Zywa Talents

There's a new boy on our street
Clumsy at hopscotch and marbles
he has to borrow

Today he has something, a blood marble
According to him, it is real blood
but not human

The marble rolls in his hand
It's heavy blood, he says
you know, like heavy water

There are mutated animals
that survive better with heavy blood
In Nagasaki

We want to play against him
He hesitates, Joris makes a proposal:
they form a team and share the profit

It's ten milk against a flame
ten flames against one blood
and air bubbles do not count

Poem 2337
Amsterdam, 2019-07-04

Collection: Mosaic virus 
Keyword: Power: 
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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