of us knows you?

Just be a little like crazy, for once, dare
to go for it, to die of shame
or to bed with someone

Dare to be a descendant
of the man who chose:

Freeblood is my name

Poem 1962
Amsterdam, 2018-12-05

Man, dare to live (Dirk Witte) (1917)
Song "Mensch, durf te leven" (Dirk Witte, sung by Jean-Louis Pisuisse)
Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Freedom: mental 
Tribute to: Witte, Dirk 
Tribute to: Pisuisse, Jean-Louis 

Zywa Tribal wars [2]

Borders in our heads
where it becomes unsafe
and we are on our guard

against those who come in
with a mouth full
of questions and criticism

who keep a low profile
as good neighbours
with democratic rights

to undermine government
whereby they change colour
until they feel strong enough

to blow up differences
and to welcome others'
losses as gains

until there are no more borders
just gaps and stinking fistulas
with internal bleeding

Poem 5093
Amsterdam, 2023-03-07

Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Migration 
Keyword: Together: group 

Zywa Tribal wars [1]

Like every street had a church
with its own theology, the village
counting twelve tribes
of the chosen ones, proclaiming
unity in their blessed name

this is how we join
when it matters
not to be excluded
and divided, bearing the brunt
of other people's interests

and having to suffer
what goes wrong
in the districts, the stadiums
and at the town halls
ministries and universities

Tribes are forming everywhere
With their own truths and martyrs
for the lied unity
of the common good
for which there is no tribe

Poem 5099
Amsterdam, 2023-03-14

In the village of Alblasserdam, in addition to the Catholic Church, the Jewish-Messianic congregation and the Islamic community (umma), there are currently 16 church buildings and 12 protestant denominations
(Protestant Church, Restored Reformed Church, Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (Liberated), Old-Reformed Congregations in the Netherlands, Reformed Congregations in the Netherlands, Reformed Congregations, Christian Reformed Churches, Evangelical congregation Jozua, Evangelical congregation 't Scheepke (the Little Ship), Evangelical congregation Nehemia, Baptist Congregation, Jehova's Witnesses)

Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Together: group 
Keyword: Ethics: practice 

There's a lot of blood

spurting out of the trawler --

Murder of the sea.

Er spuit bloed, veel bloedDa spritzt Blut, viel Blut
opzij uit de vissersboot --seitlich aus dem Fischerboot --
De zee wordt vermoord.Ermordung des Meers.

Poem S2110
Amsterdam, 2024-01-28

Leviathan (Paravel and Castaing-Taylor) (2012)
Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Fish / Algae 
Keyword: Sea 
Tribute to: Paravel, Véréna 
Tribute to: Castaing-Taylor, Lucien 

With the fishing boat:

silhouettes of many birds --

The killer squadron.

Bij de vissersboot:Mit dem Fischerboot:
de vogelsilhouetten --die Vogelsilhouetten --
Het doodseskader.Das Todesschwadron.

Poem H4474
Amsterdam, 2024-01-28

Leviathan (Paravel and Castaing-Taylor) (2012)
Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Earth: biosphere 
Tribute to: Paravel, Véréna 
Tribute to: Castaing-Taylor, Lucien 

Zywa Iron ice

I am blue: cold blood, clod
and it will be frozen, iron ice
in the muzzle of the bear
that finds me, a hard bite
my life, penultimate thoughts

if no one comes
with warmth, oxygen
to be awake
and able to sleep
without dying

The sun remains behind the horizon
at night the depths make me dizzy
78% nitrogen is the bottom
everything is all-right
I dream that I'm still there

Poem 5443
Amsterdam, 2024-03-04

The Earth's atmosphere contains 78% nitrogen gas
Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Body: functioning 

Zywa Expathy

Under the dust of the boots
and the wagons of the troops:
the woodlice

moaning, bruised and maimed
by the weight on their peace
The war appeared out of the sky

bombed women and children
destroyed the houses and even the roads
You watch it online

not dressed yet
knowing it is real
and you put the coffee away

to let yourself go
in a few tears of impotence
and practical objections

It's too much trouble
to get into action here
and now in your time off

If you close your eyes
you feel the distance
and you are finished

Poem 1025
Amsterdam, 2017-02-16

Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Power: powerlessness 

     Collection:   BloodTrunk