The wind blows, the trees

are bare and wet, the full moon --

glides pale behind them.

Het waait, de bomenDie Bäume sind kahl
zijn kaal, de volle maan glijdt --und der Vollmond gleitet blass --
bleek achter hen langs.hinter ihnen her.

 Poem H4280
 Amsterdam, 2023-11-12
 Look, the moon shines through the trees (Jan Pieter Heije) - 1861
 Title of the Sinterklaas-song "Zie, de maan schijnt door de bomen" (music Jan Viotta)
 Tribute to: Heije, Jan Pieter 
 Collection: Within the walls 

In the pale moonlight

it is intimidating:

our holiday home.

In het vale lichtIm fahlen Mondlicht
van de maan schrikt het me af:jagt es mir Angst ein: unser --
ons vakantiehuis.Ferienhäuschen.

 Poem H3738
 Amsterdam, 2023-02-21
 Collection: Moons 

We land on the moon,

it's pockmarked, lots of craters --

from many rock rains...

We landen, de maanLandung, der Mond ist
is pokdalig, veel kraters --pockennarbig, viele Krater:
van veel rotsregens...viele Steinregen!

 Poem H3664
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-14
 A Voyage to the Moon - In seven parts (Manfred Durniok) - 1976
 Film: "landing on the moon" - NASA footage and music by Oskar Sala on the Mixtur-Trautonium, performed in the Organpark by Peter Pichler on January 14th, 2023
 Tribute to: Durniok, Manfred 
 Collection: anp 

Two chubby maggots:

hopping around, drilling holes --

in the barren land.

Twee vette madenZwei fette Maden
huppen rond, boren gaten --hüpfen rum, bohren Löcher --
in de die Einöde.

 Poem H3665
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-14
 A Voyage to the Moon - In seven parts (Manfred Durniok) - 1976
 Film: flagpole on the moon - NASA footage and music by Oskar Sala on the Mixtur-Trautonium, performed in the Organpark by Peter Pichler on January 14th, 2023
 Tribute to: Durniok, Manfred 
 Collection: anp 

Moon sand flying up,

the camera on the chest --

like an erection.

Opstuivend maanzand,Mondsand wirbelt auf,
de camera op de borst --die Kamera auf der Brust --
als een erectie.wie eine Steife.

 Poem H3666
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-14
 A Voyage to the Moon - In seven parts (Manfred Durniok) - 1976
 Film: "lunar vehicle" - NASA footage and music by Oskar Sala on the Mixtur-Trautonium, performed in the Organpark by Peter Pichler on January 14th, 2023
 Tribute to: Durniok, Manfred 
 Collection: anp 

Work is play, falling

down and getting up again --

in the moon sandbox.

Werken is spelen,Die Arbeit ist Spiel,
met veel vallen en opstaan --fallen, wieder aufstehen --
in de Mondsandkasten.

 Poem H3667
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-14
 A Voyage to the Moon - In seven parts (Manfred Durniok) - 1976
 Film: NASA footage and music by Oskar Sala on the Mixtur-Trautonium, performed in the Organpark by Peter Pichler on January 14th, 2023
 Tribute to: Durniok, Manfred 
 Collection: anp 

A full moon tonight,

light pink like a peach, perfect --

and inedible.

Volle maan vannacht,Vollmond heute Nacht,
lichtroze als een perzik --hellrosa wie ein Pfirsich --
volmaakt, oneetbaar.perfekt, nichteßbar.

 Poem H3488
 Noordwijkerhout, 2022-10-06
 the masterpiece: light-pink moon, full (Gerrit Kouwenaar) - 1978
 Poem "het meesterwerk: lichtrose maan, vol" (collection "het meesterwerk: lichtrose maan, vol")
 Tribute to: Kouwenaar, Gerrit 
 Collection: Inwardings 

On the mountain road,

the moon hops along with me --

valley to valley.

Op de bergweg huptAuf der Bergstraße
de volle maan met me mee --hüpft der Vollmond mir voraus --
dal na dal na dal.Tal nach Tal nach Tal.

 Poem H3064
 Amsterdam, 2021-10-12
 Maintenance of the senses (Franco Faggiani) - 2018
 Novel "La manutenzione dei sensi"
 Tribute to: Faggiani, Franco 
 Collection: Thinkles Lusionless 

The full moon enchants

the city, I wonder why --

no one is looking.

De maan betovertDer Mond verzaubert
de stad, ik snap niet waarom --die Stadt, ich frag mich warum --
niemand ernaar kijkt.niemand es anschaut.

 Poem H2921
 Amsterdam, 2021-03-23
 Old Filth (Jane Gardam) - 2004
 Tribute to: Gardam, Jane 
 Collection: Shelter 

Many nights I walked

in the rain, under the moon --

as my clock pointer.

Nachtenlang liep ikNacht für Nacht ging ich
in de regen, met de maan --im Regen, unter dem Mond --
als mijn klokwijzer.als mein Uhrzeiger.

 Poem H2836
 Amsterdam, 2020-11-26
 Acquainted With The Night (Robert Frost) - 1928
 Poem (collection "West-Running Brook")
 Tribute to: Frost, Robert 
 Collection: Stream 

You don't share my love

for you, but this very night --

you too see the moon.

Mijn liefde voor jouAch, meine Liebe
deel jij niet, maar vanavond --teilst du nicht, doch heute Nacht --
zie ook jij de maan.siehst auch du den Mond.

 Poem H2789
 Amsterdam, 2020-10-04
 Even though you don't share (Nobuakira Minamoto) - 942
 Poem for a lady, on a moon night
 Tribute to: Minamoto, Nobuakira 

We are together,

but I am looking outside:

the bright autumn moon.

Het is gezellig,Es ist gesellig,
maar ik kijk stil naar buiten:doch ich schaue nach draußen:
heldere herfstmaan.der helle Herbstmond.

 Poem H2786
 Amsterdam, 2020-10-03
 The Pillow Book (Sei Sh?nagon) - 1002
 Diary "Makura no S?shi"
 Tribute to: Shonagon, Sei 
 Collection: Shelter 

The moon has returned,

not shining on my friend though --

who loved her so much.

De maan is er weer,Wieder der Mond,
al schijnt ze niet op mijn vriend --aber nicht für meinen Freund --
die zo van haar hield.der ihn sehr liebte.

 Poem S1061
 Amsterdam, 2020-10-03
 The moon is in time (Funtoki Sugawara) - 950
 Mourning Poem from "Japanese and Chinese Poems for Singing", No. 744
 Tribute to: Sugawara, Funtoki 
 Collection: VacantVoid 

Zywa Old moon

Only if I don't pay attention
I see my thoughts
reflected in the world

and myself as a full moon
in the light of mankind
with, here and there, some spots

of defects, blood
shrinkage and disability
and shadows of bragging

then I know myself so light
as if I were the sun
as if it were me

who makes the moons shine
and the seagulls scream out
the day over the canal

Only now that I pay attention
I see the moons of my life
we are old

my thoughts and I, my world
from the new to the old moon

 Poem 1174
 Amsterdam, 2017-03-09
 Collection: Moons 

Moon behind branches --

Don't think about it, but look:

moon behind branches.

Maan achter takken --Mond hinter Zweigen --
Kijk, denk er niets bij, maar kijk:Denk nichts dazu, aber schau:
maan achter takken.Mond hinter Zweigen.

 Poem H1134
 Amsterdam, 2015-05-03
 The moonlight through the high branches (Alberto Caeiro) - 1925
 Poem "O luar através dos altos ramos" (Fernando Pessoa)
 Tribute to: Caeiro, Alberto 
 Tribute to: Pessoa, Fernando 
 Collection: SoulSenseSun 

The cat does not move,

she is observing the moon --

the hypnotic ball.

De kat zit muisstilDie Katze sitzt still
de maan te observeren --und beobachtet den Mond --
de hypnosebal.der Hypnoseball.

 Poem H1079
 Amsterdam, 2014-12-04
 And the quiet cat (Jack Kerouac) - 1968
 Poem "And the quiet cat / sitting by the post / perceives the moon" (collection "Book of haikus", published in 2003)
 Tribute to: Kerouac, Jack 
 Collection: Held True 

Sweeps of sunset glow

are hazing under the moon --

born and bred of blood.

Vegen avondroodStriche Abendrot
nevelen onder de maan --schleiern sich under dem Mond --
uit bloed geboren.aus Blut geboren.

 Poem H0609
 Amsterdam, 2013-10-06
 Collection: Moons 

The pot on the stove

is cold, the food is eaten --

The moon passes by.

De pot op de stoofDer Topf auf dem Herd
is koud en leeggegeten --ist kalt und ausgegessen --
De maan gaat voorbij.Der Mond geht vorbei.

 Poem H0200
 Amsterdam, 2012-02-09
 Collection: Moons 

Once upon a time

there was a man in the moon --

and we called on him.

Er was eens een man-Ja, es war einmal
netje op de maan en wij --ein Männchen im Mond und wir --
gingen op bezoek.gingen zu Besuch.

 Poem S0009
 Amsterdam, 2011-12-01
 July 20th, 1969 - Neil Armstrong walks on the moon
 Collection: Migration 

The full moon is so

beautiful! to keep looking --

is só difficult.

Zie de volle maanSchaue, der Vollmond,
o zo mooi! blijven kijken --ja so schön! lange schauen --
is o zo ja so schwierig.

 Poem H0039
 Amsterdam, 2011-11-28
 Collection: Moons 

A full moon today,

I won't go to sleep for hours --

I will look at you.

Vannacht volle maan,Vollmond, bei weitem
ik ga nog lang niet slapen --gehe ich noch nicht schlafen --
en kijk steeds naar jou.Ich schaue dich an.

 Poem H0034
 Amsterdam, 2011-11-27
 Collection: Moons 


 Amsterdam, 2010-11-30
 Ballpoint pen on paper

A full moon, and I

lie and listen all night long --

to the silent night.

Volle maan, en ikVollmond, ich liege
lig heel lang te luisteren --und höre ganz lange zu --
naar de stille nacht.zu der stille Nacht.

 Poem H0001
 Amsterdam, 1992-09-25
 Collection: Moons 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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