Forever new books

by new writers, for a dream --

they are immortal.

Steeds nieuwe boekenNeue Bücher von
van nieuwe schrijvers, een droom --neuen Autoren, ein Traum --
lang onsterfelijk.der Unsterblichkeit.

 Poem S1846
 Amsterdam, 2023-08-02
 The Queen of the Tambourine (Jane Gardam) - 1991
 Novel, § March 10th (1990)
 Tribute to: Gardam, Jane 
 Collection: A profession 

A social country

gives useless students a job --

that does no damage.

Een sociaal land geeftEin soziales Land
onbruikbare studenten --gibt nutzlosen Studenten --
werk dat geen kwaad kan.harmlose Arbeit.

 Poem S1714
 Amsterdam, 2023-03-25
 The Office - Failure (Han Voskuil) - 2000
 Novel "Het Bureau - Afgang"
Page 72, Maarten Koning and Gert Wiggelaar (1983)

 Tribute to: Voskuil, Han 
 Collection: Not too bad 

Do I hate my job?

No, no, not enough to quit and --

start doing nothing.

Heb ik een hekelHasse ich meine
aan mijn werk? Nee, niet genoeg --Arbeit? Nein, nein, nicht genug --
om niets te gaan nichts mehr zu tun.

 Poem S1579
 Amsterdam, 2022-11-28
 The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil) - 1997
 Novel "Het Bureau - Plankton"
Page 81, Maarten and Klaas Koning (1973)

 Tribute to: Voskuil, Han 
 Collection: Not too bad 

Zywa The network

To have something to do
the attendant brushes up the pumps
In the forest it is already dark

Here it remains light, open
if you wait a few minutes
until he is out of bed

But that is no longer the case at night
The villagers refuel during the day
and long-distance traffic drives past

The economy keeps moving
The country, everyone, lives thanks
to the network (the concrete one)

and it may take some time
before it will be automated
Then occasionally someone will come

to spray the pumps clean
the fly spots will remain
and waxing will no longer be done

 Poem 4789
 Amsterdam, 2022-11-08
 Gas (Edward Hopper) - 1940
 Tribute to: Hopper, Edward 
 Collection: NightWatch 

Fresh air from outside,

smashed into the theatre --

by the wrecking ball.

Frisse buitenluchtFrische Außenluft
het theater ingeslagen --in das Theater, entlang --
door de sloopkogel.der Abrissbirne.

 Poem S1247
 Amsterdam, 2021-09-19
 Collection: Changing Times 

Days without a view,

right through the forest, with inns --

as signs to the world.

Dagen uitzichtloosTage aussichtslos
het woud door, met herbergen --durch den Wald, mit Gasthäusern --
als wereldwijzer.als Weiser der Welt.

 Poem S1222
 Tilburg, 2021-08-25
 The forested country in earlier centuries
View of the south, from the residential towers of the Cenakel in Tilburg

 Collection: Migration 

Zywa Do not prosper

This year is a good year
The harvest is large, we can
hire more people
have our houses renovated

and buy by auction
an extra piece of land
the sellers make a profit
they laugh at all the money

from us farmers and from
the soldiers who came
back from the war with
honestly stolen wealth

They make everything more expensive
so that I am short of money and
have to sell my farm
This year is a bad year

 Poem 2330
 Amsterdam, 2019-07-02
 Inflation by spoils of war, for example during the reigns of Alexander the Great (336-323) and Philip II (1556-1598), and during the Eighty Years' War (1568-1648)
Silver Fleet (Spanish treasure fleet), seized under the leadership of Piet Hein (1628-1629)

 Collection: BloodTrunk 

Zywa Bypasses

Blockages at work
outages and oxygen deficiency
waste in the blood

The management focuses
on the future and closes
doors and windows against
mosquitoes and moths

Bypasses and bitter pills
do not help, so just one more

We have meetings, hear each other
cackle, we croak our croak
play for time and hope and celebrate
the colleagues who say goodbye

I don't postpone it anymore
I will make my own way
create my own failure

My hands are still cleaning up
but my head is already absent
and I make beds in my heart
for those who are dear to me

 Poem 2280
 Amsterdam, 2019-06-18
 Collection: Mosaic virus 

Zywa The dikes

I cut a hole to find a hole
water is flowing out
of the concrete, I cut into it
until I'm spent and then

I cut further, a larger hole
in the concrete, sorry dear neighbours
sorry for your ceiling too
but it's leaking and I can cry from it

that I can't put my finger in it
everything is arranged so well
with pipes and working faucets
which I, unfortunately, have to close now

it's a problem for all of us
I don't give up, I don't want to
be the owner of a leak
the dikes must be closed

 Poem 2281
 Amsterdam, 2019-06-18
 Leakage at Magda Sosnowska's

 Dedicated to: Magda S 
 Collection: Half The Work 

People are bathing

in the waves of cargo ships --

that they buy empty.

De mensen badenDie Leute baden
in de golven van schepen --in den Wellen der Schiffe --
die zij leegkopen.die sie leerkaufen.

 Poem H2486
 Vlissingen, 2019-06-06
 Vlissingen (Flushing)
 Collection: Summer birds 

Zywa Unwanted talents

I only have gathered a small pile
of recognition, as it happens
to everyone, but for all my effort

it is not right, I think, and even
there are people who don't understand that:
We love you, they say

What would we do without you!

But gratitude lasts short
and the wages are low

not to mention the talents
of mine, which no one wants
and the careless ease

with which what I do always
is just stored
before it's already cleared away

to keep it from getting dusty
Yes, thanks, thanks to me
building goes on!

 Poem 1015
 Amsterdam, 2017-02-14
 Collection: On living on [2] 

If you want to eat

you have to work. Everyone. --

Money doesn't matter.

Als je wilt etenWer essen möchte,
moet je werken. Iedereen. --muss arbeiten. Einjeder. --
Want geld speelt geen rol.Geld ist unwichtig.

 Poem H1615
 Amsterdam, 2016-12-05
 #86 - Tom Puss and the silly larvae (Marten Toonder) - 1959
 #86 - Tom Poes en de nozellarven (tiers 3832-3891)
 Tribute to: Toonder, Marten 
 Collection: Puss & Lord 

Eight pumps Premium,

one pump Regular: the world --

is turned upside down.

Acht pompen Super:Ein Säule Normal
de omgekeerde wereld --und acht Säule Super Plus:
bij één pomp Normaal.die verkehrte Welt.

 Poem S0141
 Amsterdam, 2014-02-22
 Miracle Land (Jules Deelder) - 1987
 Poem "Wonderland" (collection "Interbellum")
 Tribute to: Deelder, Jules 
 Collection: Specialities 

The farmer watches

the land, the livestock, the wind --

the amount of work.

De boer overzietDer Bauer über-
het land, het vee en de wind --schaut das Land, das Vieh, den Wind --
en het vele werk.

 Poem H0211
 Amsterdam, 2012-02-12
 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
My Home 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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