Zywa With which humans human

I wake up

in the bright light
of the judge's chair
to answer

who I've been

this last day and
what it was heading for and
which choices I made and

it does not matter

how pleased I was
with myself and the music
of compliments for my work

and it does not matter

what I got done
or how able I was
in arranging and resolving

my own mistakes

and other people's business
and always hearing the question
with which humans I was human –

the attentive listeners

take accurately note of everything
in calligraphic writing on handmade paper
let me sign it

and throw it away gracefully

into the everlasting fire
in which my omissions disappear forever
and the lack of my deeds is blackening

a brand in my soul

Poem 1497
Amsterdam, 2017-08-08

Collection: Without reserve 
Keyword: Ethics: 
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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