I write what I read,

so it is, for no one speaks --

their own words, do they?

Ik schrijf wat ik lees,Ich schreibe, was ich
zo is het, want niemand spreekt --lese, schließlich spricht niemand --
woorden van hemzelf.eigene Worte.

 Poem H4043
 Amsterdam, 2023-08-16
 the making visible of all kinds of raids (Antjie Krog) - 2022
 Poem "die sigbaarmaking van allerlei strooptogte"(collection "Plunder" ["Pillage"])
 Tribute to: Krog, Antjie 
 Collection: Look at me 

Zywa Icon of our time

More and more, we speak picture
language with digital icons of Home
Heart (in the colour of the moment)
Envelope, Clock, Arrow and Bin

but icons of paint and blood travel
with us in their world of gold leaf
as portraits of the life
we like to live

thoughtful and attentive
like a busty bird
showing its feathers

and not camouflaging itself
in the attire of its neighbours
colleagues or pictograms

 Poem 4899
 Amsterdam, 2022-12-27
 With acrylic paintings on canvas, by Ada Breedveld (Dordrecht 1944)
Also for Carla B, Jeanette vdZ, Harry S and Philip L

 Dedicated to: Ineke J 
 Dedicated to: Hans J 
 Dedicated to: Ruud J 
 Dedicated to: Lucy J 
 Dedicated to: Yuk Lin M 
 Collection: The Yellow House Museum 

High poetry rhymes

everything: meaning, graphic --

characters and sounds.

De hoogste dichtkunstHohe Poesie
rijmt alles: betekenis --reimt alles: Bedeutung, Schrift-
letters en klanken.zeichen und Klänge.

 Poem H3606
 Amsterdam, 2022-12-09
 Words become Worlds (Ellen van Wolde) - 1994
 Study, with previously published work
The book "Bereshit" ("In the beginning" / "Genesis"), written in Lashon Hakodesh ("the holy tongue"), i.e. the classical Hebrew

 Tribute to: Van Wolde, Ellen 
 Collection: No wonder 

No person can live

outside the world, the world wide --

web of intertexts.

Niemand kan levenNiemand kann leben
buiten de wereld, het web --außerhalb der Welt: das Netz --
van interteksten.der Intertexte.

 Poem H3605
 Amsterdam, 2022-12-06
 The pleasure of the text (Roland Barthes) - 1973
 Study "Le plaisir du Texte" (Roland Barthes)
Study "Van tekst via tekst naar betekenis. Intertekstualiteit en haar implicaties" ("From text via text to meaning. Intertextuality and its implications", 1990, Ellen van Wolde)

 Tribute to: Barthes, Roland 
 Collection: No wonder 

All readers select

from the possibilities --

meanings for themselves.

Elke lezer kiestJeder Leser wählt
uit veel mogelijkheden --aus vielen Möglichkeiten --
een betekenis.eine Bedeutung.

 Poem H3603
 Amsterdam, 2022-12-05
 Words become Worlds (Ellen van Wolde) - 1994
 Study, page x
 Tribute to: Van Wolde, Ellen 
 Collection: No wonder 

Writing from the heart

is tricky, spontaneous --

words can be faulty.

Uit het hart schrijvenSpontanes Schreiben
luistert nauw, elk spontaan woord --ist schwierig, denn jedes Wort --
kan een misser zijn.kann ein Fehler sein.

 Poem H3456
 Amsterdam, 2022-09-19
 Collection: The light of words 

An automated

translation leads you further --

till you are astray.

vertalingen zijn wegen --Übersetzungen: Wege --
waarop je verdwaalt.die Irrwege werden.

 Poem S1385
 Amsterdam, 2022-04-07
 Collection: Half The Work 

You must analyse

what a word says, because words --

rarely come alone.

Je moet ontleden,Analysiere
wat een woord zegt, want het komt --was ein Wort sagt, denn es kommt --
maar zelden alleen.selten alleine.

 Poem S1366
 Amsterdam, 2022-03-21
 A word rarely comes alone (Ali Serik) - 2015
 Poem "Een woord komt zelden alleen" (collection "Hartslagen van de mus")
 Tribute to: Serik, Ali 
 Collection: Moist glow 

I am exploring

with words, as my objective --

as my set of maps.

Ik doe onderzoekIch exploriere
met woorden, als mijn opzet --mit Worten, als mein Vorsatz --
als mijn landkaarten.als meine Karten.

 Poem H3150
 Amsterdam, 2021-12-17
 Diving into the wreck (1973, Adrienne Rich) - 1973
 Poem (collection "Diving into the wreck")
 Tribute to: Rich, Adrienne 
 Collection: A profession 

Zywa Drawings with a D

Grandma Dory enjoys a
100 Drawings
with a D by
Lotte Dematons, and grand-
pa Paul Declares them:
Diary – Dagger – Damaged roof – Darts – Star of David – Decor – Devil fish – Diamond – Dice – Discus – Discus fish – Discus thrower – Diving board – Doctor – Dolmen – Dormer – Dossier – Dovecote – Dracula - Draughts – Dried flowers – Driftwood – Dynamite
It is Dark under the bellies
of the Dinosaur
and the Dragon while clouds
of hot Damp
hide the Dolphin
with the Diving goggles, and inside
out a Dwarf is lost
but not Disappearing in the round re-
volving Door, that boring maze:
it's one Dead end!
In the Dune
at the Douglas firs
and the Daffodils
with a Dahlia
a thief Doubts whether to
eat the Donut, behind
him the Deer barks
at the Didgeridoo
like a Dingo
at the Droning
of the Dutch street organ
trembling Down
all the Dominoes
The great Dalmatian plays the bagpipes
and the Danish Dane
beats the Drum Kit, with the squirrel monkey
on the Djembe, next
to the Dude who
blows a Ditty on his flute, luring
the three Dromedaries of which Fattie
Fat is Dreaming
Near the Devil
are three Dinky toddlers
sitting Docilely in front of the
music Director who strikes
glowing Dust particles
in a Duple metre, yet
in his Donald Duck
shirt, the DJ swishes his records
on the Dresser
and the Dompteur swishes his whip
On a Deltoid
rug the Dodo and the badger
are still Dancing
for the Domestic help
and the Dame
on the Divan
with her Decolletage
and a Diadem
but the Dove flies away

 Poem 3179
 Amsterdam, 2020-09-21
 To the Charlotte Dematons alphabet
 Dedicated to: Lotte W 
 Collection: The Yellow House Museum 

Zywa The Fly

Humans can be strong
like a bear, with a gun

or a cannon, and swim
like the fastest fish, with sails

or a motor, they can
even fly with large wings

that don't need to strike
and therefore are not real wings

An airplane is a thing
the true flyer is the Fly

All birds are jealous of it
because it wears the crown

of its name, credit
where credit is due: the Fly

 Poem 2963
 Amsterdam, 2020-04-26
 Dedicated to: Lotte W 
 Collection: Metamorphic body 

Butt how is it dung:

the hole fart in smooth poogress --

or with big assents?

Hoe bil je spleten:Wie kacken wir das:
in poepele poortpang --mit ganz offenen Koten --
of met kakcenten?oder Backzenten?

 Poem H2678
 Amsterdam, 2020-03-19
 Lost in silence (Esther Apituley) - 2020
 Performance "Lost in silence"
 Tribute to: Apituley, Esther 
 Collection: Local traffic 

Zywa Man

Stones are immortal
the dreamt new bodies
of the spirit

of the deceased
on their grave, the bones
of the big mother

Throw them over your shoulder
with a covered head, then children
will jump up behind you

who know they are lonely
They want to cooperate
and imitate each other

Their sounds become language
which broadens their consciousness
their communication control

the consideration of interests
and of goals to be achieved -
the understanding what is going on

 Poem 2104
 Amsterdam, 2019-02-19
 Deucalion and Pyrrha
 Collection: The light of words 

Zywa New shorthand

Why use old language
if a new one hits shorter and more
powerful into heads and hearts?

Letters are out of time, long, slow
and so privy they wrap reality
in nice words of imagination

The facts are difficult enough
to understand, just keep
to the news of your choice

That's why we uncover the core
cut away the nuances
and speak in plain language

popular Diets Duits Dutch, because
that way ordinary people have
become more worldly-wise

 Poem 2099
 Amsterdam, 2019-02-16
 SMS since December 3rd, 1992
Insecurity and populism

 Collection: The light of words 

Zywa Treasuries of words

Poems are not word-
but life-processing

in thought-out feelings
and pain

treasuries of words
from our Language Mother

passed on
to teach

how we live and die
in the open institution

for talking animals
which is our world, and language

developed from hearing to reading
developed from ears to eyes

developed from letter- to image-
pixels, writings on the wall

on side-filling screens
where once were books
waiting for cleaning

 Poem 2098
 Amsterdam, 2019-02-16
 Collection: The light of words 

Zywa What is happening

The teacher strays off
about the arts, useless
at first and afterwards
there is a use

With everything it has gone
like that, with language
it is repeated
at every birth

Babies try
to link
our sweet words
and motherese

to what is happening and thus
to come from provisional
to definite meanings
Step by step it gets useful

to talk to each other
even as a stranger
to the strangers
you don't understand

 Poem 1663
 Amsterdam, 2018-01-24
 From Bacteria to Bach and Back: the Evolution of Minds (Daniel Dennett) - 2017
 Tribute to: Dennett, Daniel 
 Collection: Metamorphic body 

Zywa Alf Bet Gaml

It started with ox house donkey
In the barn of the large house
The room was full of family

It was warm, with mum
and the aunts who know all
about childbirth, the men also

stayed up and drank to the new
king, his little bed with lambskin
in a manger was next to me

After Passover in the capital
we had to leave, the news
of our son was buzzing around

people came to warn:
Ox house camel, the alphabet, door
to open and to close

hand that reaps the fruits, eye that sees
and mouth that speaks the truth
My heart that knows the concealed

breath of the breathing, spirit
over the waters, the words
it once started with

 Poem 38
 Train Amsterdam-Rotterdam, 2005-10-29
 Maria (in Bethlehem, 5 BC)
Letters of the Phoenician alphabet

 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
The King 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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