Zywa Sun in me

The things and the people are crying out
for my attention, there is a clutter
in the cupboard, mail in the box, a list

for groceries, all kinds of things
compelling me throughout the day
to relax, they grow

the more I think of them and it doesn't help
to clean up as long as I keep on living
the same, locking me up in shame and guilt

because of what I see in the mirror
that others are holding against me
with whom I dare not discuss

and live the truth: the sun
that fulfils my whole being
with inexhaustible energy --

fuel in my belly
love in my heart
light in my head

Poem 1085
Amsterdam, 2017-02-26

Collection: WoofWoof 
Keyword: Life: energy 
Keyword: Reiki^ 
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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