Gloomy the autumn

has come to the forest hut --

where no people come.

Somber is de herfstDüster ist der Herbst
bij de boshut gekomen --zur Waldhütte gekommen --
waar nooit iemand komt.wo niemand hinkommt.

 Poem H4327
 Amsterdam, 2023-12-01
 Poem by Egyo - 1100
 Poem by the monk ("Hoshi") Egyo (c. 1100): Yaemugura / Shigereru yado no / Sabishiki ni / Hito koso miene / Aki wa ki ni keri
 Tribute to: Egyo 
 Collection: Shelter 

Autumn leaves floating

in the river, the water --

now wears gold brocade.

Bladeren drijvenHerbstblätter schwimmen
in de rivier, het water --im Waldfluss, dessen Wasser --
draagt nu Goldbrokat trägt.

 Poem H4328
 Amsterdam, 2023-12-01
 Poem by Noin - 950
 Poem by the monk ("Hoshi") Noin (10th century): Arashi fuku / Mimuro no yama no / Momijiba wa / Tatsuta no kawa no / Nishiki nari keri
 Tribute to: Noin 
 Collection: No wonder 

Next to this forest,

autumn builds, in a short time --

an entire village.

Hier vlak naast het bosHier, direkt am Wald,
heeft de herfst in korte tijd --hat der Herbst in kurzer Zeit --
een heel dorp gebouwd.ein Dorf aufgebaut.

 Poem H3955
 Amsterdam, 2023-07-16
 Towers around Brookfleet (Simon Vestdijk) - 1942
 Poem "Torens rondom Beekvliet", about his stay in minor seminary Beekvliet (Brookfleet) when it was used as internment camp Sint-Michielsgestel
 Tribute to: Vestdijk, Simon 
 Collection: Inmost 

Then it is autumn,

wind, wet twilight hours, the shops --


Ineens is het herfst,Plötzlich ist es Herbst,
wind, natte schemering, en --Wind, nasse Dämmerung, und --
verlichte winkels.Läden voller Licht.

 Poem H3784
 Amsterdam, 2023-04-02
 The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil) - 2000
 Novel "Het Bureau - De dood van Maarten Koning"
Page 153, Maarten Koning (1988)

 Tribute to: Voskuil, Han 
 Collection: Not too bad 

The clouds chasing grey

and fierce, over the canal --

a flock of starlings.

De wolken jagenDie Wolken jagen
grauw en woest, over de gracht --grau und wild, über die Gracht --
waait een zwerm spreeuwen.weht ein Schwarm Stare.

 Poem H3782
 Amsterdam, 2023-04-01
 The Office - The Death of Maarten Koning (Han Voskuil) - 2000
 Novel "Het Bureau - De dood van Maarten Koning"
Page 111, Maarten Koning (1988)

 Tribute to: Voskuil, Han 
 Collection: Not too bad 

Autumn, it's raining

the old dejection again --

of my frightened heart.

Herfst, het regentDer Herbst, es regnet
weer de oude droefenis --wieder die alte Trauer --
van mijn bange hart.meiner Ängstlichkeit.

 Poem S1255
 Amsterdam, 2021-10-10
 November (Jacques Bloem) - 1931
 Poem (collection "Media vita")
 Tribute to: Bloem, Jacques 
 Collection: MistI 

Landscape in the door

of the shanty, autumn leaves --

being blown around.

Landschap in de deurLandschaft in der Tür
van de schuur, herfstbladeren --der Bauhütte, Herbstblätter --
laten zich waaien.lassen sich blasen.

 Poem H3042
 Amsterdam, 2021-09-15
 Collection: Moons 

Zywa A long time, before spring comes

I'm sitting at the table, maybe
sleeping, I think for a second
at the blare of a siren
that takes along the smell
of puffed chestnuts from my nose
to an emergency

In the kitchen I see
the cat looking expectantly
and the clouds pass swiftly
past the drowsy sun
We're going to play soon
first I make coffee

High and low the boiling
water and the traffic rustle
my eyes shut, I feel
the cold under the arid air
of autumn, it will take long
before spring comes

 Poem 1592
 Amsterdam, 2017-10-29
 Following a chat with Maria Godschalk on October 18th, 2017
 Dedicated to: Maria Godschalk 
 Collection: Local contractions 

I can tell you though:

it's the fall, bird migration --

Then the brain burbles.

Weet je wat het is:Weißt du, was es ist:
de herfst, de vogels trekken --der Herbst, die Vögel ziehen --
Dan borrelt het brein.Dann blubbert das Hirn.

 Poem H1629
 Amsterdam, 2016-12-24
 #137 - Tom Puss and the slayer (Marten Toonder) - 1972
 Comic strip #137 - Tom Poes en de ombrenger (tiers 7303-7328, 7328A-7343 and 7345-7380), tier 7304
 Tribute to: Toonder, Marten 
 Collection: Bearer Toonder 

Chapel in the woods:

inside, the flames are flaring --

autumnal silence.

Kapel in het bos:Kapelle im Wald:
flakkerende vlammetjes --drinnen flackern die Flämmchen --
herfstige stilte.herbstliche Stille.

 Poem H1608
 Amsterdam, 2016-11-30
 Chapel 'the Sacred Oak' (on the Beerze, near Oirschot, since the 15th century)
 Collection: Local contractions 

The sun reaches less

high than the purple herons --

that wave me goodbye.

De zon reikt minderDie Sonne reicht nicht
hoog dan de purperreigers --so hoch wie die Blaureiher --
die naar mij wuiven.die mir zuwinken.

 Poem H0344
 Amsterdam, 2012-08-15
 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
My Home 

Fall in the city:

the slanted rain is dripping --

from the running roofs.

Het herfst in de stad:Es herbst in der Stadt:
in schuine regen druppen --im schrägen Regen tropfen --
lopende daken.laufende Dächer.

 Poem H0219
 Train Olten-Frankfurt, 2012-02-20
 Collection: Bruises 

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drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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