I like to be able

to do what I'd like to do --

if I could do it.

Ik wil graag kunnenIch würde gern tun
doen wat ik zou willen doen --können, was ich tun möchte --
als ik het kon doen.wenn ich es könnte.

Poem S0434
Amsterdam, 2016-11-14

#160 - Sir Bumble and the breakdownings (Marten Toonder)
Comic strip #160 - "Heer Bommel en de uitvalsels" (tiers 0103-0207), tier 0166
Collection: Bearer Toonder 
Keyword: Action 
Tribute to: Toonder, Marten 
Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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