They torture us with..

hope, so that they will have some-

thing to take from us.

Ze martelen ons..Sie foltern uns mit..
met hoop, dan kunnen ze iets --Hoffnung, dann können sie uns --
van ons afpakken.etwas wegnehmen.

 Poem S2073
 Amsterdam, 2023-12-29
 Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie) - 1981
 Novel, chapter 3-6 "Midnight"
 Tribute to: Rushdie, Salman 
 Collection: Low gear 

The Queen of Nothing

gave hope to the poor people --

She was dangerous.

Koningin van Niets,Königin von Nichts,
ze gaf de armen weer hoop --sie gab den Armen Hoffnung --
Ze was gevaarlijk.Sie war gefährlich.

 Poem S2014
 Amsterdam, 2023-11-25
 Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie) - 1981
 The Rani [Queen] of 'Cooch Naheen' (in Agra)
Novel, chapter 1-4 "Under the carpet"

 Tribute to: Rushdie, Salman 
 Collection: Low gear 

Drowning refugees,

sailing to the other side --

of their hope, their dream.

Vluchters verdrinkenFlüchtlinge, auf dem
op weg naar de overkant --Weg zur anderen Seite --
van hun hoop, hun droom.ihres Hoffnungstraums.

 Poem S2008
 Amsterdam, 2023-11-22
 Munya (Abdelkader Benali) - 2008
 Novel, chapter Morocco
Munya = Wish/Desire/ What is longed for permanently even though it is very difficult to get

 Tribute to: Benali, Abdelkader 
 Collection: Passage Passion 

The field is open.

Would there come out of the earth --

of here, a thinking?

Het veld ligt open.Das Feld ist offen.
Zou er uit de aarde, hier --Gäbe es von der Erde --
een denken komen?von hier, ein Denken?

 Poem S1864
 Amsterdam, 2023-08-16
 the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog) - 2022
 Poem "die sigbaarmaking van allerlei strooptogte"(collection "Plunder" ["Pillage"])
 Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 
 Collection: Stall 

Your despair against

my hope, nose to nose, only --

a door in between.

Jouw wanhoop tegenVerzweiflung gegen
mijn hoop, neus tegen neus, slechts --Hoffnung, Nase an Nase --
een deur ertussen.Die Tür dazwischen.

 Poem S1775
 Amsterdam, 2023-05-23
 That afternoon (Nafiss Nia) - 2023
 After a rejected asylum application
Film "Die middag"

 Tribute to: Nia, Nafiss 
 Collection: Local contractions 

For years, refugees

have to stay in the waiting --

area of hope.

De vluchtelingenFlüchtlinge sitzen
zitten jaren in de wacht-jahrelang nur im Warte-
kamer van de hoop.zimmer der Hoffnung.

 Poem S1774
 Amsterdam, 2023-05-23
 That afternoon (Nafiss Nia) - 2023
 Refugees, asylum seekers
Film "Die middag"

 Tribute to: Nia, Nafiss 
 Collection: Local contractions 

It was a long week

of waiting, yet very short --

was this happiness.

Wat was de week langDie Woche war lang
van het wachten, en zo kort --wegen des Wartens, doch kurz --
duurde dat geluk.währte dieses Glück.

 Poem S1253
 Amsterdam, 2021-10-09
 The Crow (Kader Abdolah) - 2011
 Novella "De kraai"
 Tribute to: Abdolah, Kader 
 Collection: VacantVoid 

Beware of the hope

for something good that has been --

It kills happiness.

Pas op voor de hoopPass auf vor Hoffnung
op het goede dat er was --auf das Gute, was da war--
Ze dooft je geluk.Sie löscht dein Glück aus.

 Poem S1248
 Amsterdam, 2021-09-19
 Memories (Ellen Deckwitz) - 2021
 Column "Herinneringen" (in NRC)
 Tribute to: Deckwitz, Ellen 
 Collection: Death on Cast 

It's better to dream

of the future and not fall --

into its abyss.

Laten we dromenLass uns doch träumen
van de toekomst, niet vallen --von der Zukunft, nicht fallen --
in haar ihren Abgrund.

 Poem H3022
 Amsterdam, 2021-08-21
 Collection: On living on [1] 

Zywa Their leader in me

There was no room for me
anymore, in this country
I was a threat

to power, fought for
by the priests and the king
against the priests, I was there

I watched it and I knew
the foreign workers wanted to leave
and the slaves were discontented

They gladly came to my temple
they believed in the Creatorgod
and sought their leader in me

Together we might have
a future, the freedom
to follow our belief, to convert

our hope into deeds
and then, just to see
what comes of it

 Poem 3803
 Amsterdam, 2021-05-10
 The calling of Moses (Exodus 6)
Crown Prince Thut-mosis (Moses) was the high priest in the temple of Ptah (the Creator) at Memphis in the Nile Delta
• After the murder of their father, Echn-Aton continues the fight against the Amun priests as Pharaoh, and Moses decides to return to Canaan with the Hebrew guest workers and slaves

 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
My Home 

Lovely is your dream

of good times to come, with you --

I'll dream till I die.

Heerlijk is jouw droomBis zu meinem Tod
van goede tijden, met jou --träume ich mit dir den Traum --
droom ik tot mijn dood.von guten Zeiten.

 Poem S1099
 Amsterdam, 2020-12-07
 In evil hour (Gabriel García Márquez) - 1962
 Novel "La mala hora"
 Tribute to: Garcia Marquez, Gabriel 
 Collection: Shelter 

Zywa Midgard in endless

Mealy-mouthed, the words send
you out of your house
out of your expectations
into the bush of hope
the white powder

that sticks to you
but is fading more and more
with your own bones and flesh
as the only support
for your thoughts

your Midgard, middle yard
of known regions, surrounded
by the endless of mountains
a jungle in the south
and the ocean in the west

where the serpent rules, the monster
the mealy mouth speaks of
to save you from its jaws
opened wide to devour
if you are afraid

 Poem 2720
 Amsterdam, 2020-02-22
 Collection: Local contractions 

Zywa Seats of fire

Sometimes my hope
for peace on earth is brewing
Then I fear a fire or worse
rotting and the uncertainty
what will grow from it

Then today's life is everything
the only thing that matters
though it is difficult for me
to be unpretentious
in being grateful

for my opportunities
to help those in need
the duty which I do
humbly in the black
armour of my faith

The people who are not chosen
for the afterlife have a hard time
There is no mercy
that can ease their lives
no love that brings hope

 Poem 2279
 Amsterdam, 2019-06-18
 Faith, hope and love
 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
The Praised One 

I shout: I'll help you,

grab the rope that I throw up --

from the deep, deep pit.

Ik zal je helpen,Ich helfe: schnapp dir
pak het touw dat ik opgooi --das Seil, das ich hochwerfe --
uit de diepe put.aus dem tiefen Loch.

 Poem S0887
 Vlissingen, 2019-06-04
 Maurits and the facts (Gerrit Krol) - 1986
 Novel "Maurits en de feiten", § 19
 Tribute to: Krol, Gerrit 
 Collection: Shelter 

For me, the greatest

happiness might be the hope --

it will come someday.

Het grootste gelukVielleicht ist für mich
is voor mij misschien de hoop --das größte Glück die Hoffnung --
dat het zal komen.dass es kommen wird.

 Poem S0866
 Amsterdam, 2019-04-28
 The introduction - Faxing to Ger #1 (Nicolien Mizee) - 2017
 Diary-novel "De kennismaking - Faxen aan Ger"
 Tribute to: Mizee, Nicolien 
 Collection: Out of place 

Waiting for good luck:

long trains crowded with chances --

rushing, rushing past.

Wachten op geluk:Auf das Glück warten:
lange treinen vol kansen --Eilzüge voller Chancen --
die voorbij razen.die vorbei rasen.

 Poem S0861
 Amsterdam, 2019-04-15
 The escape of Gilles Whalecutter (M.M. Schoenmakers) - 2019
 Novel "De vlucht van Gilles Speksneijder"
 Tribute to: Schoenmakers, M.M. 
 Collection: Chance 

Her son disappeared

in the snow, she still peers out --

listens for footsteps.

In de sneeuw verdweenIhr Sohn ist im Schnee
haar zoon, ze tuurt en luistert --verschwunden, sie starrt und hört --
of ze stappen hoort.ob er wiederkommt.

 Poem H2387
 Amsterdam, 2019-02-08
 The snow (Antonio Machado) - 1912
 Poem "La nieve" (collection "Campos de Castilla")
 Tribute to: Machado, Antonio 
 Collection: VacantVoid 

Zywa Mercilessly today

In sanding sand, we stare at the sea
we dream dreams and hope hope
we wish wishes and we listen
to the wind, the dancing wind
dancing a dancing dance for us
the dancing wind, dancing wind

Today is today today
we dream dreams and hope hope
we wish happiness after happiness upon happiness
and we desire what today, today
must be the day, today today
mercilessly today's day

that laughs his ugly face in my face
and pushes us with pushing pushes away
our dreams and wishes and best intentions
our desire to dance in the wind
dancing a dancing dance for us
the dancing wind, dancing wind

 Poem 1964
 Amsterdam, 2018-12-05
 Today is a killer (David Nelson) - 1968
 Rap-text/song, sung by Nina Simone on the album "Emergency Ward!" (1972)
 Tribute to: Simone, Nina 
 Tribute to: Nelson, David 
 Collection: New Ago 

Zywa Let me go

Hope would be the worst
that slow poison that constantly torments
because it keeps you alive

Also the hell of the rest, unleashed
by the cleaners to whom I gave the keys
takes too long for me

Emotions are haunting around me
I run to the door
but the room stretches out

A man shouts: What do you want?
Laughing he blows away
Others start to whisper yellowish

I do need skates right now
I empty all the cupboards, heated
under the burning sun

so I have to undress
and know what I want
where I am

 Poem 1635
 Amsterdam, 2017-11-25
Door: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" ("Abandon all hope, ye who enter here"), above the gate of hell (1307-1314, "Inferno", the first part of Dante Alighieri's "La divina commedia")

 Collection: Metamorphic body 

Zywa Tenuous hopes

Between ruins, man sings
out hope that rebuilds houses
a song that survives

when the fury has raged again
how thin like hot steaming souls
above the dung heap the voices

may sound between the hills
of toil, elsewhere modest
in holy places with undertones

of severity of rock-solid
brethren in the fury of desires
which drags freedom away

and smears it with blood
and tears or beats it to death
in its chains

 Poem 1083
 Amsterdam, 2017-02-26
 Men's ensemble The Gents sings sacral music in the Organparc
 Collection: org anp ark 

Zywa Morgana, my fay

Between the hard facts I look
for a passage
The sun blinds me
delivers me to the wind

Come, sweet fay of the sea
around misty Avalon, come
then I will be fine
which I never doubt

except at night
when I would like to rest
and sweat fears, tired, so tired
but too vigorous to give up

so I put on nice clothes
to go out and celebrate
to reinvent myself
and connect with the world

 Poem 937
 Amsterdam, 2017-01-06
 Morgana / Morning, from: Mori-gena = sea-born
Fata Morgana = Fay/Fairy Morgana

 Dedicated to: Maria Godschalk 
 Collection: On living on [1] 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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