Disabled people

evolve, as human beings --

they become braver.

GehandicaptenDie Behinderte
ontwikkelen zich, als mens --entwickeln sich, als Menschen --
zijn ze dapperder.sind sie mutiger.

 Poem H3942
 Amsterdam, 2023-07-09
 The Good Apprentice (Iris Murdoch) - 1985
 Novel, chapter 2, part 6
 Tribute to: Murdoch, Iris 
 Collection: Unspoken 

Don't ask for the sense

of what's happening to you --

no, you must keep heart!

Vraag niet naar de zinFrag nicht nach dem Sinn
van wat je overkomt, nee --dessen, was dir passiert, nein --
je moet moed houden!du musst Mut halten!

 Poem H3694
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-31
 Villa Ada (Jens Christian Grøndahl) - 2020
 Story, § 7
 Tribute to: Grondahl, Jens Christian 
 Collection: On the fly 

Scissors for cutting,

including your eyelids, look --

and do not recoil!

De schaar knipt allesDie Schere schneidet,
door, ook jouw oogleden, kijk --auch die Augenlider, schau --
en deins niet terug!und weich nicht zurück!

 Poem H3673
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-16
 A little girl was sleeping in the sand (Edmond Jabès) - 1959
 Poem "Une fillette dormait dans le sable" (collection "Je bâtis ma demeure")
 Tribute to: Jabes, Edmond 
 Collection: Finethreads 

Brave from drinking, care-

ful after the drunkenness --

the army attacks.

Moedig van de drankMutig vom Trinken,
en voorzichtig na de roes --und vorsichtig nach dem Rausch --
valt het leger aan.greift die Armee an.

 Poem H3644
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-04
 Fragment of a chronicle of Marco Leccio and his war on the map in the time of the Great War in Europe, V (Luigi Pirandello) - 1919
 Story "Frammento di cronaca di Marco Leccio e della sua guerra sulla carta nel tempo della grande guerra europea", V
 Tribute to: Pirandello, Luigi 
 Collection: Actively Passive 

Resigned he stands firm,

while he keeps smiling bravely --

under his moustache.

Berustend houdt hij stand,Gelassen hält er
met een moedige glimlach --sich, mutig ist sein Lächeln --
onder zijn krulsnor.unter dem Schnurrbart.

 Poem H3636
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-01
 The twelve letters (Luigi Pirandello) - 1897
 Story "Le dodici lettere"
 Tribute to: Pirandello, Luigi 
 Collection: Actively Passive 

We have coats of arms

to protect us, our courage --

against doom-thinking.

De wapenschildenDie Wappenschilde
beschermen ons, onze moed --schützen uns, unseren Mut --
tegen doemdenken.vor Dämmerdenken.

 Poem H3315
 Amsterdam, 2022-05-31
 Collection: Frames 

Zywa Helping hand

People in need -- in a game
of Truth is Dare and Do
I fly in, in a cape, swift as an arrow

and get entangled, sticking
to the strings that I weave
of the help that I give

I put my hands out, so softly
you take them with the heroic power
that jumps over, you smile --

In the world to help, to help
each other, right
if only

you are with me
and know my questions
and spoil me with attention

We are no longer teenagers
yet we still fly back and forth
to help each other, time after time

 Poem 3834
 Amsterdam, 2021-06-14
 Help! (The Beatles) - 1965
 Song (album "Help!")
Song "We zijn toch op de wereld" ("Aren't we in the world", 1969, Eli Asser; music Harry Bannink)

 Tribute to: Lennon, John 
 Tribute to: The Beatles 
 Collection: Lilith's Powers 

 Poem 2465
 Amsterdam, 2019-10-22
 Maxwell's silver hammer (The Beatles) - 1969
 Song (album "Abbey Road")
Celtic symbolism: Tinne (the Holly), that is always green, supportive, protecting, possessive and repelling enemies; the Holly should be guided by Govannon (Gobannus, the Blacksmith, a divine Hero) and the Unicorn (the symbol of purity and strength)

 Tribute to: McCartney, Paul 
 Tribute to: The Beatles 
 Collection: Lilith's Powers 

Zywa Courage

Everyone is brave, really
because all people have a heart

where friends and wishes live
and secrets, and passions

maybe not all four, but
the rooms are never empty

Hearts beat for their guests
and the whole body exists

to protect them
with obliged courage

This is an unknown secret
that only a few do understand

 Poem 1997
 Amsterdam, 2018-12-16
 Dedicated to: Ellen dM 
 Collection: Metamorphic body 

Zywa Defend yourself

When the parents at the nursery
look at you and whisper
that the man who picks you up
is your father, then defend yourself
straighten your shoulders and your eyes
shamelessly dare to be his son

When people see you and chuckle
because you have a different name
from your father, aunt and grandmother
then defend yourself with the truth
of their deeds, which is greater
than what is in the civil registers

When you do not know where you stand
then make friends with the neighbours
and live in reality every day
Defend yourself with what you can do
Shamelessly dare to receive
what is available to you

When you finally know the secret
then shrug your shoulders
because you've already forgotten it
You have defended yourself with the lie
and with deeds, which are greater
than the stories from the past

Frans de Kok, 17 years old
Frans de Kok, 28 years old
 Poem 1978
 Amsterdam, 2018-12-13
 Fran(ciscu)s Antonius dK (1901-1982)
Frans dK directed theater group Were Di (“defend yourself”) after the Second World War
The song "Brabant" (1947 ?, lyrics Clem De Ridder)

 Dedicated to: Frans dK 
 Collection: New Ago 

push through
I too am brave
I do what needs to be done:
I let go of excuses
I let go of side issues
I dare to persist
 Collection: Lilith's Powers 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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