Daddy, can we leave?

Do you know what's for dinner?

Can I choose it, please?

Pap, wanneer gaan we?Papa, gehen wir?
Weet je al wat we eten?Weißt du schon, was wir essen?
Mag ik het kiezen?Kann ich es wählen?

 Poem H4498
 Amsterdam, 2024-02-05
 Living with Lidewij (Bert Natter) - 2022
 Biographical account "Leven met Lidewij"
 Tribute to: Natter, Bert 
 Collection: On the fly 

People are questions,

asked to questions, and sometimes --

there are half answers.

Mensen zijn vragen,Menschen sind Fragen,
gesteld aan vragen, en soms --an Fragen gestellt, manchmal --
halve antwoorden.halbe Antworten.

 Poem H3695
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-31
 Elegy about a dead labrador (Lars Gustafsson) - 1982
 In reference to the closing sentence "Du var en fråga, riktad till en annan fråga bara, och ingendera hade den andras svar." ("You were a question, directed at another question only, and neither had the other's answer.") of the poem "Elegi över en död labrador": man and dog are questions to one another
Collection "Världens tystnad före Bach"

 Tribute to: Gustafsson, Lars 
 Collection: Specialities 

So it happened there,

by the old castle-tower --

How old is it then?

Het gebeurde dusDa ist es also
daar, bij de oude toren --passiert, dort, beim alten Turm --
Hoe oud is die dan?Wie alt ist er denn?

 Poem S1442
 Amsterdam, 2022-06-30
 The tower (Luc Huybrechts) - 2004
 Poem "De toren" (collection "Linkeroever")
 Tribute to: Huybrechts, Luc 
 Collection: Over 

Mama, what is death?

That is the end of one's life.

And life, what is life?

Mama, wat is dood?Mama, was ist tot?
Dat je ophoudt te leven.Dass du aufhörst zu leben.
En wat is leven?Und was ist leben?

 Poem H2627
 Amsterdam, 2019-11-17
 Collection: I am 

Looking up to me

for an answer, you find it --

with a question mark.

Naar mij opkijkendDu guckst mich an, fragst
voor een antwoord, vind jij het --nach Antwort, und findest sie --
met een Fragezeichen.

 Poem H2413
 Amsterdam, 2019-03-24
 A Frisian does not cry (Gerrit Krol) - 1980
 Novel "Een Fries huilt niet", chapter 10.1
 Tribute to: Krol, Gerrit 
 Collection: Moist glow 

Zywa The asking animal

If only the little animal could
understand everything
no questions unanswered
when it dies

It does not live long enough
and flying is the time
of hundred wonderful times
of playing to die, the time

of asking again and again why
thus, this or that, and how
curiously cutting and pasting
knowledge, screaming

and throwing away angrily
lying down exhausted
and cry, but still
starting over once more

rearrange or discard
the half answers
and go looking
for new data

always ask another question
principally blind
full of confidence
that there will be an answer

 Poem 2059
 Amsterdam, 2019-01-26
 Collection: I am 

A threethinker thinks

about questions, the answers --

he doesn't want to hear.

Een vrijdenker denktEin Freidenker denkt
aan vragen, de antwoorden --an Fragen, die Antworten --
wil hij niet horen.will er nicht hören.

 Poem S0802
 Amsterdam, 2018-10-03
 A happy smile (Andreas Burnier) - 1965
 Novel "Een tevreden lach"
 Tribute to: Burnier, Andreas 
 Collection: Unseen 

Zywa The apple

I do remember
windows, disappeared

somewhere in the invisible
building, outside

the half egg of space
that creates a weak light

in the darkness -
floating dust particles

and a flat floor field
of vibrating spots

in which, bitten, beside a cover
the apple of questioning shines:

what do I see
where am I

in what way is it developing
whither, wherefore, since when

why is this so
and who am I then?

 Poem 1048
 Amsterdam, 2017-02-20
 Chaincurve II (David Dramm) - 2011
 Composition, performed on November 12th, 2011 and November 3rd, 2013 in the Organpark
The 7 W's: Why/What to/for What/Wherefore (vision), Whither/Where to/What result (mission), Who, What, When, What way, Where

 Collection: org anp ark 

Zywa Please let us

Please behave normally
Let's go out together and
talk about all sorts of things

but not about me
because, when I let you speak
nothing seems to stay in place:

with daring explorations
of questions I don't have yet
you set my thoughts in motion

You drive them apart
and confused I leave you
Please let us be friends

 Poem 131
 Rovio, 2009-07-13
 Quatio - Disquatio - Discutio
chasing apart - setting in motion - discussion, conversation

 Collection: Freend 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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