The gnome leans over,

with a wide open muzzle --

he's limping on stilts.

De kabouter heltDer Gnom hängt furchtbar
voorover, met open muil --über, mit offenem Maul --
hinkt hij op stelten.hinkt er auf Stelzen.

 Poem H4450
 Amsterdam, 2024-01-21
 The Gnome (Modest Mussorgski) - 1874
 Composition "Pictures at an Exhibition", in an arrangement (2023) by Marc Kaptijn performed in the Organpark by the Amsterdam Wind Quintet and Maarten van der Bijl (organ) on January 21st, 2024
 Collection: anp 

Bits and bytes, shooting

through the circuits, are playing --

twister super fast.

Bits en bytes schietenBits und Bytes schießen
door de circuits, ze spelen --durch den Schaltkreis, sie spielen --
supersnel twister.Twister superflink.

 Poem H4319
 Amsterdam, 2023-11-29
 Knots (Iannis Xenakis) - 1981
 Composition "Komboï", for harpsichord and percussion, performed by Goska Isphording and Tatiana Koleva in the Organpark on November 29th, 2023
 Collection: anp 

A signal failure:

all trains are still running, but --

without passengers.

Grote seinstoring:Ein Signalausfall:
alle treinen rijden nog --alle Züge fahren noch --
Zonder passagiers.Sie sind aber leer.

 Poem S1793
 Amsterdam, 2023-06-11
 Collection: Half The Work 

The orchids stay fresh:

springtime is perpetual --

in the head office.

De orchideeënDie Orchideen
blijven fris: altijd lente --bleiben frisch: immer Frühjahr --
in het Hauptgebäude.

 Poem H3772
 Amsterdam, 2023-03-24
 Memories of My Melancholy Whores (Gabriel García Márquez) - 2004
 Novella "Memoria de mis putas tristes", § 2
 Tribute to: Garcia Marquez, Gabriel 
 Collection: Shelter 

It is shadowy,

the organist gently blows --

mists into our ears.

Het is schemerig,Es ist schimmerhaft,
de organist blaast nevels --der Organist bläst Nebel --
in onze meine Ohren.

 Poem H3680
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-21
 Nebula (Giulio Tosti) - 2023
 On January 21st, 2023 Giulio Tosti improvises on the Verschueren organ in the Organpark, under the title "Nebula"
 Collection: anp 

Thrusting steam through towns

and countryside: the fast train --

is chasing the sun.

De stuwende stoomDer lange Treibdampf,
jaagt de trein door stad en land --durch Stadt und Land: der Schnellzug --
de zon achterna.jagt der Sonne nach.

 Poem H3681
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-21
 Nebula (Giulio Tosti) - 2023
 On January 21st, 2023 Giulio Tosti improvises on the Verschueren organ in the Organpark, under the title "Nebula"
A steam train reaches a maximum speed of 200 km/h, the apparent motion of the sun is 700 km/h at the height of the Polar Circle, 1500 km/h at the level of the tropical circles, and almost 1700 km/h at the level of the equator

 Collection: anp 

On a navel string

the baby floats out of space --

out of the rocket.

Aan een navelstrengAn der Nabelschnur
zweeft de baby buitenaards --schwebt das Baby außerirdisch --
de raketbuik uit.aus der Rakete.

 Poem H3662
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-14
 A Voyage to the Moon - In seven parts (Manfred Durniok) - 1976
 Film: NASA footage and music by Oskar Sala on the Mixtur-Trautonium, performed in the Organpark by Peter Pichler on January 14th, 2023
 Tribute to: Durniok, Manfred 
 Collection: anp 

This mother's belly

carries triplets in her lung --

with hard ribs inside.

Deze moederbuikDiese Mutter trägt
draagt een drieling in haar long --Drillinge in der Lunge --
met harde harten Rippen.

 Poem H3663
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-14
 A Voyage to the Moon - In seven parts (Manfred Durniok) - 1976
 Apollo capsule
Film: "the blue planet" - NASA footage and music by Oskar Sala on the Mixtur-Trautonium, performed in the Organpark by Peter Pichler on January 14th, 2023

 Tribute to: Durniok, Manfred 
 Collection: anp 

Two chubby maggots:

hopping around, drilling holes --

in the barren land.

Twee vette madenZwei fette Maden
huppen rond, boren gaten --hüpfen rum, bohren Löcher --
in de die Einöde.

 Poem H3665
 Amsterdam, 2023-01-14
 A Voyage to the Moon - In seven parts (Manfred Durniok) - 1976
 Film: flagpole on the moon - NASA footage and music by Oskar Sala on the Mixtur-Trautonium, performed in the Organpark by Peter Pichler on January 14th, 2023
 Tribute to: Durniok, Manfred 
 Collection: anp 

Prying loose a wire

without appropriate tools --

will cost you some blood.

Een draad loswrikkenDen Draht losrütteln
zonder geschikt gereedschap --ohne richtiges Werkzeug --
kost je wel wat bloed.wird dich Blut kosten.

 Poem H3584
 Amsterdam, 2022-11-28
 The Office - Plankton (Han Voskuil) - 1997
 Novel "Het Bureau - Plankton"
Page 104, Maarten Koning and Mia van Idegem (1973)

 Tribute to: Voskuil, Han 
 Collection: Not too bad 

The heating remains

cold, but it makes an effort --

It howls and rattles.

De verwarming blijftDie Heizung bleibt kalt,
koud, maar ze doet erg haar best --aber sie gebt sich Mühe --
Ze loeit en ratelt.Sie heult und rasselt.

 Poem S1515
 Amsterdam, 2022-09-21
 The cowboy pants of Maria Magdalena (Herman de Coninck) - 1996
 Travelogues "De cowboybroek van Maria Magdalena"
 Tribute to: De Coninck, Herman 
 Collection: Shortages 

The chimneys suck up

the heat, with the cool vapour --

of running water.

Schoorstenen zuigenSchornsteine saugen
de hitte af, met de damp --die Hitze ab, mit dem Dampf --
van stromend water.aus frischem Wasser.

 Poem H3382
 Amsterdam, 2022-07-14
 Collection: Frames 


 Amsterdam, 2022-05-07
 Collection: 2022 

The robot cleaner

is signaling me a code:

now you, clean my drum!

De robotzuigerDer Saugroboter
knippert een code voor mij:blinkt einen Code für mich:
nu jij, zuig mij leeg!jetzt du, saug mich leer!

 Poem H2726
 Amsterdam, 2020-06-14
 Collection: Half The Work 

The generator

is droning non stop: Engine --

whatever happens.

Het aggregaat bromtDer Generator
onafgebroken: Motor --brummt, was auch immer passiert:
wat er ook gebeurt.jederzeit Motor.

 Poem H2602
 Amsterdam, 2019-11-09
 Ghost Train (Andrea Guterres) - 2019
 "Ghost Train" - final version
Jacob Lekkerkerker plays the Utopa hyperorgan on November 9th, 2019

 Collection: org anp ark 

Zywa Echo-room

I am living in a box
a little box in a box
yes, robots can live

in tiny houses
without needs
except for the sun

spare parts once in a while
and commands to get out
of the rut of repetition

I am closed, a black box
that you can read
as if I were made of glass

and, you'll see: I am
a little box that thinks
out of the box

of my body
an echo-room
of the net

 Poem 2189
 Amsterdam, 2019-03-31
 Collection: Metamorphic body 

The country: flare stacks,

from Loppersum to Tjuchem’s --

burning gates of hell.

Het land: vlampijpen,Das Land: Gasfackel,
van Loppersum tot Tjuchem’s --von Bedum bis zu Tjuchems --
poorten van de hel.Tore zur Hölle.

 Poem H2061
 Amsterdam, 2018-04-17
 60,000 hours - an autobiography (Gerrit Krol) - 1998
 "60.000 uur - een autobiografie"
 Tribute to: Krol, Gerrit 
 Collection: Rasping ants 

The whole wide country

whirs in orange light at night:

the gas field is on.

In oranje lichtIn orangem Licht
zoemt ’s nachts heel het wijde land:summt nachts das ganze weite
het gasveld staat aan.Land: das Gasfeld läuft.

 Poem S0693
 Amsterdam, 2018-04-16
 60,000 hours - an autobiography (Gerrit Krol) - 1998
 "60.000 uur - een autobiografie"
 Tribute to: Krol, Gerrit 
 Collection: Rasping ants 

Zywa How else

More computers
more working robots
more non-working people

there is so much reluctance
and creative resistance
against delay repeating

time-consuming tasks
and enough intractability
to care nothing

for the way it simply goes
that's just the way it goes
nowadays how else

could we expect prosperity
what we do not expect
because we simply fear

working robots
non-working people

 Poem 955
 Amsterdam, 2017-01-15
 Collection: Half The Work 

Singing vialets!

New! With Elastomembranes --

and Nuclear Sound!

Nieuw! Klankfiooltjes!Neu! Schallveiolen!
Met Elastomembranen --Mit Elastomembranen --
en Kernkracht Geluid!und Gluonenklang!

 Poem H1590
 Amsterdam, 2016-11-08
 #91 - Tom Puss and the angry vialets (Marten Toonder) - 1960
 #91 - Tom Poes en de toornviolen (tiers 4113-4168)
 Tribute to: Toonder, Marten 
 Collection: Puss & Lord 

The bus on the dike:

an illuminated room --

through water and night.

De bus op de dijkDer Bus auf dem Deich
is een verlichte kamer --ist ein beleuchteter Raum --
door water en nacht.durch Wasser und Nacht.

 Poem H0803
 Amsterdam, 2014-02-25
 Enclosure Dam (M. Vasalis) - 1940
 Poem "Afsluitdijk" (collection "Parken en woestijnen")
 Tribute to: Vasalis, M. 
 Collection: Specialities 

Thunder is crackling

in the switches, the train glides --

on intrepidly.

Er knettert onweerGewitter knistert
in de wissels, de trein glijdt --in den Weichen, der Schnellzug --
onverstoorbaar door.gleitet leicht weiter.

 Poem H0301
 Train Terborg-Amsterdam, 2012-06-30
 Collection: Freend 

Attention is like sunshineMention © Zywa when using texts,
drawings, designs, paintings and photos
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