Zywa Expathy

Under the dust of the boots
and the wagons of the troops:
the woodlice

moaning, bruised and maimed
by the weight on their peace
The war appeared out of the sky

bombed women and children
destroyed the houses and even the roads
You watch it online

not dressed yet
knowing it is real
and you put the coffee away

to let yourself go
in a few tears of impotence
and practical objections

It's too much trouble
to get into action here
and now in your time off

If you close your eyes
you feel the distance
and you are finished

Poem 1025
Amsterdam, 2017-02-16

Collection: BloodTrunk 
Keyword: Power: powerlessness 
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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