Here too: forbidden,

my love! Nowhere there is place --

for a paradise!

Ook hier: verboden,Auch hier: verboten,
mijn liefde! Er is geen plaats --meine Liebe! Keinen Platz --
voor een paradijs!für ein Paradies!

 Poem S1972
 Amsterdam, 2023-10-22
 Departure (Arthur Rimbaud) - 1875
 Prose poem "Départ" (collection "Les Illuminations"), set to music in 1938-1939 by Benjamin Britten (opus 18)
 Tribute to: Rimbaud, Arthur 
 Collection: Love Mind and Death 

Zywa Paradise of guns and violence

A woman with a gun
Driven out. Cast out
by her neighbours

because she was killed internally
and could feel nothing
but pain and disgust

and because they too can
no longer believe who she was
at home, in the paradise

before the arrival of the men
who use you cruelly
until they discard you

and impale the broomstick
grandma's cane, their bayonet
or a bullet in you

The woman with the gun
wants to sleep again, to feel
the warmth of the sun again

She wants to defend
a new paradise, being awake
from the nightmare

of inhumanity
and free herself from the cage
of her broken body

 Poem 5090
 Amsterdam, 2023-03-06
 Our Bodies, Their Battlefield: what war does to women (Christina Lamb) - 2020
 Relief on the grounds of the Soviet War Memorial, Treptower Park, Berlin
Soviet War Memorial
Book by Christina Lamb

 Tribute to: Lamb, Christina 
 Collection: Bruises 

Zywa Hawai'i

Paradise is paved, everywhere
you can park in front of the door now
Pink walls and plastic flowers:
places where people like to be

Isn't it a shame that only afterwards
you open your eyes for what you had?
Paradise is paved, everywhere
you can park in front of the door now

All trees are saved, come, have a look
in the greenhouses of the museum!
It is not expensive to see them all
and you get bees and butterflies too!

There are greenhouses everywhere, no spots
on the apples, they won't even get brown
But last night the door slammed shut
and my beloved left in a big taxi

 Poem 4662
 Amsterdam, 2022-09-12
 Big Yellow Taxi (Joni Mitchell) - 1970
 Song (album "Ladies of the Canyon")
 Tribute to: Mitchell, Joni 
 Collection: The drama 

Zywa I don't cry

Here are people living
in wet boxes
and I don't cry
I am not campaigning
for an allocation in the budget

I feel alone
just like the others
in their houses and clean clothes
who already have so much to do
and who walk by embarrassed

with a friendly greeting
that cuts off a conversation
before it can begin
and who forget this quickly
before it becomes a problem

Sometimes we give money
What else can you do
but ponder your sin-
ful needs and spend
what you have got after that

 Poem 4222
 Amsterdam, 2021-12-13
 Another day in paradise (Phil Collins) - 1989
 Song "Another day in paradise" (album "But Seriously", 1989, Phil Collins)
 Tribute to: Collins, Phil 
 Collection: The drama 

The vast drowned country

has become a paradise --

full of water birds.

Het verdronken land:Ertrunkenes Land:
een paradijs geworden --ein Paradies geworden --
vol Wasservögeln.

 Poem H3076
 Train Amsterdam-Alkmaar, 2021-10-22
 Collection: Metamorphic body 

Zywa South Paradise

They have reached the South Paradise
the land of their dream
where life is good
But they are new ones

they don't know yet
of the gnats, the stable flies
and the high water over the fields
those long months

in which they'll be forced to drudge
cutting or baking stones
for the Great House
They know nothing

of the families in their huts
who died from measles and smallpox
nothing of the hunger
through hail and locusts

Everyone is welcome
within the invisible walls
on the fast legs
of armed horsemen

 Poem 3501
 Amsterdam, 2021-02-22
 Pharaoh = "Great House"

Exodus 8-10
3rd plague: gnats
4th plague: stable flies (swarms, dog-flies, stable flies)
5th plague: cattle-plague (pestilence, bubonic plague)
6th plague: smallpox (festering boils)
7th plague: hail
8th plague: locusts

 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
My Home 

Zywa One people

We wanted to go to the real paradise
out of the delusive dream
But we were loose

like the sand of the desert
and we couldn't go there
It was already occupied

We should have to fight
have to kill
people like us

So we are forged
into blood brothers, one people
of chosen under the eye

of a god with daggers
in the hands of his servants
under the paradise flag

that liberated us
from forced labour for the rich
who don't speak our language

We make detours
that walk over bodies
until we'll live there

 Poem 3503
 Amsterdam, 2021-02-22
 Exodus 32:25-28
 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
My Home 

Before the spring green,

for a short time: paradise --

with golden blossoms.

Vóór het lentegroen,Vor dem Frühlingsgrün
heel even: het paradijs --gibt es kurz das Paradies:
van gouden bloesems.goldene Blüten.

 Poem H2839
 Amsterdam, 2020-11-26
 Nothing Gold Can Stay (Robert Frost) - 1923
 Poem ("Yale Review" [October 1923], collection "New Hampshire")
 Tribute to: Frost, Robert 
 Collection: Stream 

The planet is full,

let's get out of here, follow --

me to paradise!

De aarde is vol,Die Erde ist voll,
we moeten hier weg, volg me --wir müssen hier raus, folge --
naar het paradijs!mir ins Paradies!

 Poem S1082
 Amsterdam, 2020-11-15
 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
My Home 

I am very sure,

paradises do exist --

because I lost one.

Ik weet het zeker,Ich bin mir sicher,
er bestaan paradijzen --es gibt Paradiese -- eins
ik verloor er een.hab ich verloren.

 Poem S1004
 Amsterdam, 2020-04-15
 Time regained (Marcel Proust) - 1927
 Novel "Le temps retrouvé"
 Tribute to: Proust, Marcel 
 Collection: Blankets of snow 

Zywa A stone from paradise

The giant that stopped me
was a wall on the bank
of the big river, far
beyond the palaces

where servants like angels
provided a heaven on earth
for princes and princesses and always

there were naked sages before the gate
begging to warn the people
that they shouldn't have any illusions

There was a small hatch in the wall
which opened for an old hand a moment
giving me an ordinary pebble

It was a stone from paradise
on the other side of the wall
It was smooth. What to do with it?

I am just such a stone, polished
by life and in the future
falling to dust, pity us

stones from paradise
on this side of the wall
where the kings suffer in seclusion
from boredom and the trouble
to keep it that way

 Poem 2286
 Amsterdam, 2019-06-20
 Alexander the Great (356-323) in Bharat (India), 326-325
 Collection: Metamorphic body 

Zywa Straw for everyone

Only now that I come back here
I see it as a paradise, this green land
the flowers, the golden grain
all the riches I thought to be normal

Now, the familiar overwhelms
my new eyes, filling me
with nostalgia even before
I think about leaving

Or will I stay for the rest
of my life, knowing very well
that it is soulheart work
to sleep together

wolf people and sheep people
cow, bear, and snake people
It is heartwork in paradise
for enough straw for everyone

 Poem 2284
 Amsterdam, 2019-06-19
 Isaiah 11:1-8
 Collection: Secrets & Believers 

Zywa The sun in the north

I passed on the stories
of my life at the table
That's how Muhammad learned to talk

and to long for the Young Age
of peace and justice -
a future we dream

more beautiful than reality
but still far away. Certain
are only the greed

and the hard work
until you get ill
and prepare

to leave
for Jazira in the north
where paradise awaits

 Poem 2220
 Amsterdam, 2019-04-25
 Aminah bint Wahab (AD 577)
 Collection: From Sacred Scriptures
The King 

Zywa La grande bellezza

The movie palace is charity
for fans and old people
helping them pass the time
I watch and I learn
the lines from Mama Capra

about the great beauty
of the dream of the senses
Giulietta is sent away
from the market, with her
homemade goat cheeses

At home in her little paradise
the former bed of the brook
now my daydream in the corner
at the entrance of the hall
bees are buzzing around

Would I rather play?
See myself?
In a hundred roles larger than life?

 Poem 1112
 Amsterdam, 2017-03-03
 New York Movie (Edward Hopper) - 1939
Film "Shirley: visions of reality (2013, Gustav Deutsch)

 Tribute to: Hopper, Edward 
 Tribute to: Deutsch, Gustav 
 Collection: NightWatch 

With wet feet, the storks

easily potter about --

amidst lots of food.

Met natte voetenMit nassen Füßen
lopen de ooievaars rond --gehen die Störche herum --
tussen hun ihrem Essen.

 Poem H1160
 Melchnau, 2015-05-14
 Collection: The drama 

We build walls around

our replicate paradise --

it is almost real.

We bouwen murenWir ummauerten
om ons namaakparadijs --unser Kopieparadies --
het is bijna ist fast wie echt.

 Poem H0064
 Amsterdam, 2011-12-13
 Collection: Migration 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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