Zywa White soul

My heart never stops
it goes to the end

within the trinity of time
from the green dawn
of the day, getting myself
on my feet, rising again
from my destiny

jumping back into the stream
of experiences with the power
of my passion, swimming a stroke
every now and then, drifting along
a little and letting a lot pass

beauty and cruelty, waves
of feelings and caresses
of life under the foam
of my consciousness, the white soul
of time

Poem 4002
Amsterdam, 2021-10-09

Rajas (Change) - Tamas (Maintenance) - Sattva (Being)
Rajas (red, passion, will) - nature's dynamic lust for life
Tamas (green, body) - the passive structure of nature
Sattva (white, soul) - the balanced whole of nature

Collection: Metamorphic body 
Keyword: Life: experience 
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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