Please forget the facts,

they belong to the elite --

which is suspicious.

Vergeet de feiten,Vergiss Fakten, die
ze zijn van de elite --gehören zur Elite --
en die is verdacht.die verdächtig ist.

 Poem S2130
 Amsterdam, 2024-02-20
 The Golden House (Salman Rushdie) - 2017
 Novel, chapter (2-) 22
This is a post-factual time

 Tribute to: Rushdie, Salman 
 Collection: Low gear 

In the palaces,

it was normal at the time:

graceful seriousness.

In de paleizenIn den Palästen
was het toentertijd normaal:war es damals ganz normal:
de sierlijke ernst.anmutiger Ernst.

 Poem H4470
 Amsterdam, 2024-01-27
 The Grand Duke's Ball (Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck) - 1590
 Composition for organ (or harpsichord), SwWV 319, on the theme of "Ballo del granduca" (1590, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck), performed on January 27th, 2024 by recorder ensemble The Royal Wind Music in the Organpark (arrangement Hester Groenleer)
 Collection: anp 

Create enemies,

then the elite can go on --

stealing from the state.

Schep een vijand, danSchaffe Feinde, dann
kan de elite blijven --kann die Elite weiter --
stelen van de staat.den Staat ausrauben.

 Poem S1911
 Amsterdam, 2023-09-11
 A Change of tongue (Antjie Krog) - 2003
Tale, part 4

 Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 
 Collection: May the Might 

The rich people feed

each other, so the hungry --

have to do the same.

De rijken voedenReichen speisen sich
elkaar, de hongerigen --gegenseitig, Hungrigen --
moeten dat dus ook.müssen das auch tun.

 Poem S1897
 Amsterdam, 2023-09-06
 (Bertolt Brecht) - 1930
 Bertolt Brecht, quoted in the poem "Die hiefel en die fiefel" ("Ole and Axel", Antjie Krog, collection "Verweerskrif" ["Body bereft", 2006])
 Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 
 Tribute to: Brecht, Bertolt 
 Collection: Wean Di 

The laws are asleep,

with the rich, while injustice --

sleeps among the poor.

De wetten slapenGesetze schlafen
bij de rijken, het onrecht --mit den Reichen, das Unrecht --
slaapt bij de armen.schläft mit den Armen.

 Poem S1901
 Amsterdam, 2023-09-06
 Lady Justice blindfolded - 7 (Antjie Krog) - 2014
 Poem "Vrou Justitia geblinddoek" - 7 (collection "Mede-wete" ("Synapse")
 Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 
 Collection: May the Might 

Am I elitist

if football is new to you --

and I explain it?

Ben ik elitairBin ich elitär,
als voetbal nieuw is voor jou --wenn Fußball neu für dich ist --
en ik uitleg geef?und ich erkläre?

 Poem S1728
 Amsterdam, 2023-04-08
 I'll call you when I'm dead - Conversations with Armando (Cherry Duyns) - 2023
 "Ik bel je wel als ik dood ben - Gesprekken met Armando" ("I'll call you when I'm dead - Conversations with Armando"), 2011-2018, Cherry Duyns
 Tribute to: Armando 
 Tribute to: Duyns, Cherry 
 Collection: Stall 

While we eat our fill

the elite get the fattest --

from all our labour.

We eten ons volIch esse mich satt
en de elite wordt vet --und die Elite wird fett --
van onze arbeid.von meiner Arbeit.

 Poem S1593
 Amsterdam, 2022-12-07
  (Luigi Pirandello)
 Story " "
 Tribute to: Pirandello, Luigi 
 Collection: May the Might 

Zywa Room in heaven

Wishing to live
in the city without
its burden, above

the chimneys, cleanly
swinging in grandma's chair
in front of the bay window

seeing the dormant mouths
of the pocked roofs
wake up without

having to smell their poison
and then also breathe it
out of solidarity with everyone

who has to live fast
in the stone world
where everything is hard

 Poem 4084
 Amsterdam, 2021-11-01
 Room in Brooklyn (Edward Hopper) - 1932
 Tribute to: Hopper, Edward 
 Collection: Local contractions 

The court is reserved

for the nobles and the cat --

who is a Lady.

Aan het hof levenAm Hof verweilen
edelen, en ook de kat --Adlige, und die Katze --
die een Freule is.die edle Freifrau.

 Poem H2783
 Amsterdam, 2020-09-30
 The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon) - 1002
 Diary "Makura no S?shi" #7
 Tribute to: Shonagon, Sei 
 Collection: Shelter 

Zywa Empathy for the Stars

After our working day we look
at the Beautiful World, where
duties and rules do not apply
and the Stars can shine

We look up to them
We see that it exists
and that is a comfort, especially
if there is something to gossip about

There may be more
than admiration, entertainment
conveniences and wealth, but
that doesn't buy me anything

Certainly not happiness
if one is not as rich
as the Stars are
made by us

 Poem 2378
 Amsterdam, 2019-07-29
 Collection: Lilith's Powers 

Zywa Golden chromosomes

Magical powers bubbling up
from retorts of cellar alchemists
or vibrant in the blue blood

of sons of sons of grand princes:
old whispered secrets
and the dream of mastery

but only disappointments
have been found, poisoning
and the immortal superstition

in golden chromosomes
which want to live exclusively
once awakened

from their generation-
long slumber, germinated
in the age of germination

Gold mined in the golden age
Justice to be won in a new age
And grace in the age of grace

 Poem 2227
 Amsterdam, 2019-04-26
 Birth of the heirs (625-627) al-Hassan ibn Ali (2nd imam) and Husayn ibn Ali (3rd imam)
 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
The King 

Zywa Full barns

We still pretend

we have it well arranged
with parliaments, judges and
a constitution of our ideals
but the farmers have stayed

and we are their servants
who grow capital, harvest
and squeeze it to many zeros
in the backyard of the slaughter

We want full barns
for the winter, but we have to
pay dearly for it to the farmers
who write the plans

with rings of self-confidence
on their clean hands
in the high state-rooms
of the front building on the avenue

 Poem 2115
 Amsterdam, 2019-02-22
 Collection: Mosaic virus 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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